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File metadata and controls

619 lines (502 loc) · 17.1 KB

Use as a library

This document describes each of the main components of the policy-engine library. See the run command for an end-to-end example that uses the components together.

Parsing IaC configurations

The input package provides facilities to detect and load IaC configurations and to transform them into the format used by the engine package.


The input package contains several Detector implementations that are responsible for detecting and parsing IaC configurations. Callers should use the DetectorByInputTypes function to obtain a Detector for some set of input types:

detector, err := input.DetectorByInputTypes(
if err != nil {
	return err

The Detectable interface

The input to the detector will be one of the concrete Detectable implementations:


You can obtain these types either by instantiating them directly for a specific path, like:

// Note that these types take an afero.Fs:
f := input.File{
	Path: "path/to/some_file.json",
	Fs: afero.OsFs{},

d := input.Directory{
	Path: "path/to/some_directory",
	Fs: afero.OsFs{},

There is also a helper which will check whether or not a path points to a directory and return the appropriate type:

d := NewDetectable(afero.OsFs{}, "some/path")

Recursing through directory contents

The input.Directory type has a Walk() method that can be used to recurse through its contents. Walk() takes a WalkFunc function, which is invoked with each input.Detectable in the directory tree. If WalkFunc returns true, Walk will not recurse further in the current path. If WalkFunc returns a non-nil error, Walk will halt and bubble up the error.

WalkFunc also takes a depth argument which can be used to stop recursing after a certain depth. depth is a 0-based representation of how many levels deep the recursion is relative to the initial call, meaning that depth will be 0 for the children of the directory.


This is a simple example that loads directories recursively.

loader := input.NewLoader(detector)
dir := input.Directory{
	Path: "some_directory",
	Fs: afero.OsFs{},
walkFunc := func(d Detectable, depth int) (bool, error) {
	// loader.Load returns true if the detectable contained an IaC configuration and was
	// successfully loaded.	We want to keep recursing in either case.
	_, err := loader.Load(d, input.DetectOptions{})
	return false, err
if err := dir.Walk(walkFunc); err != nil {
	// ...

An example that builds on the previous one to stop recursing after a certain depth:

loader := input.NewLoader(detector)
dir := input.Directory{
	Path: "some_directory",
	Fs: afero.OsFs{},
walkFunc := func(d Detectable, depth int) (bool, error) {
	_, err := loader.Load(d, input.DetectOptions{})
	return depth > 3, err
if err := dir.Walk(walkFunc); err != nil {
	// ...


The Loader type is responsible for invoking a detector on some input, storing the parsed IaC configuration, and later producing a []models.State with all of its configurations for use with the engine package.

Loader keeps track internally of loaded files and will not load them twice.

loader := input.NewLoader(detector)
loaded, err := loader.Load(*input.File{
	Fs: afero.OsFs{},
	Path: "cloudformation.yaml",
if err != nil {
	// ...
if !loaded {
	// ...
states := loaded.ToStates()


This example treats all errors as non-fatal and, instead, tracks them in a map by filepath.

package main

import (


func example(paths []string) {
	// Initialize the detector
	detector, err := input.DetectorByInputTypes(
	if err != nil {
		// ...
	loader := input.NewLoader(detector)
	// Tracking errors by filepath
	errorsByPath := map[string]error{}
	// Defining a function to reduce code duplication
	load := func(d input.Detectable) {
		if _, err := loader.Load(d, input.DetectOptions{}); err != nil {
			errorsByPath[d.GetPath()] = err
	fsys := afero.OsFs{}
	for _, p := range paths {
		detectable, err := input.NewDetectable(fsys, p)
		if err != nil {
			errorsByPath[p] = err
		if dir, ok := detectable.(input.Directory); ok {
			// Our WalkFunc will only traverse three levels deep into the file tree.
			walkFunc := func(d input.Detectable, depth int) (bool, error) {
				return depth >= 3, nil
			if err := dir.Walk(walkFunc); err != nil {
				return errorsByPath[p] = err
		} else if _, ok := errorsByPath[p]; !ok {
			// This condition hits if the path:
			// * points to a file
			// * was not loaded as an IaC configuration
			// * does not already have another error associated with it
			errorsByPath[p] = fmt.Errorf("No recognized input in given file")
	if loader.Count() < 1 {
		// ...
	// Add any non-fatal errors the loaders encountered
	for p, errs := range loader.Errors() {
		errorsByPath[p] = append(errorsByPath[p], errs...)
	// Transform the loaded configurations into a slice of State structs
	states := loader.ToStates()
	// ...

Obtaining input types for the DetectorByInputTypes function

The input package has a SupportedInputTypes variable that defines which input types it can parse. You can use the input.SupportedInputTypes.FromString(inputType) method to translate a string representation of an input type (for example from CLI arguments or a configuration file) into an input.Type object which can be used with the DetectorByInputTypes function.

Error handling

The errors returned by the input package can be differentiated with the errors.Is() function from the errors standard library package. All of these errors are defined in pkg/input/errors.go and have inline documentation.


Custom resource resolution

The library's caller can customize the behavior of the snyk.query builtin using Golang functions injected into EngineOptions. The main use case of this is to fetch resources from places other than the input.

As a concrete example, let's imagine a CLI to scan IaC files for security issues. Policy authors might want to write policies that mix cloud resources with static config, to enrich the static analysis with some dynamic context, and potentially suppress noisy false positives (that are only false in the context of some concrete environments).

First, they'll implement the policy.ResourcesResolver function signature:

func getCloudResources(ctx context.Context, query policy.ResourcesQuery) (policy.ResourcesResult, error) {
	// The "region" input scope field will not be set by IaC config loaders. If it
	// is present, the resolver chain will be invoked for that query, leading us
	// here. If it is still not set, then this query must be for something else,
	// and we should pass on it.
	if _, ok := query.Scope["region"]; !ok {
		return policy.ResourcesResult{ScopeFound: false}, nil

	resources := fetchResourcesFromCloud(query.ResourceType, query.Scope["region"])
	return policy.ResourcesResult{
		ScopeFound: true,
		Resources:	resources,
	}, nil

Then, they can inject that into the engine's resolver chain at evaluation time:

	engine, err := upe.NewEngine(ctx, &upe.EngineOptions{
	results := engine.Eval(ctx, &engine.EvalOptions{
		ResourcesResolver: policy.ResourcesResolver(getCloudResources),

Policies that make use of the "region" input scope field, which will not be set by IaC-specific config loaders, such as:

resources := snyk.query({
  "resource_type": "aws_cloudtrail",
  "scope": {
    "region": "us-east-1",

Will trigger the resolver chain, causing the user-defined getCloudResources to be called. This function can then fetch the requested resources from the Cloud API directly.

Evaluating policies


The Engine type is responsible for evaluating some States with a given set of policies.


The types that implement the bundle.Reader interface will read and parse a bundle into modules and data documents that can be used by an Engine.


bundle.TarGzReader is a bundle.Reader that reads from an io.Reader that that contains a .tar.gz file.

package main

import ""

func main() {
	// ...
	f, err := os.Open(path)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer f.Close()
	reader, err := bundle.NewTarGzReader(path, f)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// ...


bundle.DirReader is a bundle.Reader that reads from a local directory that conforms to the bundle spec.

package main

import ""

func main() {
	// ...
	// where path is a path to a local directory
	reader := bundle.NewDirReader(path)
	// ...


bundle.FSReader is a bundle.Reader that reads from a directory that conforms to the bundle spec via a given io.FS implementation.

package main

import (


//go:embed bundle_dir
var embeddedBundle embed.FS

func main() {
	// ...
	reader := bundle.NewFSReader("bundle_dir", embeddedBundle)
	// ...


The data.Provider type is a function that provides parsed OPA modules and data documents to some consumer. The data package includes a few Provider implementations.


data.FSProvider() produces a provider function for the given filesystem. This is useful for policies that are embedded via the go:embed directive:

package main

import (


//go:embed policies
var policiesFS embed.FS

// The second argument here is the name of the directory where the provider should
// search for policies and data documents.
var policiesProvider = data.FSProvider(policiesFS, "policies")

func main() {
	// ...


data.LocalProvider() produces a provider function over some local path. That path could point to either a file or directory.

package main

import ""

func main() {
	// ...
	providers := make([]data.Provider, len(paths))
	for idx, path := range paths {
		providers[idx] = data.LocalProvider(path)

Differences between the bundle and data packages

  • The bundle package is intended to load files and directories that conform to the bundle specification, whereas the data package can be used to load and combine arbitrary Rego code and data documents.
  • Each bundle is evaluated in its own context - meaning that separate bundles can contain overlapping package names and not interfere with each other.


package main

import ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// ...
	eng := engine.NewEngine(ctx, &engine.EngineOptions{
		// BundleReaders contains bundle.Reader objects. See above for descriptions
		// of the reader implementations included in this library.
		BundleReaders: readers,
		// This is an optional instance of the logger.Logger interface. This interface is
		// compatible with the one provided by the snyk/go-common library. The logger
		// package also contains an implementation of this interface.
		Logger:		logger,
		// This is an optional instance of the metrics.Metrics interface. This interface is
		// compatible with the one provided by the snyk/go-common library. The metrics
		// package also contains an implementation of this interface.
		Metrics:	 m,

	// Errors that occurred during the initialization process will be contained in
	// eng.Errors
	for _, err := range eng.Errors {
		if err != nil {
			// Checking for specific errors
			switch {
			case errors.Is(err, engine.ErrFailedToReadBundle):
				// ...
			case errors.Is(err, engine.FailedToLoadRules):
				// ...
				// ...

	// This function returns a *models.Results
	results := eng.Eval(ctx, &engine.EvalOptions{
		// This option is used to determine which policies are executed. When this option is
		// empty or unspecified, all policies will be run.
		RuleIDs:	 selectedPolicies,
		// Inputs is a []models.State, like the output of the loader.ToStates()
		// described above.
		Inputs: states,
		// ResourceResolvers is a list of functions that return a resource state for
		// the given ResourceRequest. They will be invoked in order until a result is
		// returned with ScopeFound set to true.
		ResourcesResolvers []policy.ResourcesResolver,


Error handling

The errors returned by the NewEngine function can be differentiated with the errors.Is() function from the errors standard library package. All of these errors are defined in pkg/engine/errors.go and have inline documentation.

NOTE that Eval does not currently return an error. Errors that occur during rule evaluation will be returned in the Errors field of the corresponding RuleResults model in the output.


Post-processing of results

Source code location and line numbers

The AddSourceLocs function from the policy engine's postprocess package performs a post-processing step that annotates results with source code locations, like:

  "location": [
      "filepath": "examples/",
      "line": 29,
      "column": 1


Building on top of both the "parsing IaC configurations" example and the "evaluating policies" example:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Code that initializes a loader and produces results with engine from the
	// previous examples
	// ...

	// AddSourceLocs modifies the results object in-place to add source
	// code locations to resources and properties for supported input types.
	postprocess.AddSourceLocs(results, loader)

Filtering down resources

You can use the ResourceFilter function from postprocess to limit the resources appearing in the output. This filters down the resources state in the output to only the matching resources. It also narrows down the rule results to that refer to at least one of these matching resources.


var results *models.Results
// Code to produce the results
// ...
postprocess.ResourceFilter(results, func(resource *models.ResourceState) bool {
	if region, ok := resource.Meta["region"].(string); ok {
		strings.Contains(region, "us-gov")
	return false

Applying custom severities

You can use the ApplyCustomSeverities function from postprocess to overwrite the severities for certain rules. Setting any severity to "None" removes that rule from the output.


var results *models.Results
// Code to produce the results
// ...
postprocess.ApplyCustomSeverities(results, postprocess.CustomSeverities{
	"SNYK-CC-00097": "Low",
	"SNYK-CC-TF-10": "None",