Changelog - see for conventions
- GitLab compatibility
- upgraded to Spring Boot 2.2.6
- migrated tests to Junit 5
- upgraded some UI dependencies to fix vulnerabilities
- issue #36 : now controllers start when using starter
- issue #37 : adding a controller to enable proper refresh of UI
- issue #39 : fixing fonts in UI
- proper UI code, with everything to build and test it
- PR #17 : now monitoring the incoming bulk actions
- upgraded to CI-droid extensions 1.0.9 : now DeleteResourceAction is available
- [BREAKING] PR #19 : Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1.3 / Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR1 - some properties name have changed
- optimized Travis config - running Java tests only once now
- added a first version of ready to use GUI. Will be replaced in next version
- upgraded to ci-droid-extensions 1.0.6
- upgraded to ci-droid-internal-api 1.0.5
- pullRequestTitle in Swagger doc
- upgraded to ci-droid-extensions 1.0.5
- upgraded to ci-droid-internal-api 1.0.4
- [Swagger] doc for new field (pullRequestName) in PullRequestGitHubInteraction
- [Swagger] list of available actions is now dynamic
- [Swagger] config is now included in auto-config
- now using OAuth token - related to societe-generale/ci-droid-tasks-consumer#8
- Swagger API documentation
- upgraded dependencies to ci-droid-internal-api and extensions
- mainClass in spring-boot-maven-plugin config was incorrect (was a copy/paste mistake from another project)
- internal-api and extensions were declared as 1.0.1 in root pom.xml, but overridden as 1.0.0 in child pom -> removing the overriding.
- updated to internal-api and extensions 1.0.1
- now can release with Travis
- changed Maven group name (from cidroid to ci-droid) so that it's consistent with other CI droid modules
- refactored following recommendations from
first version !