- GridInputFile
- NDVIInputFile
- PointAttribute
- PointDataset
- Paddock
- BuildResult
- PaddockBuildResults
Main Configs:
- SampleLocationConfig
- SoilMapConfig
- YLFConfig
- ImageConfig
Sub Configs:
- SampleLocationGenerator
- SoilMapGenerator
- YLFGenerator
- ImageGenerator
- DataProcessor
- SampleAlignProcessor
- KMeansProcessor
- CLHCProcessor
- PTFProcessor
- SplineProcessor
- KrigingProcessor
- RegressionProcessor
- MixProcessor
- BLAProcessor
* GridInputFile - For holding information related to the input file
* @param uid:String - A unique identifier
* @param metricType:String - The property that has been measured
* @param file:URL - the location of the file
* @param fileType:MetricFormat.Value - can be Tiff, NetCDF or GDAL_VRT. eg use MetricFormat.Tiff
* @param depth:Option[(Double,Double)] = None - Use if the input has a depth range (eg clay 10 to 30 cm)
* @param isModel:Boolean = false - Use if the input is modeled and not measured directly. @shaz perhaps this should be changed to isIndirect, or something
* @param category:Option[String] = None - @shaz, not sure
case class GridInputFile(uid:String, metricType:String, file:URL, fileType:MetricFormat.Value, depth:Option[(Double,Double)] = None, isModel:Boolean = false, category:Option[String] = None)
@shaz, should we include the dates in these?
* NDVIInputFile - Special input that holds information for calculating the NDVI from the red and nir bands
* @param id:String - identifier for the NDVIInputFile
* @param red:GridInputFile - contains the red band data
* @param nir:GridInputFile - contains the near infrared band data
* @param bounds:Polygon - The boundary of the paddock @shaz not sure if this is needed as the paddock object also takes bounds
case class NDVIFile(id:String, red:GridInputFile, nir:GridInputFile)
* PointAttribute - For holding information about a reading/test on a particular soil attribute
* @param attribute:String - name of the soil attribute. Either number or string depending on result (eg soil colour: "brown", pH: 8.3)
* @param value:Any - associated value of the attribute
* @param `type`:Option[String] = None - either string or number. @shaz not sure, was this going to be static or dynamic?
* @param units:Option[String] = None - associated units of the value (eg %, mg/mol)
* @param other:Option[String] = None - other description that may have come with the result
case class Result(attribute:String,value:Any,`type`:Option[String] = None, units:Option[String] = None,other:Option[String] = None)
* PointDataset - For holding information about a soil sample
* @param id:String - identifier for the PointDataset
* @param alignedGridValues:Option[Map[String,Double]] - The gridInput data that is closest to the PointDataset location. @shaz Should we make a formal method?
* @param attributes:Seq[PointAttribute] - Array of PointAttribute(s) that were measured from this sample
* @param location:Coordinate - @shaz should we change to (lat,lon) so we don't have to force the user to use import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate?
* @param depthFromTo:(Double,Double) - The depth range starting from shallower to deeper
* @param dateTaken:Date - The date that the sample was taken (java.util.Date)
* @param paddockId:Option[String] = None - @shaz Is this relevant as this will be inputs into the paddock object
case class PointDataset(id:String, alignedGridValues:Option[Map[String,Double]], attributes:Seq[PointAttribute], location:Coordinate, depthFromTo:(Double,Double), dateTaken:Date, paddockId:Option[String] = None)
* Paddock - For holding information about the paddock and fit the input data to the bounds and gird. Used for inputs into the Soiltech generators
* @param GridFiles:Iterable[GridInputFile] - Array of all the GridInputFile(s) for the paddock
* @param bounds:Polygon - The boundary of the paddock
* @param soilPointDataArray:Iterable[PointDataset] - Array of PointDataset within the paddock bounds
* @param ndviFile:Iterable[NDVIInputFile]=List() - Array of all the NDVIInputFile(s) for the paddock
* @param id:Optional[String] = None - Optional identifier
case class Paddock(otherGridFiles:Iterable[MetricFile], bounds:Polygon, soilPointDataArray:Iterable[PointDataset],ndviFile:Iterable[NDVIFile], = List(); id:Optional[String] = None)
* BuildResult - For holding information related to the input file
* @param name:String
* @param depth:Option[(Double,Double)] = None - Use if the input has a depth range (eg clay 10 to 30 cm)
* @param data:RDD[PointFeature[Double]] - The
* @param histogram:Option[Histogram[Double]]
* @param isModel:Boolean = false - Use if the input is modeled and not measured directly. @shaz perhaps this should be changed to isIndirect, or something
* @param category:Option[String] = None
case class BuildResult(name:String,
isModeled:Boolean = false,
category:Option[String] = None,
group:Option[String] = None
) extends AbsBuildResult[PointFeature[Double]]
* PaddockBuildResults - For holding information related to the input file
* @param paddockId:String - The id of the paddock
* @param results:Iterable[BuildResult] - a list of BuildResult(s)
case class PaddockBuildResults(paddockId:String,results:Iterable[BuildResult])
The generators are the methods that generate PaddockBuildResults. Depending on the user defined setting, the generators will produce the corresponding PaddockBuildResults.
Typically, generators take an Array of paddocks in their constructor.
The Config object will define how the generator will run. Therefore, before running a generator, the user needs to build a corresponding config object.
The generator will run using the .run() or .build() method.
* SampleLocationConfig - For finding optimal locations to take soil samples
* @param zones number of KMeans zones to created
* @param metrics set of the metrics (Dimensions) used in this process
* @param subSample When set perform a stratified sub sampling on each of the zones
case class SampleLocationGenerator(zones:Int,metrics:Seq[KMeansMetricConfig],subSample:Option[LHCConfig] = None)
* SampleLocationGenerator
* @param paddocks:Iterable[Paddock]
* SoilMapConfig - For creating new Farm Soil Maps
* @param sampleField:String - the soil attribute to project results
* @param samples:Option[Seq[SamplePoint]] - The soil samples
* @param depths:List[(Double,Double)] - the depth range to project across
* @param metrics:List[String] - @shaz
* @param includeLatLong:Option[Boolean] - if true, will include lats and lons int the regression model
* @param includePaddockId:Option[Boolean] - if true, @shaz
* @param clipRange:Option[(Double,Double)] - set the max and min of the projected results, clips if outside
* @param filterExtremeValues:Option[Boolean] - if true, will filter extreme values
* @param mixRatio:Double = 0.5 - the ratio to mix the additional soil attribute
* @param mixMetric:Option[String] - the additional soil attribute
* @param krigMethod:Option[String] - krig method
* @param splineDepths:Option[List[(Double,Double)]] - @shaz
* @param groupNearPaddocks:Option[Boolean] - will group paddocks that are close to each other to krig across
* @param sumProfile:Option[Boolean] - will calculate to total sum of the profile from the SamplePoint(s)
case class SoilMapConfig(sampleField:String,
// extra things to include in regression model
// user supplied range to use for results (colours on map)
// remove samples that are outside of
// colour style
// mixing result with another map
mixRatio:Double = 0.5,
// kriging method (advanced)
// depths to project results to
* SoilMapGenerator
* @param paddocks:Iterable[Paddock]
* YLFConfig
* @param boundaryFields:List[String]
* @param degrees:Option[Int]
* @param filterMode:Option[String]
* @param filterAmount:Option[Double]
* @param subtractionField:Option[String]
* @param regressionConfig:Option[RegressionConfig]
case class YLFConfig(yieldField:String,
) extends ProcessingConfig
* DSMGenerator
* @param paddocks:Iterable[Paddock]
// EG defaults for AWC
input = "AWC"
colorGradient = gradient.awc
nSegments = 6 // if set to 0 output the continuous
range = (5, 60)
LinearImageConfig(input, colorGradient, nSections = 7, range)
input = "YLF"
palette = palette.ylf(clay = "clay", awc = "AWC", ph = "pH")
CategoricalImageConfig(input, palette)
input = "U%"
symbolPack = symbolPacks.confidence
inverted = true
SymbolImageConfig(input, symbolPack, inverted)
clay = "clay"
sand = "sand"
textureClass = textureClass.
clayColorGradient = gradient.textureClay
sandColorGradient = gradient.textureSand
siltColorGradient = gradient.textureSilt
CategoricalImageConfig(clay, sand, silt, clayColorGradient, sandColorGradient, siltColorGradient, textureClass, colorGradient)
ImageConfig(buildResultNames:Set[String], format:String = "png")
* ImageGenerator
* Responsible for rasterising and colouring the original metrics as well as generating statistics for the dataset
* Async updates to individual paddocks are sent via @org.soiltech.Processor#statusReceiver
* @param paddocks:Iterable[Paddock]
* @param config:DSMGeneratorConfig
* @param ds:Dataset
In python for now (WIP).
def DataProcessor(rawInputRDD: RDD, bounds) -> List[Dict[[str,float]]]:
Takes a grid that is larger then the bounds and interpolates to a grid (aprox 5m)
for the regoin inside the bounds.
rawInputRDD: RDD[Dict[str,float]] - Must be in the form RDD[{'lat': 130.5, 'lon':-30.5, value: v}]
bounds - the boundary to cookie cut the rawInputRDD
RDD[Dict[[str,float]]] - with lat, lon as per the soiltech co-ord system amd inside the bounds
def SampleAlignProcessor(inputRDD: RDD, sampleData: List[Dict[str,float]]) -> List[Dict[[str,float]]]:
Aligns sample data to points in the grid if inputRDD
inputRDD: RDD[Dict[str,float]] - the grid input data as RDD. Must have 'lat', 'lon' and keys.
sampleData: List[Dict[str,float]] - the sample data. Must have 'lat', 'lon' and keys.
List[Dict[[str,float]]] - using lat, lon from the inputRDD and including all other data from both
def KMeansProcessor(kMeansInputRDD: RDD, numClusters: int):
For creating adn allocating Zones
kMeansInputRDD: RDD[Dict[str,float]] - will exclude lat, lon if included
numClusters: int - The number of Zones/clusters to make
RDD[Dict[str,float]] with one column being the allocated zone
def CLHCProcessor(clhcInputRDD: RDD,
numSamples: int,
existingSamples: SamplesList = [],
numIterations: int = 10,
excludeLocations: SamplesList = []) -> Tuple[float,List[Dict[str,float]],List[Dict[str,float]]]:
Recommends sample locations via the clhc method
clhcInputRDD -- RDD[Tuple[Tuple[float,float], Dict[str,float]]]
numSamples -- The number of sample locations to generate
existingSamples -- List[Tuple[float,float]] a list of existing soil sample locations
numIterations -- Number of times to iterate
excludeLocations -- List[Tuple[LAT,LON]] Locations to exclude (not to choose)
a list of lat, lon locations: List[Tuple[float, float]]
def PTFProcessor(ptf: AvailablePTFs.PTF, **kwargs) -> float:
Calculates a new soil attribute based on existing soil attributes via Pedotransfer Functions (ptf).
ptf: AvailablePTFs.PTF - the Pedotransfer Functions to use.
*kwargs: for assigning the input values. ie clay = 25.5
float or None - the calculated value from the chosen ptf or None if it cant be calculated
# eg:
PTFProcessor(ptf = AvailablePTFs.AWC, clay = 80, sand = 5, cec = 35.6, bd = 1)
DepthValues = List[Tuple[Tuple[float,float],float]]
def SplineProcessor(depth_value_list: DepthValues, upperDepth: int, lowerDepth: int) -> float:
Based on a set of samples with adjacent depth ranges, a predicted value may be
calculated when a new desired depth range is given
depth_value_list: List[Tuple[Tuple[float,float],float]] - the input list in the form [((upper,lower),value)), ...]
upperDepth: int - the upper/shallower/smaller depth of the depth range
lowerDepth: int - the lower/deeper/larger depth of the depth range
float - the calculated value for the new depth range
def KrigingProcessor(inputRDD: RDD, pointData: List[Dict[str,float]], method: str) -> RDD:
Uses kriging to interpolate attributes from pointData for each point in inputRDD
inputRDD: RDD[Dict[str,float]]
pointData: List[Dict[[str,float]]]
method: str - the kriging method
RDD[Dict[str,float]] - same as inputRDD but with the new columns found in pointData
def RegressionProcessor(inputRDD: RDD, trainingData: List[Dict[str,float]]) -> RDD:
Creates a multivariate linear regression model and makes predictions from the inputRDD
inputRDD: RDD[Dict[str,float]]
trainingData: List[Dict[str,float]]
RDD[Dict[str,float]] - same as inputRDD but with the new columns found in trainingData
def MixProcessor(mixInputRDD: RDD, baseLayer: str, additionalLater: str, newLater: str, matchRange: bool = False):
For mixing layers
mixInputRDD: RDD[Dict[str,float]] - input RDD with baseLayer and additionalLater
baseLayer: str - name if the base layer
additionalLater: str - name if the additional layer
matchRange: bool - if True adjusts the range of the additionalLater to fit the range of the baseLayer
RDD[Dict[str,float]] - same as input RDD with an additional layer with name newLayer
def BLAProcessor(inputRDD: RDD, yCol: str) -> Dict[str,BoundaryLine]:
Finds the boundary lines for a set of attributes in inputRDD
inputRDD: RDD[Dict[str,float]]
yCol: str - mist be a key of inputRDD
Dict[str,BoundaryLine] - A dict of the boundary lines for each supplied attribute