We have developed a reference mqtt client app for the Bosch XDK110 to demonstrate how a device can be programmed to interact with a wider IoT platform.
The XDK 110 is a programmable sensor. See details here: http://xdk.bosch-connectivity.com. "I’m a programmable sensor device & a prototyping platform for any IoT use case you can imagine."
The main features of the reference mqtt client app are:
- Configuration API - allows for a device management system to remotely configure the operations of the app
- Command API - allows to send commands to the app
- Status API - sends regular and ad-hoc status information
- Sampling & Telemetry API - sends configurable sensor readings at regular intervals
- Buttons API - sends a message when pressing / releasing a button
The software architecture:
See the source documentation here.
- Bosch XDK 110 + Micro SD Card + SD Card Adapter
- Go to https://xdk.bosch-connectivity.com/buy-xdk to find a retailer.
- XDK110
- Micro SD card 32GB (that's the max the XDK can manage, 8GB is fine too)
- SD Card Adapter to write / edit the config file onto the SD card from your computer
- XDK Workbench, version 3.6.1
- download and install the XDK Workbench
- MQTT test client
- For example, MQTT Box from http://workswithweb.com/mqttbox.html
- A Solace Broker - https://solace.com/try-it-now/
- Free Solace Cloud broker: go to https://console.solace.cloud/login/new-account
- Free download: go to https://solace.com/downloads/
This is included as part of the source code documentation in section External Interfaces.
The End.