diff --git a/src/sonic-host-services/host_modules/showtech.py b/src/sonic-host-services/host_modules/showtech.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2b603d4f52d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-host-services/host_modules/showtech.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+"""Show techsupport command handler"""
+import host_service
+import subprocess
+import re
+MOD_NAME = 'showtech'
+class Showtech(host_service.HostModule):
+    """DBus endpoint that executes the "show techsupport" command
+    """
+    @host_service.method(host_service.bus_name(MOD_NAME), in_signature='s', out_signature='is')
+    def info(self, date):
+        ERROR_TAR_FAILED = 5
+        err_dict = {ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: 'Invalid input: Incorrect DateTime format',
+                    ERROR_TAR_FAILED: 'Failure saving information into compressed output file',
+                    ERROR_PROCFS_SAVE_FAILED: 'Saving of process information failed'}
+        cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/generate_dump']
+        if date:
+            cmd.append("-s")
+            cmd.append(date)
+        try:
+            result = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True,
+                                    check=True)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
+            errmsg = err_dict.get(err.returncode)
+            if errmsg is None:
+                output = 'Error: Failure code {:-5}'.format(err.returncode)
+            else:
+                output = errmsg
+            print("%Error: Host side: Failed: " + str(err.returncode))
+            return err.returncode, output
+        output_file_match = re.search('\/var\/.*dump.*\.gz', result.stdout)
+        output_filename = output_file_match.group()
+        return result.returncode, output_filename
+def register():
+    """Return the class name"""
+    return Showtech, MOD_NAME