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CPAchecker configuration

Configuration of CPAchecker is done via command-line arguments and configuration files.

Configuration files

A configuration file specify a set of options in key=value format. All valid configuration options and their default values are listed in the file ConfigurationOptions.txt. In most cases, the standard configuration files in the directory config/ should be sufficient. A detailed format description can be found in the section below.

Command-line arguments

Several configuration options can also be specified as command-line arguments. If an option appears on the command line as well as in the configuration file, the value from the command line overrides the one from the file. The following command-line arguments are allowed:

  • --help print list of command-line argumments and exit
  • --config <FILE> sets configuration file name
  • --cpas <CPAS> sets cpa = cpa.composite.CompositeCPA and CompositeCPA.cpas = <CPAS>
  • --spec <FILE> sets specification = <FILE>
  • --output-path <DIR> sets output.path = <DIR>
  • --benchmark sets coverage.enabled = false, output.disable = true, statistics.memory = false, and disables assertions in CPAchecker for improved performance
  • --no-output-files sets output.disable=true
  • --stats sets statistics.print = true
  • --entry-function <FUNC> sets analysis.entryFunction = <FUNC>
  • --timelimit <TIME> sets limits.time.cpu = <TIME>
  • --32 sets analysis.machineModel = LINUX32 (this is the default and suitable for 32-bit Linux on x86, i.e. ILP32)
  • --64 sets analysis.machineModel = LINUX64 (this is suitable for 64-bit Linux on x86, i.e., LP64)
  • --skip-recursion sets cpa.callstack.skipRecursion = true and analysis.summaryEdges = true
  • --preprocess sets parser.usePreprocessor = true
  • --java sets language = JAVA
  • --secure-mode enables a secure mode which forbids some configuration options that would allow arbitrary code execution
  • --jvm-debug enables the JVM debug interface on TCP port 5005 for remote debugging
  • --disable-java-assertions disables assertions in CPAchecker for improved performance (recommended for benchmarking)
  • --heap HEAP_SIZE sets the heap size of the JVM
  • --stack STACK_SIZE sets the stack size of the JVM
  • --option <KEY>=<VALUE> sets any option: KEY = VALUE

The file ConfigurationOptions.txt contains an explanation of these options. The arguments --config config/ can be abbreviated to --CONFIGFILE. In other words, if CPAchecker finds an unknown command-line argument, it checks if a file with this name and the ending .properties exists in the directory config/ and uses it as the configuration file.

All other arguments to CPAchecker are interpreted as code files that should be analyzed (option analysis.programNames).

If neither --cpas nor a configuration file is specified, CPAchecker will use a default configuration that is recommended for most use cases. Typical command lines for CPAchecker are thus for example:

  • bin/cpachecker doc/examples/example.c (uses default analysis, which can also explicitly be requested with --default)
  • bin/cpachecker --kInduction doc/examples/example.c (chooses configuration kInduction)
  • bin/cpachecker --config config/ doc/examples/example.c (same as previous example)

Note that before version 2.4 CPAchecker supported only a different set of command-line arguments, each starting with a single dash. These still work but are deprecated, and CPAchecker will print warnings informing about how to replace them when they are used.

Specifying the CPA(s)

The CPA that CPAchecker uses is specified with the cpa option (default: cpa.composite.CompositeCPA). The syntax of the value is package.ClassName Alias, where the alias is an optional unique identifier for this instance of the CPA. Without an alias, the class name is used as identifier. Configuration options that should be used for only one instance of a CPA can be prefixed with "alias.". Their values override the options without this prefix.

For example, to set the solver logfile in the PredicateCPA, you can use PredicateCPA.solver.logfile=predicate.%03d.smt2, even if the real option is solver.logfile and there is no such option in the PredicateCPA. The configuration framework will automatically remove the prefix alias and apply the renamed option for all classes that are instantiated as part of the PredicateCPA.

If the package name starts with org.sosy_lab.cpachecker., this prefix can be omitted.

Wrapper CPAs like ARGCPA and CompositeCPA take one option cpa or cpas to specify the wrapped CPA, depending whether this CPA wraps one or several other CPAs (the latter is only used for CompositeCPA). This option has to be prefixed with the identifier of the CPA as described above.

A simple example (the first line could be omitted as it is the default):

cpa = cpa.composite.CompositeCPA
CompositeCPA.cpas = cpa.location.LocationCPA, cpa.callstack.CallstackCPA, cpa.value.ValueAnalysisCPA
cpa.value.merge = "SEP"

A more complex example:

cpa = cpa.arg.ARGCPA arg = cpa.composite.CompositeCPA composite
composite.cpas = cpa.location.LocationCPA, cpa.callstack.CallstackCPA, cpa.automaton.ObserverAutomatonCPA ErrorLabelAutomaton, cpa.predicate.PredicateCPA = config/specification/ErrorLabel.spc

Note that instead of manually specifying an ObserverAutomatonCPA, you can use the option specification (or the equivalent command-line argument --spec). The following example is identical to the last one:

cpa = cpa.arg.ARGCPA arg = cpa.composite.CompositeCPA composite
composite.cpas = cpa.location.LocationCPA, cpa.callstack.CallstackCPA, cpa.predicate.PredicateCPA
specification = config/specification/ErrorLabel.spc

If the option specification is used, CPAchecker will create CPA instances for each of the automata within the specification and insert them in an appropriate place in the tree of CPAs, usually below a CompositeCPA instance. To override this behavior and specify where the CPAs for specification automata should be inserted, use the placeholder $specification in the appropriate place. Thus the following example is again identical to the previous two:

cpa = cpa.arg.ARGCPA arg = cpa.composite.CompositeCPA composite
composite.cpas = cpa.location.LocationCPA, cpa.callstack.CallstackCPA, cpa.predicate.PredicateCPA, $specification
specification = config/specification/ErrorLabel.spc

Configuration file format

The configuration file format is a text-based format that is inspired by Java property files and Windows ini files. Each option is given on a separate line. Whitespaces around the key and the value are ignored (so key=value and key = value are the same). Lines starting with // or # are comments. If a line ends with a backslash (\), the content of the next line is appended to the current line. If an option supports multiple values, separate them with a comma (optionally with whitespaces around the comma).

The format supports optional sections which start with [Section.Name] on a separate line. The key of all options inside a section will be prefixed with Section.Name. (note the leading dot). Options before the first section header and those in a section with an empty name ([]) will be used just with their regular names (without prefix). The same section name can be used several times in a file.

Other configuration files can be included with #include file. Options from included files will be overwritten by options with the same names in the including file, no matter where the include statement is placed. Sections of the including file have no effect on the treatment of options in the included file, and vice versa.

All relative paths specified in a configuration file (e.g., for #include or for values of options like specification) are interpreted as relative to the directory of the respective configuration file.