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408 lines (273 loc) · 9.8 KB

File metadata and controls

408 lines (273 loc) · 9.8 KB


  • Serialize keys as strings when using JSON.

  • Reset attributes when calling load!.


  • Use Nest instead of Nido

    A new release of Nest (3.0.0) simplified the interaction with Redis.

  • Use Model#hash for equality

    This change just removes some slight redundancy in the code. The external behavior remains unchanged.


  • Fix bug that gave false positives for unique indices.

    Uniques were indexed for nil values as empty strings. This release fixes that issue.


  • Fix bug created the wrong keys when indexing floats.

    As reported by @slowernet, if an indexed attribute was assigned a real value with 0 fractional part (eg. 3.0), the tostring function in lua truncated the value to an integer. As a result, the index was created with the wrong key (Model:indices:attribute:3, instead of Model:indices:attribute:3.0). The fix is to convert all values to strings before sending them to the Lua script.


  • Adapt Lua scripts to Redis unstable.


  • Use JSON instead of msgpack for internal encoding.

    When Ohm started using Lua internally for saving, updating and deleting objects, it used msgpack for serializing. Redis supports both msgpack and JSON, and we picked msgpack because it produces a more compact representation. At some point, the Ruby msgpack library and the internal msgpack support in Redis diverged, and we were forced to lock the dependency to a specific gem version. Recently, some people complained about encoding issues originating from msgpack inside Redis, and once they tried a modified Ohm that uses JSON instead of msgpack, all their issues disappeared. That's why we think it's time for removing msgpack altogether and use JSON instead.

  • Move the raise of MissingID to Ohm::Model#key.

    In previous versions, trying to access an instance's id would raise a MissingID error. The reason why raising that error is convenient is because it allows Ohm to fail as early as possible when you try to use an object that hasn't been saved yet. The error can arise from comparisons, from direct calls to id, and also from any call to methods that need object.key to return a proper value, as key in turn calls the id method. But it turns out that many form builders rely on the fact that sending the id message to most ORMs results in either a valid ID or nil, and here Ohm was the exception. By moving the check from id to key, we can keep most of the previous behavior and we can return nil when sending the id message to a new instance, thus making Ohm compatible with most form builders.

  • Add Ohm::Model#increment and Ohm::Model#decrement. These methods are aliases of incr and decr respectively.


  • Retry save and delete if scripts were flushed in the server.
  • Depend on Redic ~> 1.5.0 in order to use of call! instead of call.


  • Lock msgpack version


  • Use Stal for set operations


  • Add combine filter


  • Lists now respond to range.


    class Comment < Ohm::Model
    class Post < Ohm::Model
      list :comments, :Comment
    c1 = Comment.create
    c2 = Comment.create
    c3 = Comment.create
    post = Post.create
    post.comments.range(0, 1) == [c1, c2]
    # => true
  • When a record is created, #id returns a string instead of an integer. This ensures IDs are strings everywhere:


    # Before
    Meetup.create(name: "Ruby").id # => 1
    Meetup.with(:name, "Ruby").id  # => "1"
    # Now
    Meetup.create(name: "Ruby").id # => "1"
    Meetup.with(:name, "Ruby").id  # => "1"
  • If an attribute is set to an empty string, Ohm won't delete it.


    # Before
    event = Meetup.create(location: "")
    Meetup[].location # => nil
    # Now
    event = Meetup.create(location: "")
    Meetup[].location # => ""
  • Include Ohm::List#ids in the public API. It returns an array with all the ID's in the list.


    class Comment < Ohm::Model
    class Post < Ohm::Model
      list :comments, :Comment
    post = Post.create
    # => ["1", "2", "3"]
  • Include Ohm::BasicSet#exists? in the public API. This makes possible to check if an id is included in a set. Check Ohm::BasicSet#exists? documentation for more details.


    class Post < Ohm::Model
    class User < Ohm::Model
      set :posts, :Post
    user = User.create
    user.posts.add(post = Post.create)
    user.posts.exists?(       # => true
    user.posts.exists?("nonexistent") # => false
  • Change Ohm::MultiSet#except to union keys instead of intersect them when passing an array.


    class User < Ohm::Model
      attribute :name
    john = User.create(name: "John")
    jane = User.create(name: "Jane")
    res = User.all.except(name: [,])
    # Before
    res.size # => 2
    # Now
    res.size # => 0
  • Move ID generation to Lua. With this change, it's no longer possible to generate custom ids. All ids are autoincremented.

  • Add Ohm::Model.track method to allow track of custom keys. This key is removed when the model is deleted.


    class Foo < Ohm::Model
      track :notes
    foo = Foo.create"SET", foo.key[:notes], "something")"GET", "Foo:1:notes")
    # => "something"
    foo.delete"GET", "Foo:1:notes")
    # => nil
  • Ohm::Model#reference accepts strings as model references.


    class Bar < Ohm::Model
      reference :foo, "SomeNamespace::Foo"
    end # => SomeNamespace::Foo
  • Ohm::Model#save sanitizes attributes before sending them to Lua. This complies with the original spec in Ohm v1 where a to_s is done on each value.


    class Post < Ohm::Model
      attribute :published
    post = Post.create(published: true)
    post = Post[]
    # Before
    post.published # => "1"
    # Now
    post.published # => "true"
  • Ohm::Model#save don't save values for attributes set to false.


    class Post < Ohm::Model
      attribute :published
    post = Post.create(published: false)
    post = Post[]
    # Before
    post.published # => "0"
    # Now
    post.published # => nil
  • nest dependency has been removed. Now, Ohm uses nido to generate the keys that hold the data.

  • scrivener dependency has been removed. Ohm no longer supports model validations and favors filter validation on the boundary layer. Check scrivener project for more information.

  • redis dependency has been removed. Ohm 2 uses redic, a lightweight Redis client. Redic uses the hiredis gem for the connection and for parsing the replies. Now, it defaults to a Redic connection to "redis://". To change it, you will need to provide an instance of Redic through the Ohm.redis= helper.


    Ohm.redis ="redis://:<passwd>@<host>:<port>/<db>")

    Check the Redic README for more details.

  • Ohm::Model#transaction and Ohm::Transaction have been removed.

  • Move save and delete operations to Lua scripts.

  • Support for Ruby 1.8 has been removed.


  • Add combine filter


  • Fetching a batch of objects is now done in batches of 1000 objects at a time. If you are iterating over large collections, this change should provide a significant performance boost both in used memory and total execution time.

  • MutableSet#&lt;&lt; is now an alias for #add.


  • Improve memory consumption when indexing persisted attributes. No migration is needed and old indices will be cleaned up as you save instances.


  • Add Model.attributes.


  • Enumerable fix.

  • Merge Ohm::PipelinedFetch into Ohm::Collection.

  • Fix Set, MultiSet, and List enumerable behavior.

  • Change dependencies to use latest cutest.


  • Compatible with redis-rb 3.


  • Fetching a batch of objects is now done through one pipeline, effectively reducing the IO to just 2 operations (one for SMEMBERS / LRANGE, one for the actual HGET of all the individual HASHes.)

  • write_remote / read_remote have been replaced with set / get respectively.

  • Ohm::Model.unique has been added.

  • Ohm::Model::Set has been renamed to Ohm::Set

  • Ohm::Model::List has been renamed to Ohm::List

  • Ohm::Model::Collection is gone.

  • Ohm::Validations is gone. Ohm now uses Scrivener::Validations.

  • Ohm::Key is gone. Ohm now uses Nest directly.

  • No more concept of volatile keys.

  • Ohm::Model::Wrapper is gone.

  • Use Symbols for constants instead of relying on Ohm::Model.const_missing.

  • #sort / #sort_by now uses limit as it's used in redis-rb, e.g. you have to pass in an array like so: sort(limit: [0, 1]).

  • Set / List have been trimmed to contain only the minimum number of necessary methods.

  • You can no longer mutate a collection / set as before, e.g. doing User.find(...).add(User[1]) will throw an error.

  • The #union operation has been added. You can now chain it with your filters.

  • Temporary keys when doing finds are now automatically cleaned up.

  • Counters are now stored in their own key instead, i.e. in User::counters.

  • JSON support has to be explicitly required by doing require "ohm/json".

  • All save / delete / update operations are now done using transactions (see

  • All indices are now stored without converting the values to base64.