All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added POINTING WEAPON (by officer) table type
- Added data loader to combine multiple files that span a single year into a single dataset
- Added support for more text date column formats in Arcgis loader.
- Added url_contains input to get_count, load_iter, load, and load_from_csv of Source class to distinguish between multiple datasets matching a data request
- Added datasets input to get_years to allow getting the years in specific datasets.
- Fixed year filtering for Tucson OFFICER-INVOLVED SHOOTINGS - INCIDENTS dataset. Datasets is no longer available using OpenPoliceData prior to Version 0.7.
- Data standardization: Added function for standardizing some column names and data values
- Added reload function to datasets module to allow reloading the datasets table (in case of an update) or loading a datasets table from a custom location
- Added functions for getting race, gender, and age columns after standardization
- Added merge function for merging 2 table together
- Added function for finding related tables
- Added a function for expanding rows that contain information on multiple officers or subjects into multiple row
- Made opd.defs.TableType and opd.defs.columns available as opd.TableType and opd.Column
- Added Table.urls to enable quick retrieval of URLs associated with a dataset
- Added verbose mode to enable transparency when loading data with get_count, load_data_from_url, and load_from_url_gen
- Added Source.load_iter to be used instead of Source.load_from_url_gen
- Added Source.load to be used instead of Source.load_from_url
- Added data loader for CKAN API
- Inputs to Source.get_count is now (table_type, year, ...) instead of (year, table_type, ...) so inputs go from general to specific. Original input order is deprecated and will be removed in Version 1.0.
- Deprecated Source.load_from_url_gen. Will be removed in Version 1.0
- Deprecated Source.load_from_url. Will be removed in Version 1.0
- Removed support for Python 3.7 which has reached end of life:
- Improved speed and feedback when reading large CSV files contained in zip files
- Source.get_agencies with a partial_name is now case-insensitive
- Using User-Agent to enable inclusion of Chicago pedestrian stops data
- Improved speed of datetime conversion
- Fixed issue when using load_from_url_gen with Socrata and Carto data where data needed to be sorted by data IDs in order to prevent loading a few repeated rows due to changing order of data on server
- Fixed error thrown when dataset has date field but that column is not returned because the rows requested are all empty
- Subclassing pandas DataFrame and Series when appropriate to enable deprecation messaging of certain Table Type names
- Documentation is now available at
- Now require specification of Excel worksheets when loading Excel notebooks where the location of the data is unclear
- An empty DataFrame is now returned when the request contains no data. Previously, None was returned.
- The word CIVILIAN in table type names has been replaced by SUBJECT to be consistent with the standard set by the Stanford Open Policing Project.
- Fixed date filtering in CSV and Excel data loaders
A Changelog was not kept prior to Version 0.5.7