- BSeQC --- SAM/BAM files | Publication
- trim_galore --- for RRBS experiments
- FastQC --- additional quality control
- MethyQA --- FastQC + BRAT[tool] alignment, methylation ratios at cytosine sites | Publication
- Bismark --- seems to be the tool to use | Publication | URL
- Bison --- similar to bismark, runs on a cluster, needs MPI | URL
- BS Seeker --- Publication | URL
- BSmap --- URL (Jan 2013)
- segemehl --- with gaps | Publication | URL
- Bicycle --- from mapping to methylcytosine | URL
- GBSA --- input from BSmap, BS Seeker, RRBSmap | Publication | URL
- methylKit --- URL
- MethPipe --- pretty new | URL
- BiQ Analyzer HT --- Java Web Start | Publication | URL
- MethylCoder ---
- BISMA ---
- BSmooth --- Don't think it's up-to-date | URL
- RRBS - Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing
- http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/bismark/RRBS_Guide.pdf