This section contains information about developer topics. You may also be interested in User Documentation and downloads.
[[Architecture]] -- a quick overview of the various components in Spacewalk
[[JavaDesign]] -- design of the Java web UI.
Navi -- our navigation system -- understand our own home grown navigation system used throughout the app
[[ListTag]] -- used for creating lists within the java pages
[[AclDesign]] -- detailed explanation of ACLs
JavaDoc -- Documentation of Java code
[[PythonDocumentation]] -- Documentation of python code
[[XmlrpcHandlers]] -- understand how to deal with XMLRPC handlers
[[UnitTests]] -- how to run them
[[CodeAnalysis]] -- a document going through the java packages describing what they contain and what work is needed.
CodeAnalysis -- Analyze of code on
[[TaskoMatic]] -- Document outlining what taskomatic is and what each task is used for.
[[CobblerIntegration]] - How spacewalk and cobbler interact
Proxy - How Proxy works
Git Guide -- how to work with Git, the source control of choice for Spacewalk
Git stats -- boring statistics extracted from our git repo.
[[EclipseSetup]] -- How to get eclipse running to edit/compile/junit the spacewalk-java code.
[[PatchProcess]] -- how to go about creating a new patch and submitting it to the mailing list
[[BugHandling]] -- how to commit a fix and what to do with bugzillas.
[[ChangingSchema]] -- if you need to change the Spacewalk DB schema read this
[[CodingConventions]] -- coding style and conventions used in the project
Tracing a page -- Follow code flow from the webUI down to the DB layer
[[AddingPagesOverview]] -- Adding a page to the Java stack
[[Branching]] -- how branches are organized in the git repo.
[[LocalIvyRepo]] -- how to create a local ivy repository
[[CustomSerializer]] -- how to create a custom serializer
[[LogDriverSetup]] -- how to enable the log4j logdriver utility to see SQL output and params used
[[HowToScratchBuild]] -- how to create a test rpm with scratch build
[[ReleaseProcess]] -- Process for building RPMs
List of packages in releases -- including packages already in Fedora. Contains version of each package for each distribution.
Copr nightly -- Current nightly server build status.
Copr nightly-client -- Current nightly client build status.
Projects - libraries, which may be useful for others as well and for which we are upstream.