The spacewalk webui performs searches through a XMLRPC interface to a separate java process that uses Lucene for the search engine. We call this separate process the "SearchServer".
A typical search involves
- WebUI forming a query in LuceneQueryParser syntax.
- WebUI sends the query to SearchServer through XMLRPC
- SearchServer looks to see what index should be searched: Errata, Packages, System, Documentation
- Lucene searches index files, and a list of results are obtained.
- Result consists of the object ID and the score from lucene (float 1.0 max value, 0.0 lowest)
- SearchServer trims the returned list so only values which are above a threshold score (set in configuration file) are returned.
- Additionally the max number of results returned is limited by the configuration setting of "search.max_hits_returned"
- WebUI uses the returned ids to flesh out the info it wants to display
- This step is also responsible for filtering the data to retain proper user/org permission rules.
- Fleshed out objects displayed
Upon start up SearchServer reads the database table, "rhnIndexerWork" to determine what has been indexed previously.
Each row corresponds to a different object_type, e.g.: errata, packages, systems.
Once SearchServer knows the last time the index operation ran, and the last id it indexed, it asks the database for objects which are new and/or modified since then.
These new objects are passed into Lucene so they may be indexed for later searching.
After startup, SearchServer will poll the database for updated changes. Typical polling period is 5 minutes, but this configurable.
When a request comes in through XMLRPC and matches the "index" namespace, lucene is used to search the indexes for a match.
- Format of message:
- Session ID
- Index name - controls which index to search, e.g.: docs, errata, hwdevice, package, server
- This corresponds to the directory name for the index, typically stored at: /usr/share/rhn/search/indexes
- Query - this is what we are searching for, could be a package name, system name, phrase for doc search etc
- In our code, the entry point for search functionality is defined here: ""
By default we listen on, port 2828
The address to listen on is configured by : "search.rpc_address"
The port number is configured by : "search.rpc_port"
Namespace: index
Description: This handles the basic searches through lucene indexes. Most searches use this namespace.
Namespace: db
Description: This handles searches which ONLY look at the database, it will not search any lucene indexes. It's mainly used for errata search by a date range.
Namespace: admin
Description: This is the administration interface, currently is supports triggering a "reindex" for any index type we know about. This is useful if you want the index to be updated immediately,
Example: this is invoked by the python backend after a server is registered and from webui when a new custom errata is created.
Index files are stored at: /usr/share/rhn/search/indexes
Documentation "doc" indexes are delivered through a RPM "spacewalk-doc-indexes".
All other indexes are generated based on the database SearchServer is connected to.
How can I see what is indexed
You can use Luke to open a lucene index in a GUI and see what is available
We include a luke jar in our git repo, this is not bundled for delivery, it is only for development * spacewalk/search-server/spacewalk-search/scripts/lukeall-0.8.1.jar
Example run: *
java -jar spacewalk/search-server/scripts/lukeall-0.8.1.jar
* Select index to open: "/usr/share/rhn/search/indexes/package"
* Click OK * Select the "Documents" view, then browse through the items.- Note: Lucene does not store all values in a way we can view, only fields which were marked as "Stored" will be displayed.
* Searches will likely not work as desired from Luke. Since we are using a custom NGramAnalyzer, we need to import this into Luke in order for our searches to function.
- Note: Lucene does not store all values in a way we can view, only fields which were marked as "Stored" will be displayed.
How to Clean
If you want to clean the existing indexes you can run a script:
/etc/init.d/rhn-search cleanindex
REMEMBER there are 2 parts to cleaning the indexes * Delete the directory containing the indexes * Adjust the database 'rhnIndexerWork' entry for the specified 'object_type'. This is what will trigger the data to be re-read. * NEVER delete the doc indexes, they come pre-packaged in a RPM. (spacewalk-doc-indexes)
iBatis is the ORM SearchServer uses
Location of queries
- Follow How to scratch build
- You can run search-server as a service by calling
service rhn-search start
, alternatively runrhn-search console
to see the search-server running in the foreground - You can interact with the SearchServer through spacewalk/search-server/spacewalk-search/scripts/
./ --help
./ --username admin --password spacewalk --package firefox
- When is
helpful * During development you may want to run a spacewalk instance and db on a remote machine while running search-server on your local box. *--serverAddr
allows you to specify the spacewalk instance you want to log into for retrieving the session-id- NOTE: The search-server must be running locally (to, unless you open up the rpc binding to occur on the network interface and not
Configuration values from: /etc/rhn/rhn.conf are inherited by SearchServer
SearchServer specific configuration resides in git at: spacewalk/search-server/spacewalk-search/src/config/search/rhn_search/
search.index_work_dir=/usr/share/rhn/search/indexes,, search.max_hits_returned=500 search.connection.driver_class=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver search.score_threshold=.10 search.system_score_threshold=.01 search.errata_score_threshold=.20 search.errata.advisory_score_threshold=.30 search.min_ngram = 1 search.max_ngram = 5 search.doc.limit_results = false search.schedule.interval = 300000 search.log.explain.results = false
search.index_work_dir : Specifies where Lucene indexes are kept
search.rpc_handlers : semi-colon separated list of classes to act as handlers for XMLRPC calls.
search.max_hits_returned : maximum number of results which will be returned to the caller
search.connection.driver_class : JDBC class
search.score_threshold : minimum score a result needs to be returned back to caller
search.system_score_threshold : minimum score a system search result needs to be returned back to caller
search.errata_score_threshold : minimum score an errata search result needs to be returned back to caller
search.errata.advisory_score_threshold : minimum score an errata advisory result needs to be returned back to caller
search.min_ngram : minimum length of n-gram characters (any change to this value requires 'clean-index' to be run, plus doc-indexes need to be modified and rebuilt)
search.max_ngram : maximum length of n-gram characters (any change to this value requires 'clean-index' to be run, plus doc-indexes need to be modified and rebuilt)
search.doc.limit_results : true means we limit the number of results both on search.score_threshold and restrict max hits to be below search.max_hits_returned, false means to return all doc search matches
search.schedule.interval : value is in milliseconds, controls the interval SearchServer polls the database for changes, default is 5 minutes (300000)
search.log.explain.results : used during development/debugging. If set to true, will log additional info hinting at what influenced the score of each result.
Documentation search requires pre-packaged indexes to be installed, these indexes will not be re-generated if they are deleted.
rpm -q spacewalk-doc-indexes
The 'clean-index' script is intelligent enough to leave document indexes alone
To build updated doc indexes
cd /spacewalk/search-server/spacewalk-doc-indexes
rpmbuild -ba ./spacewalk-doc-indexes.spec
The build process involves running "nutch" to crawl the online documents and generated index files which are then packaged into the spacewalk-doc-indexes rpm
We are using a ngram analyzer. This gives us a "fuzzy" like search behavior, it allows spelling errors to be forgiven and likely matches to be found.
Drawback - people are often confused initially when they search on a specific term and see unrelated matches.
Since results are presented with highest score first, users will be presented with best choices first, followed by potentially undesired results.
Security Limitations
SearchServer does little limiting of results to user permissions, it is expected that the webui/api will handle user/org permission filtering. Typically this is handled automatically in the webui/api code when we "flesh" out a DTO from the list of ids.
Send an email to jmatthews AT redhat DOT com