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File metadata and controls

374 lines (258 loc) · 12.3 KB


The goal of this document is intended to provide a complete reference to learndb from the perspective of a user of the system.



Learndb is a RDBMS (relational database management system).

Let's unpack this, relational means it can be used to express relations between different entities, e.g. between transactions and users involved in them. In some databases this is expressed through a foreign key constraint, which constrains the behavior/evolution of one table based on another table(s). This is not supported/yet-implemented in learndb 1.

Database is a collection of tables, each of which has a schema, and zero or more rows of records. The schema defines:

  • the names of columns/fields
  • what types of data are supported in each field
  • any constraint, e.g. if field data can be null or if the field is primary (i.e. must be unique and not null).

The state of a single database (i.e. the schema of the tables in it, and the data within the tables) is persisted in a single file on the host filesystem.

The management system manages multiple databases, i.e. multiple isolated collections of tables. The system exposes interface(s) for:

  • creating and deleting databases
  • creating, modifying, and deleting tables in a database
  • adding, and removing data from tables


Learndb can only be setup from the source repo (i.e. no installation from package repository, e.g. PyPI). The instructions are outlined in [README](../README. md) section Hacking -> Install

Interacting with the Database

Learndb is an embedded database. This means there is no standalone server process. The user/agent connects to the RDMBS via:

  • REPL
  • python language library
  • passing a file of commands to the engine

Fundamentally, the system takes as input a set of statements and creates and modifies a database based on the system.


The REPL (read-evaluate-print loop) provides an interactive interface to provide statements the system can execute. The user can provide: 1) SQL statements (spec below) or 2) meta commands. SQL statements operate on

Meta Commands

Meta commands are special commands that are processed by core engine. These include, commands like .quit which exits the terminal.

But these commands more broadly expose non-standard commands, i.e. not part of sql spec - parser. Why some commands are meta commands, rather than part of the sql, e.g. .nuke which deletes the content of a database, is a peculiarity of how this codebase evolved.


Output is printed to console.

Python Language Library defines the Learndb class entity which can be imported.

TODO: generate code docs, and link, Pipe here

Two important entities needed to programmatically interact with the database are Learndb, i.e. the class that represents a handle to the database, and Pipe

# create handler instance
db = LearnDB(db_filepath)

# submit statement
resp = db.handle_input("select col_a from foo")
assert resp.success

# below are only needed to read results of statements that produce output
# get output pipe
pipe = db.get_pipe()

# print rows
while pipe.has_msgs():
# close handle - flushes any in-memory state


Pipe contains all records.

Filesystem Storage

The state of entire DB is stored on a single file. The database can be thought of as a logical entity, that is stored in some physical medium.

There is a 1 to 1 correspondence between a file and its database. Hence, we can consider the implied database, when discussing a database file, and vice versa. Within the context of a single file, there is a single, global, unnamed database.

This means the language only has 1 part names for tables, i.e. no schema, no namespacing.

Further, deleting the db.file effectively equals dropping the entire database.

ACID compliance

Atomic - not atomic. No transactions. Also, no guarantee database isn't left in an inconsistent state due to partial statement execution.

Consistent - strong consistency; storage layer updated synchronously

Isolated - guaranteed by database file being opened in exclusive read/write mode, and hence only a single connection to database exists.

Durable - As durable as files on underlying filesystem.

The SQL Language (learndb-sql)

The learndb-sql grammar can be found at: <repo_root>/learndb/lang_parser/

Learndb-sql grammar specification

The grammar for learndb-sql is written using lark. Lark is a parsing library that allows defining a custom grammar, and parsers for text based on the grammar into an AST. We'll go over Lark basics because statements in learndb-sql are specified in lark grammar language.

  • Grammar rules are specified in a form similar to EBNR notation.
  • the grammar is made up of terminals and rules.
  • terminals are named with an uppercase name, and are defined with a literal or regex expression
    • e.g. IDENTIFIER : ("_" | ("a".."z") | ("A".."Z"))* ("_" | ("a".."z") | ("A".."Z") | ("0".."9"))+
    • these define value literals, and keywords of the language
  • grammar rules consist of left-hand-side : right-hand-side, where the left side has the name of the terminal or rule, and the right side has one or more matching definition expressions
  • rules are named with a lowercase name, and are patterns of literals and symbols (terminals and rules)
  • e.g. create_stmnt : "create"i "table"i table_name "(" column_def_list ")"
  • Here "create"i, "(", and ")" are literals that matche create, (, an), respectively.
    • table_name and column_def_list are other rules with their own definitions

Data Definition


Tables can have the following constraints:

  • Not Null - value cannot be null
  • Primary Key - value cannot be not and must be unique

Data Types

Table columns can have the following types:

  • Integer
    • 32 bit integer
  • Real
    • single precision floating point number
  • Text
    • unlimited length character string
  • Boolean
  • Null

Note, how Real typed data is handled is different from how floats are typically handled (i.e. IEEE754).

Create Table Statement

create_stmnt     : "create"i "table"i table_name "(" column_def_list ")"

?column_def_list  : (column_def ",")* column_def
?column_def       : column_name datatype primary_key? not_null?
datatype         : INTEGER | TEXT | BOOL | NULL | REAL
primary_key      : "primary"i "key"i
not_null         : "not"i "null"i
table_name       : SCOPED_IDENTIFIER
IDENTIFIER       : ("_" | ("a".."z") | ("A".."Z"))* ("_" | ("a".."z") | ("A".."Z") | ("0".."9"))+

An example is

Create table fruits (id integer primary key, name text, avg_weight real)

NOTE: an integer primary key must be declared, i.e. it's declaration and datatype are mandatory

Drop Table Statement

  drop_stmnt       : "drop"i "table"i table_name

An example is

Drop table fruits

Data Manipulation

Data Insertion

insert_stmnt     : "insert"i "into"i table_name "(" column_name_list ")" "values"i "(" value_list ")"

column_name_list : (column_name ",")* column_name
value_list       : (literal ",")* literal
column_name      : SCOPED_IDENTIFIER

An example is:

insert into fruits (id, name, avg_weight) values (1, 'apple', 4.2);

Data Deletion

delete_stmnt     : "delete"i "from"i table_name where_clause?

where_clause     : "where"i condition
condition        : or_clause
or_clause        : and_clause
                 | or_clause "or"i and_clause
and_clause       : predicate
                 | and_clause "and"i predicate
predicate        : comparison
                 | predicate ( EQUAL | NOT_EQUAL ) comparison
comparison       : term
                 | comparison ( LESS_EQUAL | GREATER_EQUAL | LESS | GREATER ) term
term             : factor
                 | term ( MINUS | PLUS ) factor
factor           : unary
                 | factor ( SLASH | STAR ) unary
unary            : primary
                 | ( BANG | MINUS ) unary

primary          : literal
                 | nested_select
                 | column_name
                 | func_call

An example is:

delete from fruits where id = 1;


Let's consider how we can query tables.

select_stmnt     : select_clause from_clause?
select_clause    : "select"i selectable ("," selectable)*
selectable       : expr

from_clause      : "from"i source where_clause? group_by_clause? having_clause? order_by_clause? limit_clause?
where_clause     : "where"i condition
group_by_clause  : "group"i "by"i column_name ("," column_name)*
having_clause    : "having"i condition
order_by_clause  : "order"i "by"i (column_name ("asc"i|"desc"i)?)*
limit_clause     : "limit"i INTEGER_NUMBER ("offset"i INTEGER_NUMBER)?

source            : single_source
                  | joining

single_source      : table_name table_alias?

//split conditioned and unconditioned (cross) join as cross join does not have an on-clause
?joining          : unconditioned_join | conditioned_join
conditioned_join  : source join_modifier? "join"i single_source "on"i condition
unconditioned_join : source "cross"i "join"i single_source

join_modifier    : inner | left_outer | right_outer | full_outer

inner            : "inner"i
left_outer       : "left"i ["outer"i]
right_outer      : "right"i ["outer"i]
full_outer       : "full"i ["outer"i]
cross            : "cross"i

// `expr` is the de-facto root of the expression hierarchy
expr             : condition

Simple Queries

A select statement can contain from, where, group by, having, limit and offset clauses.

The simplest select statement has no from clause. This effectively, evaluates any expression. e.g. select 1+1

The simplest select statement over a datasource is a select ... from ... without a where clause, e.g. select name from fruits

This will return all rows from the datasource.

Query with Conditions

Consider a query with a simple condition

select name from fruits where id = 1

Consider a query with a simple condition

select name from fruits where avg_weight > 2.0 and avg_weight < 5.0

Note, the condition can be composed of arbitrary logical operations, e.g.

select name from fruits where avg_weight > 2.0 and avg_weight < 5.0 or name = 'apple'


There is a global, assumed scope. All table names live in this global scope.

Further, aliases for tables in the context of a query, are defined for the duration of the query.


User-Defined Functions

Theoretically, a user can define functions in one of two ways:

  • in learndb-sql (non-native); however, this is not yet implemented
  • in the implementation language, i.e. Python (native). For more details see ./functions.txt


Storage Layer

The storage layer consists of an on-disk btree. The btree is accessed through the below API. Any other backing data structure, that implements the above API could easily replace the current implementation.

Storage API

The Storage API, is the implicit (not formally required by virtual machine) API exposed by the storage layer data structure. The API consists of:

  • insert(key, value)
  • get(key)
  • delete(key)

Btree implementation notes

  • Many constants that control the layout of the btree are set in
  • LEAF_NODE_MAX_CELLS, INTERNAL_NODE_MAX_CELLS control how many max children, leaf and internal nodes can have, respectively

Unsupported Features

  • at a single time, only a writer, per db; i.e. no multi writer
  • no authentication
  • floats implemented very crudely; expression eval uses a fixed epsilon



  1. Arguably, a system can't be called relational without foreign key constraints. But relations can still be modelled and foreign keys can still be used- just that the integrity of the constraints can't be enforced. So for simplicity, I will call this system an RDBMS.