Core objects from the Speckle Spec are defined in "speckle_ruby_core".
Although the primary use case for Ruby is interfacing with SketchUp, no SketchUp objects should be referenced in core.
The full spec can be found here:
Objects are designed to be serialized directly to JSON using the standard "to_json" method. Each object exposes properties to be serialized as JSON using a to_hash method and child classes merge their properties with their parents in this method.
For example the SpecklePolyline class extends SpeckleObject and defines a serialization Hash as follows:
def to_hash
:closed => @closed,
:value => @value,
:domain => @domain,
- ResourceBase
- User
- AppClient
- Project
- Comment
- SpeckleStream
- Layer
- LayerProperties
- ResponseBase
- ResponseUser
- ResponseClient
- ResponseProject
- ResponseComment
- ResponseStream
- ResponseObject
- ResponseStreamClone
- ResponseStreamDiff
- SpeckleObject
- SpeckleAbstract
- SpecklePlaceholder
- SpeckleBoolean
- SpeckleNumber
- SpeckleString
- SpeckleInterval
- SpeckleInterval2d
- SpecklePoint
- SpeckleVector
- SpecklePlane
- SpeckleCircle
- SpeckleArc
- SpeckleEllipse
- SpecklePolycurve
- SpeckleBox
- SpeckleLine
- SpecklePolyline
- SpeckleCurve
- SpeckleMesh
- SpeckleBrep
- SpeckleExtrusion
- SpeckleAnnotation
- SpeckleBlock
The extra subdirectory contains additional Speckle classes that are used, but not part of the official spec (yet)
- SpeckleAccount
- LayerSelection