diff --git a/docs/docs-content/architecture/grps-proxy.md b/docs/docs-content/architecture/grps-proxy.md
index 3b27e782fc..9c12ae0bf8 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/architecture/grps-proxy.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/architecture/grps-proxy.md
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ The following sections provide more information about gRPC and proxies.
## Proxy Without SSL Bump
-Because gRPC is based on HTTP/2, any proxy server that supports the [HTTP CONNECT](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods/CONNECT) method can be used to forward gRPC traffic. No configuration is required for this scenario. The exception is when the proxy server performs an SSL bump, discussed in the [Proxy With SSL Bump](/architecture/grps-proxy#proxywithsslbump) section.
+Because gRPC is based on HTTP/2, any proxy server that supports the [HTTP CONNECT](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods/CONNECT) method can be used to forward gRPC traffic. No configuration is required for this scenario. The exception is when the proxy server performs an SSL bump, discussed in the [Proxy With SSL Bump](#proxy-with-ssl-bump) section.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-groups/cluster-group-backups.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-groups/cluster-group-backups.md
index bc90317991..133937d2d2 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-groups/cluster-group-backups.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-groups/cluster-group-backups.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Palette [Virtual Clusters](../palette-virtual-clusters/palette-virtual-clusters.
## Prerequisites
-* A project or tenant backup location. Refer to the [cluster backup and restore](../cluster-management/backup-restore/backup-restore.md#clusterbackupandrestore) document to learn how to configure a backup location.
+* A project or tenant backup location. Refer to the [cluster backup and restore](../cluster-management/backup-restore/backup-restore.md#get-started) document to learn how to configure a backup location.
* Cluster group modification [permissions](../../user-management/palette-rbac/palette-rbac.md).
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/add-backup-location-dynamic.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/add-backup-location-dynamic.md
index 3d61c401bd..d6fcc9584c 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/add-backup-location-dynamic.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/add-backup-location-dynamic.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ tags: ["clusters", "cluster management", "backup"]
-This guide provides instructions for how to add a backup location in Palette using dynamic access credentials. You use the dynamic access credentials to authenticate Palette with the backup location service provider. Refer to the [Backup Location](backup-restore.md#backuplocation) section to learn more about the supported service providers.
+This guide provides instructions for how to add a backup location in Palette using dynamic access credentials. You use the dynamic access credentials to authenticate Palette with the backup location service provider. Refer to the [Backup Location](./backup-restore.md#backup-locations-and-credentials) section to learn more about the supported service providers.
Depending on the infrastructure provider, there may be limitations or different prerequisites.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/backup-restore.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/backup-restore.md
index d1a3617924..efa60f9ca8 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/backup-restore.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/backup-restore.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ To get started with creating a backup, check out the [Add a Backup Location usin
-If you are using a workspace, refer to the [Manage Palette Workspace](/workspace/workload-features#managepaletteworkspace) guide to learn more about backup and restore actions for a workspace.
+If you are using a workspace, refer to the [Manage Palette Workspace](../../../workspace/workload-features.md) guide to learn more about backup and restore actions for a workspace.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-tag-filter/cluster-tag-filter.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-tag-filter/cluster-tag-filter.md
index 0e852e21f5..dbe746fe8e 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-tag-filter/cluster-tag-filter.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-tag-filter/cluster-tag-filter.md
@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@ To get started with an attribute access control through tags, check out the [Cre
- [Cluster Resource Filter](create-add-filter.md)
-- [Create Resource Filter](create-add-filter.md#createresourcefilter)
+- [Create Resource Filter](create-add-filter.md#create-resource-filter)
-- [Add Resource Role](create-add-filter.md#addresourcerole)
+- [Add Resource Role](create-add-filter.md#add-resource-role)
- [Palette Resource Roles](../../../user-management/palette-rbac/resource-scope-roles-permissions.md)
-- [Palette Global Resource Roles](../../../user-management/palette-rbac/resource-scope-roles-permissions.md#paletteglobalresourceroles)
+- [Palette Global Resource Roles](../../../user-management/palette-rbac/resource-scope-roles-permissions.md#palette-global-resource-roles)
-- [Palette Custom Resource Roles](../../../user-management/palette-rbac/resource-scope-roles-permissions.md#palettecustomresourceroles)
+- [Palette Custom Resource Roles](../../../user-management/palette-rbac/resource-scope-roles-permissions.md#palette-custom-resource-roles)
-- [Create Custom Role](../../../user-management/new-user.md#createcustomrole)
+- [Create Custom Role](../../../user-management/new-user.md#create-custom-role)
-- [Create New User in Palette](../../../user-management/new-user.md#createanewuser)
+- [Create New User in Palette](../../../user-management/new-user.md#create-a-new-user)
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-tag-filter/create-add-filter.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-tag-filter/create-add-filter.md
index 2fcc4f7dec..49a46d4d41 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-tag-filter/create-add-filter.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-tag-filter/create-add-filter.md
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ Upon creating a filter, a display message will pop up to confirm the successful
## Add Resource Role
-You can assign the resource filter created, in combination with roles, to a [user](../../../user-management/new-user.md#createanewuser) to enforce access restriction. Palette provisions two types of roles:
+You can assign the resource filter created, in combination with roles, to a [user](../../../user-management/new-user.md#create-a-new-user) to enforce access restriction. Palette provisions two types of roles:
-* [Palette Global Roles](../../..//user-management/palette-rbac/resource-scope-roles-permissions.md#paletteglobalresourceroles), the set of roles that are available in Palette console
+* [Palette Global Roles](../../..//user-management/palette-rbac/resource-scope-roles-permissions.md#palette-global-resource-roles), the set of roles that are available in Palette by default.
-* [Custom Resource Roles](../../..//user-management/palette-rbac/resource-scope-roles-permissions.md#palettecustomresourceroles), can be generated according to your requirements from the available set of permissions and operations.
+* [Custom Resource Roles](../../..//user-management/palette-rbac/resource-scope-roles-permissions.md#palette-custom-resource-roles), can be generated according to your requirements from the available set of permissions and operations.
### Prerequisites
* A [Palette account](https://console.spectrocloud.com) with Tenant scope privileges.
-* A [user created](../../../user-management/new-user.md#createanewuser) to assign the resource privileges.
+* A [user created](../../../user-management/new-user.md#create-a-new-user) to assign the resource privileges.
To assign the resource roles and filter to the user follow the below steps:
@@ -104,5 +104,5 @@ Upon creating a filter, a display message will pop up to confirm the successful
## Resource
-* [Create a New User](../../..//user-management/new-user.md#createanewuser)
+* [Create a New User](../../..//user-management/new-user.md#create-a-new-user)
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/monitoring/deploy-agent.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/monitoring/deploy-agent.md
index a5c68860d1..edeb071e85 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/monitoring/deploy-agent.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/monitoring/deploy-agent.md
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Example: `https://metrics.example.com:9090/api/v1/write`
- url: "https://metrics.example.com:9090/api/v1/write"
-8. Add the `basic_auth` parameters shown below. Replace `` and `` with the actual credential values. Use the username you created to authenticate with the Prometheus API server. If you followed the [Deploy a Monitoring Stack](deploy-monitor-stack.md#deployamonitoringstack) with authentication guide, then the username is `agent`.
+8. Add the `basic_auth` parameters shown below. Replace `` and `` with the actual credential values. Use the username you created to authenticate with the Prometheus API server. If you followed the [Deploy a Monitoring Stack](deploy-monitor-stack.md#deploy-a-monitoring-stack) with authentication guide, then the username is `agent`.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/palette-webctl.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/palette-webctl.md
index f2ae782ef4..b3a1f33f89 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/palette-webctl.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/cluster-management/palette-webctl.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ If you are using Palette Virtual Machine (VM) Management, you can find steps on
-If you are using [OIDC](/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-rbac#userbacwithoidc) with your host cluster, you will need the kubelogin plugin. Refer to the kubelogin GitHub repository [README](https://github.com/int128/kubelogin#setup) for installation guidance.
+If you are using [OIDC](./cluster-rbac.md) with your host cluster, you will need the kubelogin plugin. Refer to the kubelogin GitHub repository [README](https://github.com/int128/kubelogin#setup) for installation guidance.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/edge/site-deployment/deploy-cluster.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/edge/site-deployment/deploy-cluster.md
index dcfff2a793..9a32df6d0e 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/edge/site-deployment/deploy-cluster.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/edge/site-deployment/deploy-cluster.md
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The next step is to use the following `docker run` command to trigger Packer bui
- The `sh -c "cd edge/vmware/packer/ && packer build -force --var-file=vsphere.hcl build.pkr.hcl` shell sub-command changes to the container's **edge/vmware/packer/** directory and invokes `packer build` to create the VM template. The `packer build` command has the following options:
- The `-force` flag destroys any existing template.
- - The `--var-file` option reads the **vsphere.hcl** file from the container. This file contains the VM template name, VM configuration, and ISO file name to use. The VM configuration conforms to the [minimum device requirements](../architecture/#minimum-device-requirements).
+ - The `--var-file` option reads the **vsphere.hcl** file from the container. This file contains the VM template name, VM configuration, and ISO file name to use. The VM configuration conforms to the [minimum device requirements](../architecture.md#minimum-device-requirements).
The **vsphere.hcl** file content is shown below for your reference. This tutorial does not require you to modify these configurations.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/aws/aws.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/aws/aws.md
index 4094e3fa46..c7e162aca0 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/aws/aws.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/aws/aws.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ hide_table_of_contents: false
-Palette supports integration with [Amazon Web Services](https://aws.amazon.com). You can deploy and manage [Host Clusters](../../../glossary-all.md#hostcluster) in AWS. To get started check out the [Register and Manage AWS Accounts](add-aws-accounts.md).
+Palette supports integration with [Amazon Web Services](https://aws.amazon.com). You can deploy and manage [Host Clusters](../../../glossary-all.md#host-cluster) in AWS. To get started check out the [Register and Manage AWS Accounts](add-aws-accounts.md).
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/azure/azure.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/azure/azure.md
index e082bf3a82..f2887d08a5 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/azure/azure.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/azure/azure.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ tags:
- azure
-Palette supports integration with [Microsoft Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us). You can deploy and manage [Host Clusters](../../../glossary-all.md#hostcluster) in Azure. To get started check out the [Register and Manage Azure Cloud Account](azure-cloud.md#manage-azure-accounts).
+Palette supports integration with [Microsoft Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us). You can deploy and manage [Host Clusters](../../../glossary-all.md#host-cluster) in Azure or Azure Government. To get started check out the [Register and Manage Azure Cloud Account](azure-cloud.md).
@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ To learn more about Palette and Azure cluster creation and its capabilities chec
- [Register and Manage Azure Cloud Account](azure-cloud.md)
-- [Create and Manage Azure Cluster](create-azure-cluster.md#deploy-an-azure-cluster-with-palette)
+- [Create and Manage IaaS Azure Cluster](create-azure-cluster.md)
+- [Create and Manage Azure AKS Cluster](aks.md)
- [Deleting an Azure Cluster](../../cluster-management/remove-clusters.md)
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/azure/create-azure-cluster.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/azure/create-azure-cluster.md
index 386a128e38..0b73eedadc 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/azure/create-azure-cluster.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/azure/create-azure-cluster.md
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Use the following steps to deploy an Azure cluster.
- If the Azure account is registered with **Disable Properties** and **Static Placement** options enabled, then Palette will not import the network information from your Azure account. You can manually input the information for the **Control Plane Subnet** and the **Worker Network**, but be aware that **drop-down Menu** selections will be empty. To learn more about these settings and certain requirements to use them, refer to [Disable Properties](azure-cloud.md#disable-properties).
+ If the Azure account is registered with **Disable Properties** and **Static Placement** options enabled, then Palette will not import the network information from your Azure account. You can manually input the information for the **Control Plane Subnet** and the **Worker Network**, but be aware that **drop-down Menu** selections will be empty. To learn more about these settings and certain requirements to use them, refer to [Disable Properties](azure-cloud.md#disable-palette-network-calls-to-azure-account).
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/deploy-k8s-cluster.md b/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/deploy-k8s-cluster.md
index 5ae8a1af78..73db36173a 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/deploy-k8s-cluster.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/clusters/public-cloud/deploy-k8s-cluster.md
@@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ In this tutorial, you created a cluster profile, which is a template that contai
Palette assures consistency across cluster deployments through cluster profiles. Palette also enables you to quickly deploy applications to a Kubernetes environment with little or no prior Kubernetes knowledge. In a matter of minutes, you were able to provision a new Kubernetes cluster and deploy an application.
-We encourage you to check out the [Deploy an Application using Palette Dev Engine](/devx/apps/deploy-app) tutorial to learn more about Palette. Palette Dev Engine can help you deploy applications more quickly through the usage of [virtual clusters](/glossary-all#palettevirtualcluster). Feel free to check out the reference links below to learn more about Palette.
+We encourage you to check out the [Deploy an Application using Palette Dev Engine](/devx/apps/deploy-app) tutorial to learn more about Palette. Palette Dev Engine can help you deploy applications more quickly through the usage of [virtual clusters](../../glossary-all.md#palette-virtual-cluster). Feel free to check out the reference links below to learn more about Palette.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/compliance.md b/docs/docs-content/compliance.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 922debd194..0000000000
--- a/docs/docs-content/compliance.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-sidebar_label: "Compliance"
-title: "Certification of Compliance"
-description: "Certification of Compliance"
-hide_table_of_contents: false
-sidebar_position: 220
- icon: "user-shield"
-tags: ["compliance", "soc2", "fips"]
-We have two Security Operations Center (SOC) certifications and a FIPS certificate for a Cryptographic Module.
-## SOC 2 Type II
-![soc2.png](/soc2.png "#width=180px")
-Spectro Cloud is certified against SOC2 Type II, compliance with the AICPA’s (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) TSC (Trust Services Criteria).
-* Spectro Cloud SOC 2 Type II audit report assures our organization’s:
- * Security
- * Availability
- * Processing integrity
- * Confidentiality
- * Privacy
-* SOC 2 audits are an important component in regulatory oversight, vendor management programs, internal governance, and risk management.
-* These reports help the users and their auditors to understand the Spectro Cloud controls established to support operations and compliance.
-* The annual certification of SOC2 is Independent 3rd Party Auditor.
-* Spectro Cloud SOC 2 Type II report is available upon request for any customers or prospects with signed MNDA.
-## FIPS 140-2
-![FIPS-Compliance](/docs_compliance_compliance_fips-logo.png "#width=180px")
-Spectro Cloud is certified against FIPS 140-2 with [Certificate number 4349](https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-module-validation-program/certificate/4349) in compliance with the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP).
-Our Spectro Cloud Cryptographic Module is a general-purpose cryptographic library. The FIPS-enforced Palette VerteX edition incorporates the module in the Kubernetes Management Platform and the infrastructure components of target clusters to protect the sensitive information of regulated industries. Palette VerteX supports FIPS at the tenant level. For more information about the FIPS-enforced Palette edition, check out [Palette VerteX](vertex/vertex.md).
-The module is tested against these configurations:
-* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 on Dell PowerEdge R440 with Intel Xeon Silver 4214R _with and without_ PAA
-* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 on Dell PowerEdge R450 with Intel Xeon Silver 4309Y _with and without_ PAA
-* Ubuntu 18.04 on Dell PowerEdge R450 with Intel Xeon Silver 4309Y _with and without_ PAA
-* Ubuntu 20.04 on Dell PowerEdge R450 with Intel Xeon Silver 4309Y _with and without_ PAA
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/devx/devx.md b/docs/docs-content/devx/devx.md
index fab0832f11..e872f8a67c 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/devx/devx.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/devx/devx.md
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ The PDE dashboard provides a snapshot of resource utilization in your PDE enviro
## Automation Support
-You can manage PDE resources through the [Palette API](/api/introduction), [Spectro Cloud Terraform provider](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs), and the Palette CLI. Download the Palette CLI from the [Downloads](/spectro-downloads#palettecli) page to start programmatically using PDE.
+You can manage PDE resources through the [Palette API](/api/introduction), [Spectro Cloud Terraform provider](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs), and the Palette CLI. Download the Palette CLI from the [Downloads](../spectro-downloads.md#palette-cli) page to start programmatically using PDE.
![A view of the Palette CLI menu from a terminal](/devx_devx_cli-display.png)
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/devx/services/service-listings/vault.md b/docs/docs-content/devx/services/service-listings/vault.md
index 7ac5671913..2e70faddb2 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/devx/services/service-listings/vault.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/devx/services/service-listings/vault.md
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ You can validate the Vault instance deployed successfully by using the following
10. Open your browser and visit [https://localhost:8200/ui](https://localhost:8200/ui) to access the Vault UI. You will receive a warning due to the usage of a self-signed certificate but you can ignore this warning.
-To acquire the Vault root token, review the [Vault Credentials](vault.md#vault-credentials) section.
+To acquire the Vault root token, review the [Vault Credentials](#vault-credentials) section.
# Output Variables
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/enterprise-version/install-palette/airgap/vmware-vsphere-airgap-instructions.md b/docs/docs-content/enterprise-version/install-palette/airgap/vmware-vsphere-airgap-instructions.md
index 26efdaead0..e5e0425d28 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/enterprise-version/install-palette/airgap/vmware-vsphere-airgap-instructions.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/enterprise-version/install-palette/airgap/vmware-vsphere-airgap-instructions.md
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Carefully review the [prerequisites](#prerequisites) section before proceeding.
- Palette CLI installed and available. Refer to the Palette CLI [Install](../../../palette-cli/install-palette-cli.md#download-and-setup) page for guidance.
-- Review the required vSphere [permissions](../install-on-vmware/vmware-system-requirements.md). Ensure you have created the proper custom roles and zone tags. Zone tagging is required for dynamic storage allocation across fault domains when provisioning workloads that require persistent storage. Refer to [Zone Tagging](../install-on-vmware/install-on-vmware.md#vsphere-machine-configuration) for information.
+- Review the required vSphere [permissions](../install-on-vmware/vmware-system-requirements.md). Ensure you have created the proper custom roles and zone tags. Zone tagging is required for dynamic storage allocation across fault domains when provisioning workloads that require persistent storage. Refer to [Zone Tagging](../install-on-vmware/vmware-system-requirements.md) for information.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/enterprise-version/install-palette/install-on-vmware/install.md b/docs/docs-content/enterprise-version/install-palette/install-on-vmware/install.md
index 424d52683e..3583cdd479 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/enterprise-version/install-palette/install-on-vmware/install.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/enterprise-version/install-palette/install-on-vmware/install.md
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ If you are installing Palette in an airgap environment, ensure you complete all
- x509 SSL certificate authority file in base64 format. This file is optional.
-- Zone tagging is required for dynamic storage allocation across fault domains when provisioning workloads that require persistent storage. Refer to [Zone Tagging](../install-on-vmware/install-on-vmware.md#vsphere-machine-configuration) for information.
+- Zone tagging is required for dynamic storage allocation across fault domains when provisioning workloads that require persistent storage. Refer to [Zone Tagging](../install-on-vmware/vmware-system-requirements.md) for information.
- Assigned IP addresses for application workload services, such as Load Balancer services.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/integrations/kubernetes-edge.md b/docs/docs-content/integrations/kubernetes-edge.md
index 20004a893d..b0034b925e 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/integrations/kubernetes-edge.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/integrations/kubernetes-edge.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ We also offer Palette eXtended Kubernetes (PXK) for cloud and data center deploy
### PXK and Palette VerteX
-The PXK-E used in [Palette VerteX](../vertex/vertex.md) is compiled and linked with our [NIST-certified FIPS crypto module](../compliance.md#fips-140-2). PXK-E is by default enabled with [Ubuntu Pro](https://ubuntu.com/pro) with FIPS mode enabled. Additionally, the Operating System (OS) is hardened based on the NIST-800 standard. Refer to the [Build Edge Artifacts](../clusters/edge/edgeforge-workflow/build-artifacts.md) guide to learn more on how to build the PXK-E image with FIPS mode enabled.
+The PXK-E used in [Palette VerteX](../vertex/vertex.md) is compiled and linked with our [NIST-certified FIPS crypto module](../legal-licenses/compliance.md#fips-140-2). PXK-E is by default enabled with [Ubuntu Pro](https://ubuntu.com/pro) with FIPS mode enabled. Additionally, the Operating System (OS) is hardened based on the NIST-800 standard. Refer to the [Build Edge Artifacts](../clusters/edge/edgeforge-workflow/build-artifacts.md) guide to learn more on how to build the PXK-E image with FIPS mode enabled.
The combined usage of PXK-E and Palette VerteX provides a secure and FIPS-compliant experience as the Kubernetes distribution, OS, and management platform VerteX is FIPS-compliant.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/integrations/kubernetes.md b/docs/docs-content/integrations/kubernetes.md
index 1af9b12ac7..a456646ef2 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/integrations/kubernetes.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/integrations/kubernetes.md
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ We also offer Palette eXtended Kubernetes Edge (PXK-E) for Edge deployments. Ref
### PXK and Palette VerteX
-The PXK used in [Palette VerteX](../vertex/vertex.md) is compiled and linked with our [NIST-certified FIPS crypto module](../compliance.md#fips-140-2). PXK is by default enabled with [Ubuntu Pro](https://ubuntu.com/pro) with FIPS mode enabled. Additionally, the Operating System (OS) is hardened based on the NIST-800 standard. However, if you use a different OS through the [BYOOS](./byoos.md) pack, then you are responsible for ensuring FIPS compliance and hardening of the OS.
+The PXK used in [Palette VerteX](../vertex/vertex.md) is compiled and linked with our [NIST-certified FIPS crypto module](../legal-licenses/compliance.md#fips-140-2) PXK is by default enabled with [Ubuntu Pro](https://ubuntu.com/pro) with FIPS mode enabled. Additionally, the Operating System (OS) is hardened based on the NIST-800 standard. However, if you use a different OS through the [BYOOS](./byoos.md) pack, then you are responsible for ensuring FIPS compliance and hardening of the OS.
The combined usage of PXK and Palette VerteX provides a secure and FIPS-compliant experience as the Kubernetes distribution, OS, and management platform VerteX is FIPS-compliant.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/integrations/ubuntu.md b/docs/docs-content/integrations/ubuntu.md
index 7a753b8d16..1d6b977777 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/integrations/ubuntu.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/integrations/ubuntu.md
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Palette applies a default set of configuration options when deploying Ubuntu. Yo
| `controllerManager` | Extra settings for the Kubernetes controller manager control plane component. Review the [Kubernetes controller manager](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kube-controller-manager/) documentation for more information. | object | No |
| `scheduler` | Extra settings for the Kubernetes scheduler control plane component. Refer to the [Kube scheduler](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kube-scheduler) documenation for more details. | object | No |
| `kubeletExtraArgs` | Extra arguments for kubelet. Refer to the [Kubeadm init](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-init) documentation for more details. | map | No |
-| `files` | Create or specify additional files for the `kubeadmconfig`. Refer to the [Customize Pack](/integrations/ubuntu?22.04.x#customizepack) section to learn more. | list | No |
+| `files` | Create or specify additional files for the `kubeadmconfig`. Refer to the [Customize Pack](#customize-pack) section to learn more. | list | No |
| `preKubeadmCommands` | Extra commands to issue before kubeadm starts. | list | No |
| `postKubeadmCommands` | Extra commands to issue after kubeadm starts. | list | No |
| `imageRepository` | The container registry to pull images from. If empty, `k8s.gcr.io` will be used by default. | string | No |
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Review the parameter documentation before you make changes to the kubeadm config
-Palette also supports Ubuntu Pro. Refer to the [Ubuntu Pro](ubuntu.md?22.04.x#ubuntupro) section below for more details.
+Palette also supports Ubuntu Pro. Refer to the [Ubuntu Pro](#ubuntu-pro) section below for more details.
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ Palette applies a default set of configuration options when deploying Ubuntu. Yo
| `controllerManager` | Extra settings for the Kubernetes controller manager control plane component. Review the [Kubernetes controller manager](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kube-controller-manager/) documentation for more information. | object | No |
| `scheduler` | Extra settings for the Kubernetes scheduler control plane component. Refer to the [Kube scheduler](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kube-scheduler) documenation for more details. | object | No |
| `kubeletExtraArgs` | Extra arguments for kubelet. Refer to the [Kubeadm init](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-init) documentation for more details. | map | No |
-| `files` | Additional files to pass to kubeadmconfig. Refer to the [Customize Pack](/integrations/ubuntu?22.04.x#customizepack) section to learn more. | list | No |
+| `files` | Additional files to pass to kubeadmconfig. Refer to the [Customize Pack](#add-custom-files-1) section to learn more. | list | No |
| `preKubeadmCommands` | Extra commands to issue before kubeadm starts. | list | Yes - Auto generated |
| `postKubeadmCommands` | Extra commands to issue after kubeadm starts. | list | Yes - Auto generated |
| `imageRepository` | The container registry to pull images from. If empty, `k8s.gcr.io` will be used by default. | string | No |
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ Review the parameter documentation before you make changes to the kubeadm config
-Palette also supports Ubuntu Pro. Refer to the [Ubuntu Pro](ubuntu.md?22.04.x#ubuntupro) section below for more details.
+Palette also supports Ubuntu Pro. Refer to the [Ubuntu Pro](#ubuntu-pro-1) section below for more details.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/introduction/introduction.md b/docs/docs-content/introduction/introduction.md
index fcb3b3eb41..98c99f5aeb 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/introduction/introduction.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/introduction/introduction.md
@@ -59,10 +59,9 @@ With Palette’s Cluster Profiles, teams can define full-stack clusters that inc
Development teams will get the flexibility and freedom they are looking for to increase the speed of innovation, whether it is the cluster template with the add-on application services or choosing a Kubernetes version with integrations like logging, monitoring, and service mesh for your application development. They need not worry about Kubernetes configurations but focus on the stuff that matters.
### IT Operations and SREs
-Declarative management makes life easier for IT teams, with consistency, repeatability, and all the enterprise-grade controls and governance they need - especially when moving to production [Cluster Profiles](/glossary-all#clusterprofile) enable them to define and re-use full-stack clusters and support them across the entire lifecycle without having to write scripts, as well as integrate with existing tools and methodologies.
+Declarative management makes life easier for IT teams, with consistency, repeatability, and all the enterprise-grade controls and governance they need - especially when moving to production [Cluster Profiles](../profiles/cluster-profiles/cluster-profiles.md) enable them to define and re-use full-stack clusters and support them across the entire lifecycle without having to write scripts, as well as integrate with existing tools and methodologies.
### IT Executives
With an open and enterprise-grade platform, IT leaders can get peace of mind without being locked into proprietary orchestration technologies or one-size-fits-all solutions. This helps lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) and reduce operational risk.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/legal-licenses/compliance.md b/docs/docs-content/legal-licenses/compliance.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db38dbc682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docs-content/legal-licenses/compliance.md
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+sidebar_label: "Compliance"
+title: "Certification of Compliance"
+description: "Certification of Compliance"
+hide_table_of_contents: false
+sidebar_position: 10
+tags: ["compliance", "soc2", "fips"]
+## ISO 27001
+![ISO 27001 logo](/legal-licenses_compliance_iso-27001.png "#width=300px")
+The International Organization for Standardization 27001 Standard (ISO 27001) is one of the leading international standards focused on information security. Spectro Cloud has obtained the ISO 27001 Certification and undergoes periodic audits to maintain this certification. ISO 27001 Certification provides assurances that Spectro Cloud is identifying and managing risks effectively, consistently, and measurably.
+Below are some reasons why an ISO 27001 Certification is important:
+- Customer trust and confidence: Clients and partners often look for assurances that their sensitive information is handled securely. Achieving ISO 27001 certification can enhance customer trust and confidence, potentially leading to increased business opportunities.
+- Risk Management: By implementing ISO controls and measures, companies can mitigate these risks, protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access or disclosure.
+- Legal and regulatory compliance: Adhering to ISO 27001 demonstrates a commitment to information security, which can help organizations comply with various legal and regulatory requirements related to data protection and privacy.
+- Global recognition: ISO 27001 is globally recognized. This helps organizations communicate their commitment to information security across borders.
+## SOC 2 Type II
+![soc2.png](/soc2.png "#width=180px")
+The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Service Organization Controls (SOC) Attestation provides assurances over control environments. Spectro Cloud’s SOC 2 Type II audit report provides assurances of our organization’s security and availability.
+- SOC 2 audits are an important component in regulatory oversight, vendor management programs, internal governance, and risk management.
+- These reports help our users and their auditors understand the controls established at Spectro Cloud to support operations and compliance.
+- Spectro Cloud’s SOC 2 Type II report is available upon request for any customers or prospects with a signed non-disclosure agreement in place.
+## FIPS 140-2
+![FIPS-Compliance](/docs_compliance_compliance_fips-logo.png "#width=180px")
+Spectro Cloud is validated against FIPS 140-2 with [Certificate number 4349](https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-module-validation-program/certificate/4349) in compliance with the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP).
+Our Spectro Cloud Cryptographic Module is a general-purpose cryptographic library. The FIPS-enforced Palette VerteX edition incorporates the module in the Kubernetes Management Platform and the infrastructure components of target clusters to protect the sensitive information of regulated industries. Palette VerteX supports FIPS at the tenant level. For more information about the FIPS-enforced Palette edition, check out [Palette VerteX](vertex/vertex.md).
+The module is tested against these configurations:
+* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 on Dell PowerEdge R440 with Intel Xeon Silver 4214R _with and without_ PAA
+* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 on Dell PowerEdge R450 with Intel Xeon Silver 4309Y _with and without_ PAA
+* Ubuntu 18.04 on Dell PowerEdge R450 with Intel Xeon Silver 4309Y _with and without_ PAA
+* Ubuntu 20.04 on Dell PowerEdge R450 with Intel Xeon Silver 4309Y _with and without_ PAA
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+++ b/docs/docs-content/legal-licenses/legal-licenses.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-sidebar_label: "Legal & Acknowledgments"
-title: "Legal & Acknowledgments"
-description: "Review the legal and open source components used in Palette."
-sidebar_position: 10
+sidebar_label: "Compliance & Legal"
+title: "Compliance & Legal"
+description: "Review legal, compliance, and open source components used in Palette."
+sidebar_position: 0
hide_table_of_contents: false
icon: "gavel"
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ This section contains legal information and acknowledgments for Palette and Pale
## Resources
- [About Us](https://www.spectrocloud.com/company)
+- [Compliance](compliance.md)
- [Open-Source Licenses](oss-licenses.md)
- [Partners](https://www.spectrocloud.com/partners)
- [Security Bulletins](../security/security-bulletins/security-bulletins.md)
\ No newline at end of file
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index 68a046d41e..92984ecdbd 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/legal-licenses/oss-licenses.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/legal-licenses/oss-licenses.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
sidebar_label: "Open-source Licenses"
title: "Open-source Licenses"
description: "Review the open-source licenses tied to the libraries and modules currently in use by Palette."
-sidebar_position: 10
+sidebar_position: 30
tags: ["legal", "licenses"]
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/profiles/app-profiles/app-profile-output-vars.md b/docs/docs-content/profiles/app-profiles/app-profile-output-vars.md
index 32228a6126..ae6c8b3fae 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/profiles/app-profiles/app-profile-output-vars.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/profiles/app-profiles/app-profile-output-vars.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ tags: ["devx", "app mode", "pde", "app profiles"]
-Palette Dev Engine output variables are defined in the [app profile](/glossary-all#appprofile) and are only resolved at cluster deployment time. The output variables have the following properties:
+Palette Dev Engine output variables are defined in the [app profile](../../glossary-all.md#app-profile) and are only resolved at cluster deployment time. The output variables have the following properties:
* May be referenced by specifying them during app profile creation.
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Each database service exposes a set of output variables. To learn about each dat
## Resources
-* [Palette System Macros](/registries-and-packs/pack-constraints#packmacros)
+* [Palette System Macros](../../registries-and-packs/pack-constraints.md#pack-macros)
-* [Palette User Macros](/clusters/cluster-management/macros#overview)
+* [Palette User Macros](../../clusters/cluster-management/macros.md)
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/registries-and-packs/deploy-pack.md b/docs/docs-content/registries-and-packs/deploy-pack.md
index 1235db0350..801e0fdf8f 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/registries-and-packs/deploy-pack.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/registries-and-packs/deploy-pack.md
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ cd /terraform/pack-tf
### Set Up the Spectro Cloud API Key
-To get started with Terraform code, you need a Palette API key to authenticate and interact with the Palette API endpoint. To add a new API key, log in to Palette, click on the **User Menu** at the top right, and select **My API Keys**, as shown in the screenshot below. Visit the [Create API Key](https://docs.spectrocloud.com/user-management/authentication/api-key/create-api-key/) guide for more information.
+To get started with Terraform code, you need a Palette API key to authenticate and interact with the Palette API endpoint. To add a new API key, log in to Palette, click on the **User Menu** at the top right, and select **My API Keys**, as shown in the screenshot below. Visit the [Create API Key](../user-management/authentication/api-key/create-api-key.md) guide for more information.
![Screenshot of generating an API key in Palette.](/tutorials/deploy-pack/registries-and-packs_deploy-pack_generate-api-key.png)
@@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ Packs are the building blocks of cluster profiles, allowing you to customize you
To learn more about packs in Palette, we encourage you to check out the reference resources below.
-- [Custom OS Pack](add-custom-packs.md#add-a-custom-pack)
+- [Custom OS Pack](../integrations/byoos.md)
- [Add-on Packs](adding-add-on-packs.md)
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/release-notes.md b/docs/docs-content/release-notes.md
index 7f37118e3e..247beed141 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/release-notes.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/release-notes.md
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ Palette 4.0.0 introduces new features and improvements, including [Palette Verte
- Private Cloud Gateway (PCG) deployments are now available through the Palette CLI. You can now install a PCG through the Palette CLI. The CLI provides an interactive installation experience allowing you to configure the PCG installation parameters. Check out the Palette CLI [PCG install command](palette-cli/commands.md#pcg) documentation to learn more. The previous installation method using the PCG Docker image is deprecated and unavailable in this release.
-- You can now specify namespace labels and annotations in a Container Network Interface (CNI), Container Storage Interface (CSI), and Add-on pack's YAML configuration. This allows you to specify labels and annotations that are applied to specific namespaces in the cluster. To learn more about configuring labels and annotations, refer to [Create an Add-on Profile](profiles/cluster-profiles/create-cluster-profiles/create-addon-profile/create-addon-profile.md#pack-labels-and-annotations).
+- You can now specify namespace labels and annotations in a Container Network Interface (CNI), Container Storage Interface (CSI), and Add-on pack's YAML configuration. This allows you to specify labels and annotations that are applied to specific namespaces in the cluster. To learn more about configuring labels and annotations, refer to [Create an Add-on Profile](profiles/cluster-profiles/create-cluster-profiles/create-addon-profile/create-addon-profile.md).
@@ -625,932 +625,4 @@ The following packs are marked as deprecated, disabled, or deleted. Refer to the
| Prometheus Operator | 37.2.0 | Deprecated |
| Reloader | 0.0.104 | Deprecated |
| Spectro Proxy | 1.0.0 | Deprecated |
-| Spectro Proxy | 1.1.0 | Deprecated |
-## September 21, 2023 - Release 3.4.114
-This release contains a minor bug fix.
-### Bug Fix
-- The *Throttling* error that reports a failure to create, update, and reconcile Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) tags is fixed. Previously, Palette reconciled tags every two minutes regardless of differences. Palette now reconciles tags only when it detects differences.
-## May 22, 2023 - Release 3.4.0
-Palette 3.4.0 has various security upgrades, better support for multiple Kubernetes environments, a new cluster deployment platform, and increased user customization options for Palette, Edge, and Palette Dev Engine. Additionally, it includes updates for several packs and stops supporting Kubernetes 1.23 in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). You can find upgrade notes for self-hosted Palette 3.4 in the [Upgrade Notes](enterprise-version/upgrade.md#palette-34) documentation.
-### Palette
-#### Breaking Changes
-- Installations of self-hosted Palette in a Kubernetes cluster now require [cert-manager](https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/) to be available before installing Palette. Cert-manager is used to enable Mutual TLS (mTLS) between all of Palette's internal components. Refer to the prerequisites section of [Installing Palette using Helm Charts](enterprise-version/install-palette/install-on-kubernetes/install.md) guide for more details.
-- Self-hosted Palette for Kubernetes now installs Palette Ingress resources in a namespace that Palette manages. Prior versions of Palette installed internal components ingress resources in the default namespace. Review the [Upgrade Notes](enterprise-version/upgrade.md#palette-34) to learn more about this change and how to upgrade.
-#### Features
-- Palette's tenant administrators now have the ability to set up a personalized login banner for both the system and tenant levels. Refer to the [Login Banner](tenant-settings/login-banner.md) reference page to learn more.
-- You can now access a customized Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in Palette for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) with support for AWS Launch Template. This allows you to personalize your EKS nodes and EBS root volumes by creating your own custom AMI.
-- Palette now supports using IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) for AWS clusters. Enable the Palette managed policy *Controllers EKS Policy* to enable this feature. Refer to the [AWS Required Policies](clusters/public-cloud/aws/required-iam-policies.md) for more information about the managed policy.
-- You can now deploy clusters in the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) environment with Palette. Use the [Create and Managed GCP GKE Cluster](clusters/public-cloud/gcp/create-gcp-gke-cluster.md) guide to learn how to deploy clusters to GKE with Palette.
-- Palette now supports the ability for you to use image swap to override specific registries, images, or a combination of both. You can add an `imageSwap` configuration to the Kubernetes pack YAML to point to a different registry or image. Check out the [Image Swap](clusters/cluster-management/image-swap.md) reference resource to learn more.
-- Deploying a host cluster to AWS with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) as the Operating System (OS) is now possible. This can be done by utilizing the *Bring Your Own Operating System* (BYOOS) pack, which allows for the creation of a custom AMI based on RHEL.
-#### Improvements
-- OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider configuration has now moved to the Kubernetes layer. You can now select the desired OIDC setting when selecting a Kubernetes distribution and version during a cluster profile creation.
-- New macros for gathering attributes about a cluster profile, such as name, uid, and version, are now available. Refer to the [Macros Supported Variables](registries-and-packs/pack-constraints.md#pack-resource-constraints) documentation to learn more.
-- Cluster profiles can now be filtered by scope such as Tenant and project.
-- The tenant administrator dashboard now displays the cluster usage and cost information at the tenant scope.
-- The Cox Edge cluster deployment wizard now populates a Point of Presence (PoP) list to help you select the geographical deployment target.
-- As a tenant administrator, you can now quickly review all Edge hosts that are deployed in your tenant and quickly identify which project they belong to.
-- The Cox Edge provider has been updated to support worker nodes' load balancers and customizable volume mounts for virtual machines.
-- The Metal as a Service (MAAS) provider has been updated to improve the node reconciliation behavior. In scenarios where the Machine Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is powered off, the machine is powered on instead of provisioning a new node.
-#### Bug Fixes
-- A bug that caused issues with the deletion of a cluster's profile manifest has been successfully fixed. Manifests are now correctly deleted when removed from a cluster profile.
-- The problem with Palette not removing namespaces when removing a layer from a cluster profile has been resolved.
-- You can now configure the behavior of the Palette agent to disable sending workload reports to the Palette control plane. This addresses scenarios where large clusters with many nodes exceed the 1 MB payload threshold, resulting in agent failures. Refer to the [Nodes Troubleshooting](troubleshooting/nodes.md#palette-agents-workload-payload-size-issue) for guidance on disabling the workload report feature.
-### Edge
-#### Breaking Changes
-- To enhance the security of Edge deployments, a tenant [registration token](clusters/edge/site-deployment/site-installation/create-registration-token.md) created by the Tenant administrator is now required for pairing an Edge host with Palette. However, you can continue to use the auto registration, QR code, and manual registration methods available today. Refer to the [Register Edge Host](clusters/edge/site-deployment/site-installation/edge-host-registration.md) documentation to learn more about Edge registration methods.
-- Prior Edge Installer versions are incompatible with Palette 3.4 and newer versions due to product enhancements and security fixes. New Edge clusters deployed with an earlier Edge Installer version will not operate in Palette. Active Edge clusters in Palette will continue to work as expected. Use the latest version of the [Edge Installer](spectro-downloads.md) when creating Edge artifacts and deploying new Edge clusters.
-#### Features
-- You can now assign a static IP address to an Edge host during deployment. Previously, you could only assign a static IP address through the user-data configuration file. You can now set a static IP address by using the user-data configuration file, the Palette API, Terraform, or the Palette dashboard during the Edge host cluster creation wizard.
-- An Edge host ID can now be sourced directly from system files exposed by the BIOS or firmware via the [Desktop Management Interface](https://www.dmtf.org/standards/dmi) (DMI). Ensure that the system file is not empty and does not contain special characters, and the Edge installer will use the value in the file as the Edge host ID. This is an advanced feature and is not required for setting a device ID.
-- To deploy an Edge host device, use the Edge Forge workflow. The workflow allows you to customize the Edge Installer, include a user-agent configuration file, preload content bundles, and perform other functions according to your preferences. Visit the [Edge Forge workflow](clusters/edge/edgeforge-workflow/edgeforge-workflow.md) page to learn more.
-#### Improvements
-- The events log stream for the Edge host cluster now includes audit messages and critical errors. Logs for an individual Edge host are now also accessible. The Edge host logs are helpful in debugging and monitoring the deployment process of an Edge host.
-- The upgrade process for Edge cluster has been optimized to avoid extra reboots of the Edge host, whether it's for upgrading the OS or the Kubernetes version.
-- The latest Kairos release information is now appended to the **/etc/os-release** file. Unlike previous versions of Pallette, the Kairos release information no longer replaces the entire content of the OS's release file. This change prevents any issues that may arise with tools like Nvidia's GPU Operator due to the previous overwrite behavior.
-- The Palette dashboard now displays Edge host clusters undergoing an upgrade process..
-### Palette Dev Engine (PDE)
-### Features
-- Palette PDE is now available in self-hosted installation of Palette.
-- PDE now has a Command Line Interface (CLI) that you can use for programmatic access to PDE resources. Users can perform actions such as create, list, delete, resize, pause, and resume virtual cluster. You can also download the kubeconfig file of a virtual cluster with the CLI. Refer to the [Palette CLI](palette-cli/install-palette-cli.md) documentation page to learn more.
-### Improvements
-- Container applications that expose a service now automatically receive ingress support with HTTPS support out-of-the-box. This means exposed service URLs automatically receive dynamic SSL certificates used for HTTPS.
-- You can now access a [new dashboard](devx/devx.md) to better understand your virtual clusters, app profiles, deployed apps, and resource utilization. The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of critical metrics and more.
-- You can now increase or decrease the number of replicated instances of a container service. Check out the [Container Deployment](profiles/app-profiles/create-app-profiles/container-deployment.md) guide to learn more about containerized deployments.
-### Terraform
-- Version 0.14.0 of the [Spectro Cloud Terraform provider](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs) is available. Refer to the Terraform provider [release page](https://github.com/spectrocloud/terraform-provider-spectrocloud/releases) for more details.
-### Packs
-#### Operating System Packs
-| Pack | New Version |
-| COS GKE | 1.0.0 |
-| Edge Native BYOI | 1.0.0 |
-| SLES Libvirt | 15.4.1 |
-| SLES vSphere | 15.4.1 |
-| Ubuntu OpenStack | 22.04 |
-#### Kubernetes Packs
-| Pack | New Version |
-| Edge k3s | 1.25.2 |
-| Edge k8s | 1.25.2 |
-| Edge microk8s | 1.25 |
-| Edge RKE2 | 1.25.2 |
-| Kubernetes | 1.26.3 |
-| Kubernetes EKS | 1.26 |
-| Kubernetes GKE | 1.25.8 |
-#### CNI Packs
-| Pack | New Version |
-| CNI Calico | 3.25.1 |
-| CNI Calico Azure | 3.25.1 |
-| CNI Cilium | 1.13.2 |
-| CNI VPC Native GKE | 1.0.0 |
-| CNI Flannel | 0.21.4 |
-| CNI Cilium Tetragon | 0.9.0 |
-#### CSI Packs
-| Pack | New Version |
-| CSI AWS EBS | 1.17.0 |
-| CSI GCP Persistent Driver | 1.10.1 |
-| CSI Longhorn | 1.4.1 |
-| CSI OpenStack Cinder | 1.26 |
-| CSI Portworx Generic | 2.12.0 |
-| GKE CSI GCP Driver | 1.0.0 |
-| CSI vSphere | 3.0.0 |
-#### Add-on Packs
-| Pack | New Version |
-| Nvidia GPU Operator | 22.9.2 |
-| AVI Kubernetes Operator| 1.9.2 |
-| Istio | 1.17.2 |
-| Cloudanix | 1.0.0 |
-| CSI Longhorn | 1.4.1 |
-| CSI Topolvm | 11.1.1 |
-| External DNS | 0.13.4 |
-| Flux CD | 2.6.0 |
-| Kong | 2.17.0 |
-| Nginx | 1.7.0 |
-| Palette Upgrader | 3.3.16 |
-| Portworx | 2.13.0 |
-| Prometheus Agent | 19.0.2 |
-| Prometheus Operator | 45.25.0 |
-| Reloader | 1.0.24 |
-| Spectro k8s Dashboard | 2.7.1 |
-| HashiCorp Vault | 0.24.1 |
-#### Pack Notes
-- The CNI Calico pack version 3.25.1 is now available which contains support for IPV6 CIDR support has been added.
-- The Nvidia GPU Operator pack is available and can be used to install Nvidia GPU drivers on Nvidia hardware.
-- The AVI Kubernetes Operator (AKO) pack is now available. You can use this pack to provide L4-L7 load balancing for applications deployed in a Kubernetes cluster for north-south traffic network traffic. This pack is only available for VMware vSphere.
-- The vSphere CSI pack version 3.0.0 is available. This versions supports the usage of custom images for vSphere pods.
-- The CNCF Kubernetes pack is renamed to Palette eXtended Kubernetes.
-- Kubernetes versions before 1.24 are no longer supported for host clusters targeting Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). This deprecation is due to Azure's Kubernetes support policy. You can learn more about Azure-supported Kubernetes versions [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/supported-kubernetes-versions?tabs=azure-cli).
-### Education
-- Learn how to create a custom pack and how to deploy the custom pack to a Palette registry server with the [Create and Deploy a Custom Add-On Pack](registries-and-packs/deploy-pack.md) tutorial.
-- An introductory tutorial on deploying a Palette-managed cluster to public cloud providers is now available. Learn to deploy a host cluster with Palette using the Palette user interface or Terraform. Check out the [Deploy a Cluster](clusters/public-cloud/deploy-k8s-cluster.md) tutorial to get started.
-## March 19, 2023 - Release 3.3.0
-This release contains several security fixes and new features for Edge. The Edge installation process has been improved to allow users greater flexibility and more control over the installation process.
-### Palette
-#### Enhancements:
-* Users can now download all the clusters listed when applying a filter to the clusters list.
-### Edge
-#### Features:
-* Edge now supports the ability to load images from an external OCI registry.
-* The Edge Installer can now include preloaded content bundles containing packages and artifacts. This is useful for scenarios where you work with limited internet bandwidth or want to optimize the installation process.
-* Users can now [create custom Edge Installer images](clusters/edge/edgeforge-workflow/palette-canvos.md) to support advanced scenarios such as Bring Your Own Operating System (BYOOS), installing additional OS packages, preloading content into the installer, and more.
-* Support for creating Virtual Machine Disks (VMDK) from the Edge installer ISO is now available. Use this to simplify deployments into VMware-based environments.
-* Support for generating random UUID values for the Edge host is now available. This addresses the issue of some devices having the same Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) due to identical device identifiers.
-### Packs
-* CNI Packs:
- * Calico CNI 3.25.0
-* CSI Packs:
- * EBS CSI 1.16.0
- * vSphere CSI 2.7.0
-* Add-on Packs:
- * Flux v2 2.6.0
- * Prometheus Operator 45.4.0
- * MetalLB 0.13.9
- * Spectro Proxy 1.3.0
-## February 28, 2023 - Release 3.2.0
-Release 3.2 introduces support for a new public cloud provider, Cox Edge. Other highlights include a streamlined experience for installing the Kubernetes Dashboard in a cluster, a new security scan, auto registration capabilities for edge devices, new [out-of-the-box services](devx/services/service-listings/service-listings.mdx, and many other product enhancements.
-### Palette
-##### Features
-* Support for the [Cox Edge](clusters/public-cloud/cox-edge/cox-edge.md) cloud provider is now available in Palette.
-* Palette introduces a new user sign-in flow for users who previously created an account through SSO and who are a member of different organizations. Palette prompts you to select the organization to log in to. If you need help remembering, you can retrieve it using “Forgot your organization name?”.
-* Palette now provides a streamlined experience for users when installing [Kubernetes dashboard](integrations/spectro-k8s-dashboard.md). When adding Kubernetes dashboard as a pack, Palette displays relevant configuration items directly in the pack UI.
-* Palette now auto-cleans deleted clusters, deployments, cluster profiles, cloud accounts, edge hosts, and other resources. Users can expect auto cleanup to take approximately 15 minutes.
-* Additional filtering options are available to apply to clusters. Users can filter by region and country with pre-populated values based on cluster information and by ‘Unknown’ state.
-* Palette now provides a way to search and filter private cloud gateways (PCGs) by resource tag.
-* Palette provides the ability to schedule OS patching for enterprise clusters and PCGs. OS patching applies to clusters that have a master pool with multiple nodes.
-* Palette provides a **tag.update** permission that can be assigned to user roles that allows modifying resource tags.
-* Palette introduces a Software Bill of Materials [(SBOM) scan](clusters/cluster-management/compliance-scan.md#sbom-dependencies--vulnerabilities) capability that can be invoked manually or scheduled to run on tenant clusters. Multiple output formats are available.
-* Palette offers two new app services: CockroachDB and HashiCorp Vault.
-* Palette provides access to configuration and status [logs for each application](devx/apps/logs.md).
-* Palette now allows you to revise the order of layers as you create an app profile.
-* Virtual clusters now support the ability to [back up all disk volumes](clusters/cluster-groups/cluster-group-backups.md) within the cluster.
-* A system cluster profile named **nginx-ingress** is now available to help users [set up ingress endpoints](clusters/cluster-groups/ingress-cluster-group.md) for cluster groups.
-#### Enhancements
-* [Cluster groups](clusters/cluster-groups/cluster-groups.md) that were previously supported only at the tenant scope are now supported at the project scope.
-* Palette has improved the launch time for virtual clusters.
-* [Virtual clusters can be resized](devx/palette-virtual-clusters/resize-virtual-clusters.md) from the default to a size that does not exceed the system-level quota for a cluster group like Beehive or the user quota for tenant-level cluster groups.
-* Virtual clusters now display a progress status during the creation phase.
-* The App profile container service layer contains additional [output variables](profiles/app-profiles/app-profile-output-vars.md#container-service-output-variables) to help services connect. Refer to the [service connectivity](devx/services/connectivity.md) document for additional guidance.
-* We optimized the Spectro Cloud Postman collection to circumvent a nested levels [bug](https://github.com/postmanlabs/postman-app-support/issues/10928) in Postman.
-#### Deprecations
-* Enabling virtual clusters on host clusters is deprecated. Use [cluster groups](clusters/cluster-groups/create-cluster-group.md) to enable virtual clusters moving forward. Cluster groups are also now supported at the [project](projects.md) scope.
-### Edge
-#### Features
-* Palette provides the ability to automatically register edge hosts for a specific project when a host authentication token is specified in **Tenant Settings > Registration Tokens**.
-* Bring Your Own OS (BYOS) support.
-### Packs
-* OS packs:
- * Ubuntu 22.04 on AWS, Azure, GCP
-* K8s packs:
- * Support for K8s 1.26.1
- * Support for K8s 1.25.6
- * Support for K8s 1.24.10
- * Support for K8s 1.23.16
- * Support for Tencent TKE 1.0.0 on VMware
-* CNI Packs:
- * Calico CNI 3.24.5
- * Cilium CNI 1.12.6
- * Antrea CNI for VMware 1.9.0
-* CSI Packs:
- * EFS CSI 1.4.9
- * Azure Disk CSI 1.25.0
- * GCE Persistent Disk CSI 1.8.2
- * Rook-Ceph CSI 1.10.0
-* Add-on Packs:
- * Kong Ingress 2.13.1
- * K8S Dashboard 2.7.0
- * External DNS 0.13.1
- * Open Policy Agent 3.11.0
- * Reloader 0.0.129
- * External 0.7.1
- * Vault 0.23.0
- * Nginx Ingress 1.5.1
- * AWS Application Load Balancer 2.4.6
- * Prometheus Operator 44.3.0
- * Bring Your Own OS (BYOS) pack 1.1.0
- * Spectro Proxy 1.2.0
-## December 28, 2022 - Release 3.1.0
-Palette 3.1 is released with support for AWS GovCloud, FIPS compliant PXK, and PXK-E Kubernetes versions. This release also features Autoscalers for IaaS clusters, FIPS enablement at the scope level, cluster tagging, and the ability to use tags for resource filtering and access control. The Palette Developer Experience (PDE) product also contains several enhancements that improve the user experience, such as the ability to pause and resume clusters, new services for app profiles, and more.
-### Palette
-#### Upgrade Notes:
-* MaaS cluster's initialization configuration has been updated to disable memory swap. This will result in MaaS cluster nodes becoming repaved when applying the new configuration.
-#### Features:
-* Palette supports integration with [AWS GovCloud services](clusters/public-cloud/aws/add-aws-accounts.md#prerequisites) to meet the compliance mandates for safeguarding sensitive data by strengthening identity management, improving cloud visibility, and protecting accounts and workloads to support mission-critical workloads for government customers.
-* [Autoscaling](clusters/cluster-management/node-pool.md#worker-node-pool) capabilities for Palette IaaS clusters to ensure better availability and cost management for dynamic workloads.
-* Palette is now compliant with FIPS compliance and provides a [FIPS-compliant](compliance.md#fips-140-2) version of Kubernetes (PXK and PXK-E). Palette FIPS support is extended at the platform Level with the tenant and project Scope and cluster level with FIPS compliant infrastructure layer cluster profiles.
-* Palette supports tagging and the ability to filter user [access](clusters/cluster-management/cluster-tag-filter/cluster-tag-filter.md) and [visibility](clusters/cluster-management/noc-ui.md#monitor-your-cluster-location) to clusters using tags. You can filter geographically dispersed clusters in the Palette map view and list view using [flexible filters](clusters/cluster-management/noc-ui.md#map-filters) to have a granular view of cluster information.
-* Palette supports app profile versioning. Versioning enables users to create multiple [versions of an App Profile](profiles/app-profiles/modify-app-profiles/version-app-profile.md) within the scope of a single profile name.
-* Palette supports the [cloning](profiles/app-profiles/clone-app-profile.md) of App Profiles across multiple projects. For example, you can clone an app profile created under a specific project to another project within the same tenant.
-* Palette Dev Engine supports the manual and system update of an [App Profile](profiles/app-profiles/modify-app-profiles/version-app-profile.md). You can verify the update notification and apply the changes to the Apps.
-* Palette app mode now supports the use of [containers](profiles/app-profiles/create-app-profiles/container-deployment.md). You can specify containers when creating an app profile.
-* Palette leverages [Helm and OCI registries](devx/manage-dev-engine/registries.md) for custom pack management.
-* Palette provides [out-of-the-box](profiles/app-profiles/create-app-profiles/create-out-of-box-app-profile.md) support for application services such as Kafka, MySQL, NATS, and more for Palette Dev Engine. These services can be specified when creating an App Profile.
-* Palette allows you to [pause and resume](devx/palette-virtual-clusters/pause-restore-virtual-clusters.md) virtual clusters that are not in use. This adds significant flexibility in managing the operating costs and optimizing resource management for virtual clusters.
-#### Enhancements:
-* [OS patch reboot](clusters/cluster-management/os-patching.md#reboot) allows clusters to reboot to apply system updates if required.
-* Palette Tencent clusters now support using [security groups](clusters/public-cloud/tke.md#deploy-a-tencent-cluster) for network isolation and improved security.
-* Reduced launch time when creating Palette Virtual Clusters.
-* Palette Virtual Clusters now support ephemeral storage.
-#### Deprecations:
-* Deprecated API : GET/v1/dashboard/projects , new API: POST /v1/dashboard/projects
-* Deprecated API: POST /v1/dashboard/spectroclusters , new API: POST /v1/dashboard/spectroclusters/search
-#### Known Issues:
-* Palette does not allow scaling of control plane nodes for the Microk8s pack. The workaround is to remove the scaling limit of the control plane.
-* Currently, Microk8s does not support an out-of-box service load balancer.
- * Work Around: To avoid this, you can install the [AWS Application Load Balancer](https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-load-balancer-controller/v2.4/guide/service/nlb/) pack. The packs containing service type as a load balancer will require annotation and `loadBalancerClass` changes.
-### Edge
-#### Features:
-* Palette supports the provision of [MicroK8s clusters](integrations/microk8s.md). Microk8s deployments are quick and ideal when creating disposal Kubernetes clusters. The MicroK8s pack supports automatic updates, security configuration, and the ability to self-update Kubernetes dependencies.
-#### [Spectro Image Updates](spectro-downloads.md):
-* Private Cloud Gateway Installer updated to version 1.4.0.
-* On-Prem Installer updated to version 2.4.0.
-* Air Gap Repo Appliance updated to version 2.1.0.
-* EDGE Installer version 2.2.23.
-#### [Packs and Integrations](integrations/integrations.mdx):
-* csi-longhorn version 1.3.1
-* csi-longhorn-addon version 1.3.1
-* kafka-operator version 0.32.0
-* mysql-operator version 0.6.2
-* nats-operator version 0.18.2
-* palette-upgrader version 3.0.70
-* palette-upgrader version 3.0.51
-* spectro-k8s-dashboard version 2.6.0
-## October 24, 2022 - Release 3.0.0
-Spectro Cloud Palette 3.0.0 is released with [Native Edge](clusters/edge/edge.md), [Palette Dev Engine](devx/devx.md), [NOC-UI](clusters/cluster-management/noc-ui.md), and many more exciting capabilities.
-* A new set of capabilities that improve the [developer experience](devx/devx.md) are introduced in this release:
- * Rapid Application deployment with a smooth onboarding experience.
- * RBAC with a developer-centric view.
- * System scope resource quota.
- * System Scope Cluster groups to host [Palette Virtual Clusters](clusters/palette-virtual-clusters/deploy-virtual-cluster.md).
- * Out-of-the-box application profiles and applications deployment with Palette Virtual Clusters.
- * Application profiles can consists of Helm charts, Manifests, and Database services such as MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL
-* The Palette [Native Edge](clusters/edge/edge.md) architecture is an instance of Palette Edge Distribution. The Palette Edge instance is based on the desired version of Operating System-Kubernetes installed natively onto the edge devices. All the Day 1 and Day 2 Operations starting from Installation to Scaling, Upgrades, and Reconfigurations, will be managed by the Palette Console.
-* Palette provides intuitive, location-based UI that monitors clusters with [NOC-UI](clusters/cluster-management/noc-ui.md).
-* Palette enterprise mode production clusters can be backed up to [Azure Blob storage](clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/backup-restore.md) for convenient restoration.
-* Palette provisions cluster monitoring with [Kubernetes Dashboard](integrations/spectro-k8s-dashboard.md) exposed to external traffic using [Spectro Proxy](integrations/frp.md) pack with RBAC authentication.
-* Palette enables the provisioning of private Azure Kubernetes Clusters (AKS) clusters within Azure Virtual networks (VNet) for enhanced security by offloading the orchestration to a [Private Cloud Gateway](clusters/public-cloud/azure/gateways.md) deployed within the same account as the private AKS clusters.
-* Operators can now customize the [pod limit](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/) for AKS clusters. Customize the pod limit value from the Kubernetes configuration [file](clusters/cluster-management/node-pool.md) at any time by editing the `maxPodPerNode` value.
-* The Kubernetes Packs for [Edge Native](clusters/edge/architecture.md) deployments disable a few items by default to allow users to install those items independently or to avoid duplication.
-* The latest Palette Terraform releases, [Module 0.4.1 and Module 0.10.1](terraform.md), support:
- * Native Edge clusters
- * Palette Virtual Clusters
- * Fixes towards [Enhancements](terraform.md)
-**Packs and Integrations**
-* Dex version 2.35.1
-* Harbor version 1.9.3
-* Istio version 1.14.3
-* Image Swap version 1.5.1
-* Generic-VM Libvirt version 1.0.1
-* Generic VM vSphere version 1.0.3
-* Tekton-chains version 0.12.0
-* Tekton-operator version 0.61.0
-* K3s version 1.24.4
-* Spectro Proxy version 1.1.0
-* External DNS version 0.12.2
-* MetalLB-version version 0.13.5
-* Reloader version version 0.0.118
-* AWS Cluster Autoscaler version 1.22.2
-* Fluentbit version 1.9.6
-* Kubernetes dashboard version 2.6.1
-* Calico version 3.24
-* Cert-Manager version 1.9.1
-* Open Policy Agent version 3.9.0
-* AWS EBS CSI version 1.10.0
-**Known Issues**
-* While deploying multiple apps in a Palette Virtual Cluster, if the deployment of one of the apps is blocked due to errors, then subsequent apps deployed to the same virtual cluster might also be stuck in deploying state. Apply the following workarounds if you encounter the issue.
- * Delete the stuck App.
- * Fix the App with the error.
- * Redeploy the App again.
-## September 10, 2022 - Release 2.8.0
-Spectro Cloud Palette 2.8.0 is now available with the support of Palette Virtual Clusters, Web-Based Kubectl, Import and Export of Profiles, Terraform Releases, and many exciting enhancements.
-* Palette now supports lightweight, cost-effective, secure, and resource-efficient [Palette Virtual Clusters](/clusters/palette-virtual-clusters) to rapidly create securely-isolated environments for applications without the infrastructure and operational overhead of additional Kubernetes clusters.
-* Palette leverages web-based [Kubectl](/clusters/cluster-management/palette-webctl#overview) for the users to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources, and view logs via the Palette terminal without an external terminal.
-* Palette enables the reuse and sharing of large profiles with many add-ons and integrations to be [exported and imported](profiles/cluster-profiles/export-import-cluster-profile.md) across multiple environments, projects, and tenants.
-* Palette customers can now provision the fully conformant Kubernetes distribution [RKE2](/integrations/rke2#rke2overview) focusing on security and compliance.
-* The latest Palette Terraform releases, [Module 0.2.3 and Module 0.3.0](/terraform#moduletoprovidercompatibilitymatrix), focus on:
- * Cluster resource tagging
- * Static placement of AKS clusters
- * VMware cloud-type support of Terraform modules
- * Image template support
-* Palette upgrades the vSphere Private Cloud Gateways and On-Prem cluster specifications to newer versions:
- * K8s version has been upgraded from 1.21 to 1.22.12 [ the latest version in 1.22 ]
- * The storage layer has been upgraded from 2.3 to 2.5.2 to fix volume attachment issues
- * Ubuntu OS has been upgraded from LTS 18.04 to LTS 20.04
- * The PCG and On-Premise images now have all the latest OS patches updated
-* Palette enables [Cluster(s) Lock](/clusters/cluster-management/palette-lock-cluster#overview) to restrict the cluster(s) under the Tenant, Project, or single cluster from being upgraded from cluster management services upgrade on the upgrade of the Palette.
-* Palette feeds observability of [OS patching details](/clusters/cluster-management/os-patching#monitoring) such as `Last Applied Patch Time` and `The date and time of the last OS Patch.`
-* Palette boards the mapping between cluster profiles and clusters in cluster profiles details UI page listing the clusters created using a specific cluster profile.
-* Palette promotes VNet Resource Group filtering for AKS clusters, allowing the VNet to be a part of a different resource group than the AKS resource group.
-* Palette enables the users to override the [custom folder](/clusters/data-center/vmware#deployingavmwarecluster) for vSphere templates, in addition to the default image template folder, `spectro-templates` for the vSphere environment.
-* [Regex Expression](/workspace#regexfornamespaces) for mass selection of workspace names for role binding.
-* Palette also leverages the single sign-on, using SAML/OIDC integration with [Google Identity](/user-management/saml-sso#oidcbasedsso).
-* Palette enables the customers to optionally disable the [OIDC associate provider](/clusters/public-cloud/aws/eks) for EKS clusters if the service provider restricts the cluster deployment in OIDC enabled state.
-* Tenant administrators can now set the [Palette resource limits](/user-management/palette-resource-limits#setresourcelimit) though the Palette console.
-* Palette provisions user's [infrastructure privacy](/clusters/public-cloud/azure#deployinganazurecluster) for the Azure cloud account.
-* **API Deprecations**
- * Deprecated API: `GET /v1/clusterprofiles`
- New API : `POST /v1/dashboard/clusterprofiles` with better filter support
- * Deprecated API: `GET /v1/projects`
- New API : `POST /v1/dashboard/projects` with better filter support
- * Deprecated API: `GET /v1/spectroclusters`
- New API : `POST /v1/dashboard/spectroclusters` with better filter support
- * Deprecated API: `GET /v1/spectroclusters/{uid}/packs/{packName}/config`.
- New API : `GET /v1/spectroclusters/{uid}/profiles/{profileUid}/packs/{packName}/config` with multiple cluster profiles support within cluster, the profileUid is required to locate a uniquely within the cluster
-* **Pack Deprecations:**
- * Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) 1.21
-**Packs and Integrations**
-* Nginx 1.3.0
-* Thanos - 10.5.3
-* EFK - 7.17.3
-* Kubernetes Dashboard - 2.6.0
-* Vault - 0.20.1
-* Calico - 3.23
-* Calico for Azure - 3.23
-* AWS EBS CSI - 1.8.0
-* AWS EFS - 1.4.0
-* AWS EFS -addon - 1.4.0
-* gce-pd-csi-driver-v1.7.1
-* Portworx-generic-addon-v2.11.2
-* Portworx-generic-v2.11.2
-* vSphere_csi_2.5.2
-**Known Issues**
-* AKS Clusters in v1beta1 environment gives an empty report for Kubernetes Conformance Testing (Sonobuoy scan).
-* OS Patch information not getting displayed for clusters with os patch scheduled on boot.
-## July 17, 2022 - Release 2.7.0
-Spectro Cloud Palette 2.7 is released with advanced features supporting Windows Worker Node Pools, Canonical Ubuntu Advantage, Cluster Migration from Private Cloud Gateway, enhanced Workspace, and more.
-* Spectro Cloud Palette has enhanced the import cluster functionality with ["Read-Only Mode"](/clusters/imported-clusters/cluster-import) mode and the "Full Permission Mode" mode. Users can start exploring Palette by importing a cluster in a minimal model without granting the full administrative set of permissions. Over time, users can grant additional permissions to manage Day 2 operations.
-* Palette now supports [Windows worker nodes](/clusters/public-cloud/azure) in addition to the Linux worker nodes for Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) clusters.
-* Palette ensures Security and OS patching benefits with [Canonical's Ubuntu Advantage](/integrations/ubuntu#ubuntuadvantage) for Infrastructure subscription with Ubuntu as an OS layer for multiple operating environments.
-* Automatically scale the workload resources of your Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) clusters with [AKS Autoscaler](/clusters/public-cloud/azure) to meet the dynamic user workloads.
-* Palette leverages the Container Storage Interface (CSI) and Container Network Interface (CNI) layers using Helm Chart in addition to manifest-based deployment.
-* Palette introduces a well-defined [color scheme to monitor](/clusters/cluster-management/pack-monitoring#packmonitoring) the different stages of pack deployment during cluster creation.
-* Palette [Edge Clusters](/clusters/edge) deployed on remote bare metal or virtual machines appliances providing end-to-end support on deployment, scaling, upgrades and reconfiguration.
-* Palette [Azure CNI Pack](/integrations/azure-cni#azurecni) ensures advanced traffic flow control using Calico Policies for AKS clusters.
-* Palette supports the [migration of Private Cloud Gateway (PCG)](clusters/clusters.md) traffic from unhealthy to healthy PCG without compromising service availability.
-* Palette Workspace upgraded with
- * [Resource Quota](/workspace/workload-features#workspacequota) allocation for Workspaces, Namespaces, and Clusters.
- * [Restricted Container Images](/workspace/workload-features#restrictedcontainerimages) feature to restrict the accidental deployment of a delisted or unwanted container to a specific namespace.
- * Enable the collective role binding of namespaces using [regular expressions for namespaces](/workspace#regexfornamespaces) selection.
- * Selective [Resource Restore](/workspace/workload-features#restoreyourbackup) from Workspace Backup across Cluster resources, Node Ports, and Persistent Volumes.
-* Palette provides visibility into [Role Binding and Cluster Role Binding](/clusters/cluster-management/workloads#overview) resources running inside our workload clusters.
-## May 30, 2022 - Release 2.6.0
-Spectro Cloud Palette 2.6 is released to support Cluster Profile Version, EKS Secret Encryption, CSI Storageclass, and added Parameters capabilities.
-* Palette supports multiple [versions](profiles/cluster-profiles/modify-cluster-profiles/version-cluster-profile.md) of a single-cluster profile under a unique name to allow backward compatibility.
-* Palette leverages AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to provide envelope [encryption](/clusters/public-cloud/aws/eks#eksclustersecretsencryption) of Kubernetes Secrets stored in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters.
-* Palette covers a long list of [parameters](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-ebs-csi-driver#createvolume-parameters) and customization capabilities for the [csi-aws-1.0.0](/integrations/aws-ebs#parametersupportcsi-aws-1.0.0packmanifest) pack manifest.
-* Palette allows reconciliation of the CSI layer Storageclass for managed clusters of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
-**Bug Fixes**
-* We request our users to add the `ec2:ReplaceRoute` permission to the [AWS](/clusters/public-cloud/aws/required-iam-policies) and [EKS-AWS](/clusters/public-cloud/aws/required-iam-policies) cloud account Controller Policy to replace an existing route, within a route table in a Virtual Private Cloud, to facilitate the cluster deletion process.
-## April 26, 2022 - Release 2.5.0
-Spectro Cloud Palette 2.5.0 was released with support for Tencent Kubernetes Engine (TKE), Palette free service offerings, many enhancements, and bug fixes.
-- Palette now supports [Tencent Kubernetes Engine (TKE)](/clusters/public-cloud/tke#overview)—a fully-managed Kubernetes service from Tencent Cloud. Deploy and manage the end-to-end life cycle of TKS clusters, effortlessly.
-- Palette introduces **Placeholder Variables** as [Macros](/clusters/cluster-management/macros#overview) in our Cluster Profile layers for advanced regression and easier update of variables, across multiple running clusters.
-- Palette displays a well-organized [Product Onboarding](/getting-started/onboarding-workflow#paletteonboardingworkflow) process to streamline user-product adoption, with an assured unfailing user experience, to jump-start our product journey.
-- Palette helps out new users in their purchase decision by offering free tier services.
- - [Palette Freemium](/getting-started/palette-freemium#trypaletteforfree) to explore Palette's capabilities with free and fixed kilo-Core-hour usage for finite cluster deployments.
- - [Free Cloud Credit](/getting-started/palette-freemium) offers access to a free cloud account, with sufficient permissions and credentials, to have a first impression on our product journey.
-- Palette users can now manually [Force Delete a Cluster](/clusters/public-cloud/aws#forcedeleteacluster), stuck in the **Deletion** state for more than **15 minutes**, through the User Interface.
-- Palette production clusters can be backed up to object storage of [GCP Buckets](/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore#configureyourbackupingcpbucket) for convenient restoration.
-**Bug Fixes:**
-- We request our users to please add the `ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface` permission to their AWS cloud account Controller Policy Permissions to detach and delete the network interface for [AWS](/clusters/public-cloud/aws#awscloudaccountpermissions) and [EKS](/clusters/public-cloud/aws/eks) clusters.
-**Packs and Integrations:**
-- [Ubuntu 20.04](/integrations/ubuntu)- A long term support release of highly popular Ubuntu Linux Operating System.
-- Imageswap-webhook—a mutating webhook integration that intercepts pod requests and changes to the container image location.
-## February 26, 2022 - Release 2.3.0
-Palette 2.3.0 includes the following enhancements:
-- Added support for cluster-centric detailed [**Namespace Management** and granular **RBAC**](/clusters/cluster-management/cluster-rbac). Previously this capability was only available via workspaces.
-- Enabled secure and straightforward user authentication with **API Keys** to access the APIs without referring to user credentials.
-- Tenant administrators can now get an [**aggregated view**](/clusters/#scope) of clusters across all the projects under their tenant.
-- Added support for [**Taints**](/clusters/cluster-management/taints/#overviewontaints) that can be applied to a node pool to restrict a set of intolerant pods getting scheduled to an inadequate node.
-- Added support for [**Labels**](/clusters/cluster-management/taints/#overviewonlabels) to constrain pods so that they can run on a particular set of nodes.
-- Enable multi-cluster [**backup and restore from workspaces**](/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore/#workspacebackupandrestore).
-- New [**workspace user roles**](/clusters/cluster-management/backup-restore#workspaceoperator) that provide granular control to specific actions within a workspace:
- - _Workspace Operator_ - Allows only backup and restore capabilities within a workspace
- - _Workspace Admin_ - Administrative privileges within a workspace
-- Palette will now perform a [**rolling upgrade**](/clusters/#rollingupgrade) on the nodes for any fundamental changes to the cluster config. Palette will keep track of the reason that triggered the rolling upgrade on the nodes in the cluster and is made accessible under **Cluster Overview** > **Upgrade details**.
-- Enable deployment of the single pack across [**multiple layers**](https://docs-latest.spectrocloud.com/cluster-profiles/task-define-profile/#creatingclusterprofiles) cluster profile layers.
-- Palette introduces a VM operator to allow Virtual Machine based applications to be modeled as Cluster Profile layers.
-## January 20, 2022 - Hotfix 2.2.26
-- Palette Hotfix 2.2.26 supports custom Helm chart registry in Private Networks.
-- [Helm registries](/registries-and-packs/helm-charts) can now be set up in **Protected** mode also. In protected mode, charts are configured in cluster profiles without being synchronized into the management console.
-- For the tenant clusters deployed in a private network, these charts from the protected Helm registries are downloaded and deployed by the Palette orchestrator.
-## December 24, 2021 - Release 2.2.0
-Palette 2.2.0 is released with the beta version of Edge Clusters along with upgraded Cluster API support.
-The 2.2.0 Palette enhancements are:
-- Palette users can now provision and manage their [Kubernetes clusters using edge appliances](/clusters/edge/) in addition to usual data centers or cloud environments.
-- Palette has been upgraded to use a newer version of the CNCF Cluster API for better automation, integration, and efficiency.
-- The upgraded Cluster API version used by Palette mandates the following pack updates:
- - Kubernetes 1.18.x and below are no longer supported. Please use Kubernetes version 1.19.x or above in the Cluster Profile.
- - vSphere CSI storage driver 1.0.x version is no longer supported for new Cluster Provisioning. Please upgrade your CSI Pack to 2.3.x for enhanced performance.
-- As part of Palette upgrade to 2.2.0, control plane node(s) of any existing vSphere cluster will be replaced.
-## November 20, 2021 - Release 2.1.0
-Palette 2.1.0 is released with the following key improvements:
-- Added support for replicated, cross-region Amazon Elastic Container Registries (ECR) whereby a single OCI registry within Spectro Cloud Palette can serve multiple deployment regions.
-- Spectro Cloud users can now join more than one tenant. Users belonging to multiple organizations must choose the desired tenant to log in to. This feature is also supported for SSO-enabled tenants.
-- Improved the UI of the Cluster Overview page. Visibility into basic cluster properties as well as cluster management actions such as configuration overrides, machine management, scan and backup policies, cluster deletion are now arranged under the **Settings** menu on the top right-hand side.
-## November 1, 2021 - Release 2.0.0
-We are excited to announce the Spectro Cloud platform's new name - "PALETTE". In addition, version 2.0 of our platform brings additional cost visibility, optimization features, enhanced governance, and control with **Workspaces**.
-Our latest list of features includes:
-- **Workspaces** enable the association of relevant namespaces across clusters to manage access, obtain cost visibility, and get workload visibility by applications or teams.
-- Cluster health alert can be integrated with IT service management (ITSM) and collaboration tools such as Slack, ServiceNow, Microsoft Teams, etc.
-- Our built-in Spectro Proxy can be leveraged to establish seamless and secured access to the Kubernetes clusters in public and private data center environments.
-- Cluster cloud cost calculation for public and private clouds.
-- Granular usage cost break down by namespaces, workspaces, and projects based on actual resource utilization by pods, jobs, stateful sets, PVCs, etc.
-- Detailed visibility of resource utilization by cluster, namespaces, projects, and workspaces.
-## September 14, 2021 - Release 1.14.0
-Spectro Cloud 1.14 is released with additional health alert conveyances, secured log storage, transparent cost features, and scalable enterprise cluster backup.
-- Spectro Cloud users can now push their audit logs to the AWS Cloudtrail to enhance continuous monitoring and troubleshooting of the workload clusters.
-- Spectro Cloud layouts instantaneous and effortless monitoring of the cluster cloud cost.
-- Now Spectro Cloud users can receive real-time alerts on cluster health at hooked external applications.
-- Spectro Cloud enterprise mode production clusters can be backed up to object storage of S3 buckets for convenient restoration.
-- Spectro Proxy authentication pack to provision reverse proxy aided communication for clusters deployed in a private network belonging to local data centers.
-- Spectro Cloud has stepped up to an upgraded and stable API version for better automation, integration, and efficiency.
-## August 14, 2021 - Release 1.13.0
-Spectro Cloud users can now convert their bare-metal servers into flexible, cohesive, and distributed instances of virtual machines with the slightest efforts utilizing Metal as a Service (MAAS).
-## July 23, 2021 - Release 1.12.0
-Spectro Cloud 1.12 is released with generic cluster import, OpenID Connect (OIDC) support to handle identify management securely and seamlessly, and support for AKS—a managed Kubernetes Service offering from Azure cloud.
-- Now import existing non-Spectro clusters from any cloud platform using our Generic cluster import feature. We support broad operations like scans, backups, etc. on these imported clusters as well as provisioning and lifecycle management of add-ons.
-- Spectro Cloud now supports AKS, a fully-managed Kubernetes service from Azure. Deploy and manage end-to-end lifecycle of AKS clusters.
-- Spectro Cloud extends its SSO support by providing integration with OpenID Connect (OIDC). OIDC is the de facto standard to handling application authentication in the modern world. Through this integration, Spectro Cloud enables users to integrate single sign on, using various identify providers such as Amazon Cognito, Keycloak etc.
-- Kubernetes upgraded to version 1.19 for enterprise clusters.
-## June 28, 2021 - Release 1.11.0
-Spectro Cloud 1.11 is released with the support of OpenStack cloud and support for OIDC based authentication into Kubernetes clusters.
-- Spectro now supports deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters in OpenStack based private data centers.
-- Support for OIDC based authentication into Kubernetes clusters and preconfigured kubeconfig file to easily authenticate when using kubectl.
-## June 1, 2021 - Release 1.10.0
-Spectro Cloud 1.10 released with support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), cluster management policies to measure cluster compliance and perform backups and restores.
-- Provision and manage Kubernetes clusters using Amazon EKS service including support for advanced configurations like Fargate profiles, OIDC Authentication etc.
-- Scan your Kubernetes clusters to ensure they are conformant and compliant.
-- Consensus-driven security scan for the Kubernetes deployment with CIS Kubernetes Benchmarks.
-- Perform penetration tests to check for configuration issues that can leave the tenant clusters exposed to attackers.
-- Backup your Kubernetes clusters including any persistent volumes. Restore these backups as required on any cluster.
-The following permissions are additionally required to be granted to the cloud accounts used to launch clusters on AWS. Please update your account to ensure that you have these new permissions included.
-Add the following permissions to the IAM policy called NodePolicy if it was created as documented in Spectro Cloud documentation.
- "Effect": "Allow",
- "Action": ["secretsmanager:DeleteSecret", "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue"],
- "Resource": ["arn:*:secretsmanager:*:*:secret:aws.cluster.x-k8s.io/*"]
- "Effect": "Allow",
- "Action": [
- "ssm:UpdateInstanceInformation",
- "ssmmessages:CreateControlChannel",
- "ssmmessages:CreateDataChannel",
- "ssmmessages:OpenControlChannel",
- "ssmmessages:OpenDataChannel",
- "s3:GetEncryptionConfiguration"
- ],
- "Resource": ["*"]
-Add the following permissions to the IAM policy called ControllerPolicy if it was created as documented in Spectro Cloud documentation.
- "Effect": "Allow",
- "Action": ["eks:AssociateIdentityProviderConfig", "eks:ListIdentityProviderConfigs"],
- "Resource": ["arn:aws:eks:*:*:cluster/*"]
- "Effect": "Allow",
- "Action": ["eks:DisassociateIdentityProviderConfig", "eks:DescribeIdentityProviderConfig"],
- "Resource": ["*"]
-## May 4, 2021 - Release 1.9.0
-Spectro Cloud 1.9.0 released with advanced support of security, availability and updates.
-- Spectro Cloud ensures users to start, run and scale highly-available and secure clusters with automated key tasks such as patching, node provisioning and updates with EKS support.
-- Now create and gain permission to your AWS cloud account by just using role ARN, without sharing long-term credentials.
-## March 29, 2021 - Release 1.8.0
-Spectro Cloud 1.8.0 released with advanced support for deploying & discovering Helm Charts and several usability enhancements!
-- Set up public and private helm chart registries to leverage the vast database of integrations and add-ons.
-- Deploy reliable and secure Kubernetes clusters, without worrying about Kubernetes updates, dependencies and security patches using the EKS Distro (EKS-D).
-- Accumulate container logs across all cluster nodes to create a support bundle to enable faster troubleshooting.
-- Attach multiple supporting manifests to your cluster profile layers in order to deploy integrations end to end without having to use command line client.
-- Add additional BYOM (Bring Your Own Manifest) layers to your cluster profiles to perform ad-hoc customized deployments on the cluster.
-- You can now import and manage existing clusters running in your private VMware environment behind a proxy.
-- Discover charts deployed on your existing clusters and convert them into a cluster profile to use it as a template for future cluster deployments.
-- Enhanced cluster profile builder experience with several usability enhancements.
-# February 07, 2021 - Release 1.7.0
-The following features and enhancements were released as part of 1.7.0
-- Support for existing Kubernetes clusters that were not deployed by Spectro Cloud to be imported into the Spectro Cloud platform for visibility, management and additional capabilities such as application lifecycle management
-- Automated as well as on-demand OS updates to keep cluster nodes up-to-date with the latest security fixes and enhancements.
-- Modularize cluster profiles as Core Infra, Add-on, and Full profiles; Apply multiple add-on profiles to a cluster.
-- Optimize AWS cloud cost utilizing spot instance pricing for cluster worker node pools.
-- Selectively upgrade on-premises Spectro Cloud instance to a desired version, as opposed to always having to upgrade to the latest version.
-## December 23, 2020 - Hotfix 1.6.4
-This release adds a fix for the permissions of vSphere GET folders.
-## December 13, 2020 - Release 1.6.0
-Our on-premises version gets attention to finer details with this release:
-- The Spectro Cloud database can now be backed up and restored.
-- Whereas previous on-premises versions allowed upgrading only to major versions, this release allows upgrading}> Upgrades to the Spectro Cloud platform are published to the Spectro Cloud repository and a notification is displayed on the console when new versions are available. to minor versions of the Spectro Cloud platform.
-- Monitoring the installation using the dedicated UI}>The platform installer contains a web application called the Supervisor, to provide detailed progress of the installation. now provides more details when migrating from the quick start version to the enterprise version.
-- AWS and GCP clusters can now be provisioned from an on-premises Spectro Cloud system.
-On the VMware front, we have:
-- removed the dependency on the HA Proxy Load balancer for creating clusters via DHCP.
-- introduced dynamic folder creation in vCenter. This applies to every cluster, in all of the cluster virtual machines.
-- enabled support for DNS mapping in search domains on vSphere.
-Other new features:
-- New customers can now sign up for free trials of Spectro Cloud. When ready, it is easy to upgrade plans and set up automatic payments using credit/debit cards.
-- Pack constraints}> Pack constraints are a set of rules defined at the pack level to validate the packs for a Profile or a Cluster before it gets created or updated. Packs must be validated before the cluster is submitted to ensure a successful deployment. have been enabled to reduce the chances of cluster deployment failures that might occur due to incorrect values being set.
-- Compatibility for Portworx version 2.6.1, Calico version 3.16, and for newer versions for [Kubernetes](/integrations/kubernetes/).
-## December 03, 2020 - Hotfix 1.5.7
-In this hotfix, we added:
-- Compatibility for [Calico 3.16](https://www.projectcalico.org/whats-new-in-calico-3-16/).
-- The on-premises version now allows specifying CIDR for pods to allocate them an exclusive IP range.
-- It also allows allocating an IP range in the CIDR format exclusive to the service clusters.
-The IP ranges for the pods, service clusters, and your IP network must not overlap with one another. This hotfix provides options to prevent node creation errors due to IP conflicts.
-## November 05, 2020 - Hotfixes 1.5.1 through 1.5.6
-A host of hotfixes were applied for a smoother on-premises operation:
-| Version | Feature |
-| ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| 1.5.6 | Added improvements for faster kCh usage calculation. |
-| 1.5.5 | Patched the `govc vm.info` command to allow spaces in datacenter names. |
-| 1.5.4 | Changes to use client updates instead of patches for _vendorcrd_ installations. |
-| 1.5.3 | Improved resource utilization by deleting a machine when a node is not available. |
-| 1.5.2 | Updates to keep sessions alive for SOAP and REST clients using the `keepalive` command. |
-| 1.5.1 | Fixed a bug that caused a trailing line to be added in the `vsphere.conf` file. |
-## October 23, 2020 - Release 1.5.0
-The 1.5.0 release of the Spectro Cloud platform consists of the following features and enhancements:
-- On-Premise version of the Spectro Cloud platform for deployment into private VMWare environments.
-- Cloud accounts can now be created at the tenant scope, to allow accounts to be shared across all projects in the tenant.
-- Cross-compute cluster deployment of Private Cloud Gateway clusters for high-availability purposes.
-- SSH Public Key management to easily select the desired keys and share them across Kubernetes clusters within a project.
-- Improvements to cloud settings interface to simplify the creation of multiple failure domains during cluster provisioning.
-## September 10, 2020 - Release 1.2.0
-With release 1.2.0, users get more control and added support:
-- Users can now access Kubernetes cluster certificates and renew them.
-- For VMware, multi-domain support for private gateways is now available.
-- Also for VMware, layout changes have been made to improve usability.
-## August 21, 2020 - Release 1.1.0
-Release 1.1.0 is all about enhancing the user experience, providing tighter controls on clusters, and important bug fixes.
-- On the UI side, the login has been made faster. Additionally, users can now set up alerts to monitor cluster health. A `Revert to default values` button for cluster profiles is added.
-- Clusters are easier to launch with the `Copy from Master` button; bad deployments are now prevented for certain instances; scaling is easier with the `Scale Strategy`.
-- Private gateways can now be provisioned on static IPs with greater control on IP allocation using [IP pools](/clusters?clusterType=vmware_cluster#ipaddressmanagement).
-- Updates to the CLI tool include more [flags](/registries-and-packs/spectro-cli-reference?cliCommands=cli_push#flags) to the `PUSH` command for forcibly overwriting registry packs.
-- Bug Fixes: BET-806 related to SSO login and BET-403 related to validation of dependencies for availability zones have been resolved.
-## July 3, 2020 - Release 1.0.2
-- Minor bug fixes for release 1.0.1.
-- Updates to the [orchestration engine](https://www.spectrocloud.com/webinars/cluster-api-and-the-spectro-cloud-orchestration-engine/) for the new regions.
-- Minor updates to the Istio integration.
-## July 3, 2020 - Release 1.0.1
-- New Regions for AWS > Spectro Cloud is now available for deploying AWS clusters in the European regions.
-- Changes to the pricing structures > more usage = lesser price per kCh.
-## June 23, 2020 - Release 1.0
-The following features are included as part of Spectro Cloud 1.0:
-- Multi cluster deployment and lifecycle management of Kubernetes clusters across multiple cloud environments—AWS, Azure, and VMWare.
-- Security-hardened, compliant, and conformant Kubernetes clusters out of the box.
-- Cluster construction templates called Cluster Profiles.
-- Platform extensibility through custom integration packs.
-- Grouping of clusters logically into Projects for governance and control.
-- Rich set of enterprise features such as granular RBAC, Single Sign-on, detailed Audit logs, etc.
-Spectro Cloud adopts relevant security best practices for operating systems, Kubernetes components, and cloud environments. All Spectro Cloud container images are scanned for CVEs before a release. While Spectro Cloud takes ownership of securing the cluster infrastructure, there may be additional 3rd party integrations installed on the Kubernetes clusters provisioned. Security of such 3rd party integrations, including their container images and associated configurations, is the responsibility of the provider.
\ No newline at end of file
+| Spectro Proxy | 1.1.0 | Deprecated |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/security/security.md b/docs/docs-content/security/security.md
index 7b2fa45aee..ef8c81f4ae 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/security/security.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/security/security.md
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Palette uses a micro services-based architecture, and we take steps to ensure ea
## Compliance & Standards
-We believe adherence to industry standards and regulations is critical to maintaining the highest levels of security for our customers. We ensure our software complies with all relevant laws and regulations, and we continuously evaluate and update our compliance efforts to stay current with emerging regulations and requirements. To learn about our product certifications, check out the [Compliance](/compliance) reference.
+We believe adherence to industry standards and regulations is critical to maintaining the highest levels of security for our customers. We ensure our software complies with all relevant laws and regulations, and we continuously evaluate and update our compliance efforts to stay current with emerging regulations and requirements. To learn about our product certifications, check out the [Compliance](../legal-licenses/compliance.md) reference.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/troubleshooting/cluster-deployment.md b/docs/docs-content/troubleshooting/cluster-deployment.md
index 6ac9a30ce6..135fd2b8f1 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/troubleshooting/cluster-deployment.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/troubleshooting/cluster-deployment.md
@@ -94,6 +94,66 @@ Common reasons for why a service may fail are:
6. Check stdout for errors. You can also open a support ticket. Visit our [support page](http://support.spectrocloud.io/).
+## Deployment Violates Pod Security
+Cluster deployment fails with the following message.
+Error creating: pods is forbidden: violates PodSecurity "baseline:v": non-default capabilities …
+This can happen when the cluster profile uses Kubernetes 1.25 or later and also includes packs that create pods that require elevated privileges.
+### Debug Steps
+To address this issue, you can change the Pod Security Standards of the namespace where the pod is being created.
+1. Log in to [Palette](https://console.spectrocloud.com).
+2. Navigate to the left **Main Menu** and click on **Profiles**.
+3. Select the profile you are using to deploy the cluster. Palette displays the profile stack and details.
+4. Click on the pack layer in the profile stack that contains the pack configuration.
+5. In the pack's YAML file, add a subfield in the `pack` section called `namespaceLabels` if it does not already exist.
+6. In the `namespaceLabels` section, add a line with the name of your namespace as the key and add `pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged,pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce-version=v` as its value. Replace `` with the version of Kubernetes on your cluster and only include the major and minor version following the lowercase letter `v`. For example, `v1.25` and `v1.28`.
+7. If a key matching your namespace already exists, add the labels to the value corresponding to that key.
+We recommend only applying the labels to namespaces where pods fail to be created.
+If your pack creates multiple namespaces, and you are unsure which ones contain pods that need the elevated privileges, you can access the cluster with the kubectl CLI and use the `kubectl get pods` command.
+This command lists pods and their namespaces so you can identify the pods that are failing at creation.
+For guidance in using the CLI, review [Access Cluster with CLI](../clusters/cluster-management/palette-webctl.md#access-cluster-with-cli). To learn more about kubectl pod commands, refer to the [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#get) documentation.
+### Examples
+The following example shows a pack that creates a namespace called `"monitoring"`. In this example, the `monitoring` namespace does not have any pre-existing labels.
+You need to add the `namespaceLabels` line as well as the corresponding key-value pair under it to apply the labels to the `monitoring` namespace.
+ namespace: "monitoring"
+ namespaceLabels:
+ "monitoring": "pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged,pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce-version=v1.28"
+This second example is similar to the first one. However, in this example, the `monitoring` key already exists under `namespaceLabels`, with its original value being `"org=spectro,team=dev"`. Therefore, you add the labels to the existing value:
+ namespace: "monitoring"
+ namespaceLabels:
+ "monitoring": "org=spectro,team=dev,pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged,pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce-version=v1.28"
## Gateway Installer Registration Failures
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/user-management/palette-rbac/palette-rbac.md b/docs/docs-content/user-management/palette-rbac/palette-rbac.md
index 604650507f..bf3eff5dcd 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/user-management/palette-rbac/palette-rbac.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/user-management/palette-rbac/palette-rbac.md
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Tenant is an isolated workspace within the Palette. `Users` and `Teams` with spe
### Project
-The Global Project Scope holds a group of resources, in a logical grouping, to a specific project. The project acts as a namespace for resource management. Users and Teams with specific roles can be associated with the project, cluster, or cluster profile you create. Users are members of a tenant who are assigned [project scope roles](project-scope-roles-permissions.md#global-project-scope) that control their access within the platform.
+The Global Project Scope holds a group of resources, in a logical grouping, to a specific project. The project acts as a namespace for resource management. Users and Teams with specific roles can be associated with the project, cluster, or cluster profile you create. Users are members of a tenant who are assigned [project scope roles](./project-scope-roles-permissions.md) that control their access within the platform.
## Palette Specific (Default) Roles:
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ The Default (built-in) roles of Palette can be directly assigned to a user. The
1. Login to Palette console as `Tenant Admin`.
-2. Select **Users and Teams** from the left **Main Menu** to list the [created users](../user-management.md#user-management).
+2. Select **Users and Teams** from the left **Main Menu** to list the created users.
3. From the list of users **select the user** to be assigned with role to open the role addition wizard.
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ Palette enables the users to have custom Roles. These custom roles can be create
To create a custom role, login to the Palette console as `Tenant Admin`:
-1. Go to **Roles** from the left ribbon menu
+1.From the left **Main Menu**, click on **Tenant Settings** and select **Roles**.
2. Click **Create Role**, to open the `Add New Role` wizard
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ To create a custom role, login to the Palette console as `Tenant Admin`:
-If the user is creating a role under the Tenant scope for API Key operations, select the `API Key Permissions` and then from the drop-down menu of that permission, check (tick) the required API operations listed under API Key permissions. Similarly, several permissions can be combined to create a **Custom Role**. [The created role can be assigned to an existing or new user.](/user-management#rolesandpermissions)
+If the user is creating a role under the Tenant scope for API Key operations, select the `API Key Permissions` and then from the drop-down menu of that permission, check (tick) the required API operations listed under API Key permissions. Similarly, several permissions can be combined to create a **Custom Role**. The created role can be assigned to an existing or new user.
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ If the user is creating a role under the Tenant scope for API Key operations, se
1. Login to Palette console as `Tenant Admin`.
-2. Select **Users and Teams** from the left ribbon menu to list the [created users](../user-management.md#user-management).
+2. Select **Users and Teams** from the left ribbon menu to list the [created users](../user-management.md).
3. From the list of users **select the user** to be assigned with role to open the role addition wizard.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/user-management/user-management.md b/docs/docs-content/user-management/user-management.md
index 61070ee354..6be6bcde1d 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/user-management/user-management.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/user-management/user-management.md
@@ -9,10 +9,6 @@ tags: ["user-management"]
-# User Management
This section touches upon the initial login aspects for Tenant Admins and non-admin users and the RBAC setup within Palette.
## User Login
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/vertex/install-palette-vertex/airgap/vmware-vsphere-airgap-instructions.md b/docs/docs-content/vertex/install-palette-vertex/airgap/vmware-vsphere-airgap-instructions.md
index 0ee9c8ccb9..cb2bdf3e30 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/vertex/install-palette-vertex/airgap/vmware-vsphere-airgap-instructions.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/vertex/install-palette-vertex/airgap/vmware-vsphere-airgap-instructions.md
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Carefully review the [prerequisites](#prerequisites) section before proceeding.
- Palette CLI installed and available. Refer to the Palette CLI [Install](../../../palette-cli/install-palette-cli.md#download-and-setup) page for guidance.
-- Review the required vSphere [permissions](../install-on-vmware/vmware-system-requirements.md). Ensure you have created the proper custom roles and zone tags. Zone tagging is required for dynamic storage allocation across fault domains when provisioning workloads that require persistent storage. Refer to [Zone Tagging](../install-on-vmware/install-on-vmware.md#vsphere-machine-configuration) for information.
+- Review the required vSphere [permissions](../install-on-vmware/vmware-system-requirements.md). Ensure you have created the proper custom roles and zone tags. Zone tagging is required for dynamic storage allocation across fault domains when provisioning workloads that require persistent storage. Refer to [Zone Tagging](../install-on-vmware/vmware-system-requirements.md) for information.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/vertex/system-management/enable-non-fips-settings/enable-non-fips-settings.md b/docs/docs-content/vertex/system-management/enable-non-fips-settings/enable-non-fips-settings.md
index f3bc781139..c08065107f 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/vertex/system-management/enable-non-fips-settings/enable-non-fips-settings.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/vertex/system-management/enable-non-fips-settings/enable-non-fips-settings.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ tags: ["vertex", "non-fips"]
-Palette VerteX is FIPS-enforced by default, incorporating the Spectro Cloud Cryptographic Module into the Kubernetes Management Platform and the infrastructure components of target clusters. To learn more about our cryptographic library, check out [FIPS 140-2 Certification](../../../compliance.md#fips-140-2).
+Palette VerteX is FIPS-enforced by default, incorporating the Spectro Cloud Cryptographic Module into the Kubernetes Management Platform and the infrastructure components of target clusters. To learn more about our cryptographic library, check out [FIPS 140-2 Certification](../../../legal-licenses/compliance.md#fips-140-2).
If desired, you can allow the consumption of certain non-FIPS functionality in Palette VerteX at the tenant level. **Platform Settings** at the tenant level provide toggles to allow non-FIPS-compliant add-on packs and non-FIPS features such as scans, backup, and restore. You can also allow importing clusters created external to Palette.
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ If desired, you can allow the consumption of certain non-FIPS functionality in P
- [Allow Cluster Import](../../system-management/enable-non-fips-settings/allow-cluster-import.md)
-- [Spectro Cloud FIPS 140-2 Certification](../../../compliance.md#fips-140-2)
+- [Spectro Cloud FIPS 140-2 Certification](../../../legal-licenses/compliance.md#fips-140-2)
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/workspace/workload-features.md b/docs/docs-content/workspace/workload-features.md
index 846691fb15..b7d48a494d 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/workspace/workload-features.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/workspace/workload-features.md
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ Palette enables the users to limit resource usage within the workspace optionall
## To set your Resource Quota:
-1. During [Step: 3 Associate Namespaces](adding-a-new-workspace#3-associate-namespaces) of Namespace creation, **Workspace Quota** can be set by giving the **Maximum CPU** and **Maximum Memory**. Then, all the clusters launched within the Namespace can use the set Quota.
+1. During [Step: 3 Associate Namespaces](./adding-a-new-workspace.md#create-your-workspace) of Namespace creation, **Workspace Quota** can be set by giving the **Maximum CPU** and **Maximum Memory**. Then, all the clusters launched within the Namespace can use the set Quota.
2. Namespace Quota can be set for an already deployed workspace as:
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ Palette users can restrict a few container images from getting deployed into a s
To restrict a container image for a particular namespace within the workspace:
-1. During [Step: 4 Settings](adding-a-new-workspace.md#4-settings) of workspace creation, select the **Container Images** tab from the left ribbon.
+1. During [Step: 4 Settings](adding-a-new-workspace.md#create-your-workspace) of workspace creation, select the **Container Images** tab from the left ribbon.
2. Click on **+ Add New Container Image** and provide the **Namespace** and **Restricted Images**. Multiple images can be restricted within a namespace by separating them with commas.
diff --git a/docusaurus.config.js b/docusaurus.config.js
index efad1dcdb6..175672eef0 100644
--- a/docusaurus.config.js
+++ b/docusaurus.config.js
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ const config = {
// Usually your repo name.
onBrokenLinks: "throw",
+ onBrokenAnchors: "throw",
onBrokenMarkdownLinks: "throw",
// Even if you don't use internalization, you can use this field to set useful
// metadata like html lang. For example, if your site is Chinese, you may want
diff --git a/redirects.js b/redirects.js
index 931115e11d..d27336117d 100644
--- a/redirects.js
+++ b/redirects.js
@@ -338,6 +338,10 @@ const redirects = [
from: `/enterprise-version/ssl-certificate-management`,
to: `/enterprise-version/system-management/ssl-certificate-management`
+ },
+ {
+ from: `/compliance`,
+ to: `/legal-licenses/compliance`
diff --git a/src/components/IconMapper/dynamicFontAwesomeImports.js b/src/components/IconMapper/dynamicFontAwesomeImports.js
index e3e762977c..1a53dbda4b 100644
--- a/src/components/IconMapper/dynamicFontAwesomeImports.js
+++ b/src/components/IconMapper/dynamicFontAwesomeImports.js
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import { faDatabase } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faHdd } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faCloudArrowDown } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faServer } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
-import { faUserShield } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faUsers } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faWarehouse } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faBook } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ export const fontAwesomeIcons = {
"hdd": faHdd,
"cloud-arrow-down": faCloudArrowDown,
"server": faServer,
- "user-shield": faUserShield,
"users": faUsers,
"warehouse": faWarehouse,
"book": faBook,
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/legal-licenses_compliance_iso-27001.png b/static/assets/docs/images/legal-licenses_compliance_iso-27001.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41a0a08a27
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/legal-licenses_compliance_iso-27001.png differ