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# Troublesome files
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@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ your cluster is deployed, you can update it using cluster profile updates.
relativeURL: "./update-k8s-cluster",
- title: "Deploy a Cluster with Terraform",
- description: "Deploy a Palette host cluster with Terraform.",
+ title: "Cluster Management with Terraform",
+ description: "Deploy and update a Palette host cluster with Terraform.",
buttonText: "Learn more",
- relativeURL: "./deploy-k8s-cluster-tf",
+ relativeURL: "./deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf",
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-sidebar_label: "Deploy a Cluster with Terraform"
-title: "Deploy a Cluster with Terraform"
-description: "Learn to deploy a Palette host cluster with Terraform."
-icon: ""
-hide_table_of_contents: false
-sidebar_position: 50
-tags: ["getting-started", "aws"]
-The [Spectro Cloud Terraform](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs) provider
-enables you to create and manage Palette resources in a codified manner by leveraging Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Some
-notable reasons why you would want to utilize IaC are:
-- The ability to automate infrastructure.
-- Improved collaboration in making infrastructure changes.
-- Self-documentation of infrastructure through code.
-- Allows tracking all infrastructure in a single source of truth.
-If want to become more familiar with Terraform, we recommend you check out the
-[Terraform](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/intro) learning resources from HashiCorp.
-This tutorial will teach you how to deploy a host cluster with Terraform using Amazon Web Services (AWS). You will learn
-about _Cluster Mode_ and _Cluster Profiles_ and how these components enable you to deploy customized applications to
-Kubernetes with minimal effort using the
-[Spectro Cloud Terraform](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs) provider.
-## Prerequisites
-To complete this tutorial, you will need the following items
-- Basic knowledge of containers.
-- [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/), [Podman](https://podman.io/docs/installation) or
- another container management tool.
-- A public cloud account from
- [AWS](https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/create-and-activate-aws-account).
- - Follow the steps described in the [Set up Palette with AWS](./setup.md) guide to authenticate Palette for use with
- your AWS cloud account.
-## Set Up Local Environment
-You can clone the tutorials repository locally or follow along by downloading a Docker image that contains the tutorial
-code and all dependencies.
-If you choose to clone the repository instead of using the tutorial container make sure you have Terraform v1.4.0 or
-greater installed.
-Ensure Docker Desktop on your local machine is available. Use the following command and ensure you receive an output
-displaying the version number.
-docker version
-Download the tutorial image to your local machine.
-docker pull ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.3
-Next, start the container, and open a bash session into it.
-docker run --name tutorialContainer --interactive --tty ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.3 bash
-Navigate to the tutorial code.
-cd /terraform/iaas-cluster-deployment-tf
-If you are not running a Linux operating system, create and start the Podman Machine in your local environment.
-Otherwise, skip this step.
-podman machine init
-podman machine start
-Use the following command and ensure you receive an output displaying the installation information.
-podman info
-Download the tutorial image to your local machine.
-podman pull ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.3
-Next, start the container, and open a bash session into it.
-podman run --name tutorialContainer --interactive --tty ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.3 bash
-Navigate to the tutorial code.
-cd /terraform/iaas-cluster-deployment-tf
-Open a terminal window and download the tutorial code from GitHub.
-Change the directory to the tutorial folder.
-cd tutorials/
-Check out the following git tag.
-git checkout v1.1.3
-Change the directory to the tutorial code.
-cd terraform/iaas-cluster-deployment-tf/
-## Create an API Key
-Before you can get started with the Terraform code, you need a Spectro Cloud API key.
-To create an API key, log in to [Palette](https://console.spectrocloud.com) and click on the user **User Menu** and
-select **My API Keys**.
-![Image that points to the user drop-down Menu and points to the API key link](/tutorials/deploy-clusters/clusters_public-cloud_deploy-k8s-cluster_create_api_key.webp)
-Next, click on **Add New API Key**. Fill out the required input field, **API Key Name**, and the **Expiration Date**.
-Click on **Confirm** to create the API key. Copy the key value to your clipboard, as you will use it shortly.
-In your terminal session, issue the following command to export the API key as an environment variable.
-The [Spectro Cloud Terraform](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs) provider
-requires credentials to interact with the Palette API. The Spectro Cloud Terraform provider will use the environment
-variable to authenticate with the Spectro Cloud API endpoint.
-## Resources Review
-To help you get started with Terraform, the tutorial code is structured to support deploying a cluster to either Azure,
-GCP, or AWS. Before you deploy a host cluster to your target provider, take a few moments to review the following files
-in the folder structure.
-- **provider.tf** - This file contains the Terraform providers that are used to support the deployment of the cluster.
-- **inputs.tf** - This file contains all the Terraform variables for the deployment logic.
-- **data.tf** - This file contains all the query resources that perform read actions.
-- **cluster_profiles.tf** - This file contains the cluster profile definitions for each cloud provider.
-- **clusters.tf** - This file has all the required cluster configurations to deploy a host cluster to one of the cloud
- providers.
-- **terraform.tfvars** - Use this file to customize the deployment and target a specific cloud provider. This is the
- primary file you will modify.
-- **outputs.tf** - This file contains content that will be output in the terminal session upon a successful Terraform
- `apply` action.
-The following section allows you to review the core Terraform resources more closely.
-#### Provider
-The **provider.tf** file contains the Terraform providers and their respective versions. The tutorial uses two
-providers - the Spectro Cloud Terraform provider and the TLS Terraform provider. Note how the project name is specified
-in the `provider "spectrocloud" {}` block. You can change the target project by changing the value specified in the
-`project_name` parameter.
-terraform {
- required_providers {
- spectrocloud = {
- version = ">= 0.13.1"
- source = "spectrocloud/spectrocloud"
- }
- tls = {
- source = "hashicorp/tls"
- version = "4.0.4"
- }
- }
-provider "spectrocloud" {
- project_name = "Default"
-The next file you should become familiar with is the **cluster-profiles.tf** file.
-The Spectro Cloud Terraform provider has several resources available for use. When creating a cluster profile, use
-`spectrocloud_cluster_profile`. This resource can be used to customize all layers of a cluster profile. You can specify
-all the different packs and versions to use and add a manifest or Helm chart.
-In the **cluster-profiles.tf** file, the cluster profile resource is declared three times. Each instance of the resource
-is for a specific cloud provider. Using the AWS cluster profile as an example, note how the **cluster-profiles.tf** file
-uses `pack {}` blocks to specify each layer of the profile. The order in which you arrange contents of the `pack {}`
-blocks plays an important role, as each layer maps to the core infrastructure in a cluster profile.
-The first listed `pack {}` block must be the OS, followed by Kubernetes, the container network interface, and the
-container storage interface. The first `pack {}` block in the list equates to the bottom layer of the cluster profile.
-Ensure you define the bottom layer of the cluster profile - the OS layer - first in the list of `pack {}` blocks.
-resource "spectrocloud_cluster_profile" "aws-profile" {
- name = "tf-aws-profile"
- description = "A basic cluster profile for AWS"
- tags = concat(var.tags, ["env:aws"])
- cloud = "aws"
- type = "cluster"
- pack {
- name = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_ubuntu.name
- tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_ubuntu.version
- uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_ubuntu.id
- values = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_ubuntu.values
- }
- pack {
- name = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_k8s.name
- tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_k8s.version
- uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_k8s.id
- values = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_k8s.values
- }
- pack {
- name = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_cni.name
- tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_cni.version
- uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_cni.id
- values = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_cni.values
- }
- pack {
- name = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.name
- tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.version
- uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.id
- values = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.values
- }
- pack {
- name = "hello-universe"
- type = "manifest"
- tag = "1.0.0"
- values = ""
- manifest {
- name = "hello-universe"
- content = file("manifests/hello-universe.yaml")
- }
- }
-The last `pack {}` block contains a manifest file with all the Kubernetes configurations for the
-[Hello Universe](https://github.com/spectrocloud/hello-universe) application. Including the application in the profile
-ensures the application is installed during cluster deployment. If you wonder what all the data resources are for, head
-to the next section to review them.
-You may have noticed that each `pack {}` block contains references to a data resource.
- pack {
- name = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.name
- tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.version
- uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.id
- values = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.values
- }
-[Data resources](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/data-sources) are used to perform read actions in
-Terraform. The Spectro Cloud Terraform provider exposes several data resources to help you make your Terraform code more
-dynamic. The data resource used in the cluster profile is `spectrocloud_pack`. This resource enables you to query
-Palette for information about a specific pack. You can get information about the pack using the data resource such as
-unique ID, registry ID, available versions, and the pack's YAML values.
-Below is the data resource used to query Palette for information about the Kubernetes pack for version `1.27.5`.
-data "spectrocloud_pack" "aws_k8s" {
- name = "kubernetes"
- version = "1.27.5"
-Using the data resource, you avoid manually typing in the parameter values required by the cluster profile's `pack {}`
-The **clusters.tf** file contains the definitions for deploying a host cluster to one of the public cloud providers. To
-create a host cluster, you must use a cluster resource for the cloud provider you are targeting. The following Terraform
-cluster resources are defined in this file.
-| Terraform Resource | Platform |
-| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
-| [`spectrocloud_cluster_aws`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs/resources/cluster_aws) | AWS |
-| [`spectrocloud_cluster_azure`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs/resources/cluster_azure) | Azure |
-| [`spectrocloud_cluster_gcp`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs/resources/cluster_gcp) | GCP |
-Using the `spectrocloud_cluster_aws` resource in this tutorial as an example, note how the resource accepts a set of
-parameters. When deploying a cluster, you can change the same parameters in the Palette user interface (UI). You can
-learn more about each parameter by reviewing the resource documentation page hosted in the Terraform registry.
-resource "spectrocloud_cluster_aws" "aws-cluster" {
- count = var.deploy-aws ? 1 : 0
- name = "aws-cluster"
- tags = concat(var.tags, ["env:aws"])
- cloud_account_id = data.spectrocloud_cloudaccount_aws.account[0].id
- cloud_config {
- region = var.aws-region
- ssh_key_name = var.aws-key-pair-name
- }
- cluster_profile {
- id = spectrocloud_cluster_profile.aws-profile[0].id
- }
- machine_pool {
- control_plane = true
- control_plane_as_worker = true
- name = "master-pool"
- count = var.aws_master_nodes.count
- instance_type = var.aws_master_nodes.instance_type
- disk_size_gb = var.aws_master_nodes.disk_size_gb
- azs = var.aws_master_nodes.availability_zones
- }
- machine_pool {
- name = "worker-pool"
- count = var.aws_worker_nodes.count
- instance_type = var.aws_worker_nodes.instance_type
- disk_size_gb = var.aws_worker_nodes.disk_size_gb
- azs = var.aws_worker_nodes.availability_zones
- }
- timeouts {
- create = "30m"
- delete = "15m"
- }
-To deploy a cluster using Terraform, you must first modify the **terraform.tfvars** file. Open the **terraform.tfvars**
-file in the editor of your choice, and locate the AWS cloud provider.
-To simplify the process, we added a toggle variable in the Terraform template, that you can use to select the deployment
-environment. Each cloud provider has a section in the template that contains all the variables you must populate.
-Variables to populate are identified with `REPLACE_ME`.
-In the example AWS section below, you would change `deploy-aws = false` to `deploy-aws = true` to deploy to AWS.
-Additionally, you would replace all the variables with a value `REPLACE_ME`. You can also update the values for nodes in
-the control plane pool or worker pool.
-# AWS Deployment Settings
-deploy-aws = false # Set to true to deploy to AWS
-aws-cloud-account-name = "REPLACE_ME"
-aws-region = "REPLACE_ME"
-aws-key-pair-name = "REPLACE_ME"
-aws_control_plane_nodes = {
- count = "1"
- control_plane = true
- instance_type = "m4.2xlarge"
- disk_size_gb = "60"
- availability_zones = ["REPLACE_ME"] # If you want to deploy to multiple AZs, add them here
-aws_worker_nodes = {
- count = "1"
- control_plane = false
- instance_type = "m4.2xlarge"
- disk_size_gb = "60"
- availability_zones = ["REPLACE_ME"] # If you want to deploy to multiple AZs, add them here
-When you are done making the required changes, issue the following command to initialize Terraform.
-terraform init
-Next, issue the `plan` command to preview the changes.
-terraform plan
-Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
-If you change the AWS cloud provider's toggle variable to `true,` you will receive an output message that two new
-resources will be created. The two resources are your cluster profile and the host cluster.
-To deploy all the resources, use the `apply` command.
-terraform apply -auto-approve
-To check out the cluster profile creation in Palette, log in to [Palette](https://console.spectrocloud.com), and from
-the left **Main Menu** click on **Profiles**. Locate the cluster profile named `tf-aws-profile`. Click on the cluster
-profile to review its details, such as layers, packs, and versions.
-![A view of the cluster profile](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-k8s-cluster-tf_profile_review.webp)
-You can also check the cluster creation process by navigating to the left **Main Menu** and selecting **Clusters**.
-![Update the cluster](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-k8s-cluster-tf_create_cluster.webp)
-Select your cluster to review its details page, which contains the status, cluster profile, event logs, and more.
-The cluster deployment may take several minutes depending on the cloud provider, node count, node sizes used, and the
-cluster profile. You can learn more about the deployment progress by reviewing the event log. Click on the **Events**
-tab to check the event log.
-![Update the cluster](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-k8s-cluster-tf_event_log.webp)
-## Verify the Application
-When the cluster deploys, you can access the Hello Universe application. From the cluster's **Overview** page, click on
-the URL for port **:8080** next to the **hello-universe-service** in the **Services** row. This URL will take you to the
-application landing page.
-It can take up to three minutes for DNS to properly resolve the public load balancer URL. We recommend waiting a few
-moments before clicking on the service URL to prevent the browser from caching an unresolved DNS request.
-![Deployed application](/getting-started/getting-started_deploy-k8s-cluster_hello-universe-without-api.webp)
-Welcome to Hello Universe, a demo application to help you learn more about Palette and its features. Feel free to click
-on the logo to increase the counter and for a fun image change.
-You have deployed your first application to a cluster managed by Palette through Terraform. Your first application is a
-single container application with no upstream dependencies.
-## Cleanup
-Use the following steps to clean up the resources you created for the tutorial. Use the `destroy` command to remove all
-the resources you created through Terraform.
-terraform destroy --auto-approve
-Destroy complete! Resources: 2 destroyed.
-If a cluster remains in the delete phase for over 15 minutes, it becomes eligible for force delete. To trigger a force
-delete, navigate to the cluster’s details page and click on **Settings**. Click on **Force Delete Cluster** to delete
-the cluster. Palette automatically removes clusters stuck in the cluster deletion phase for over 24 hours.
-If you are using the tutorial container and want to exit the container, type `exit` in your terminal session and press
-the **Enter** key. Next, issue the following command to stop the container.
-docker stop tutorialContainer && \
-docker rmi --force ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.3
-podman stop tutorialContainer && \
-podman rmi --force ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.3
-## Wrap-Up
-In this tutorial, you created a cluster profile, which is a template that contains the core layers required to deploy a
-host cluster. You then deployed a host cluster onto your preferred cloud service provider using Terraform.
-We encourage you to check out the [Deploy an Application using Palette Dev Engine](../../devx/apps/deploy-app.md)
-tutorial to learn more about Palette. Palette Dev Engine can help you deploy applications more quickly through the usage
-of [virtual clusters](../../glossary-all.md#palette-virtual-cluster). Feel free to check out the reference links below
-to learn more about Palette.
-- [Palette Modes](../../introduction/palette-modes.md)
-- [Palette Clusters](../../clusters/clusters.md)
-- [Hello Universe GitHub repository](https://github.com/spectrocloud/hello-universe)
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf.md b/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e484b73aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf.md
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+sidebar_label: "Cluster Management with Terraform"
+title: "Cluster Management with Terraform"
+description: "Learn how to deploy and update a Palette host cluster to AWS with Terraform."
+icon: ""
+hide_table_of_contents: false
+sidebar_position: 50
+toc_max_heading_level: 2
+tags: ["getting-started", "aws", "terraform"]
+The [Spectro Cloud Terraform](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs) provider
+allows you to create and manage Palette resources using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). With IaC, you can automate the
+provisioning of resources, collaborate on changes, and maintain a single source of truth for your infrastructure.
+This tutorial will teach you how to use Terraform to deploy and update an Amazon Web Services (AWS) host cluster. You
+will learn how to create two versions of a cluster profile with different demo applications, update the deployed cluster
+with the new cluster profile version, and then perform a rollback.
+## Prerequisites
+To complete this tutorial, you will need the following items in place:
+- Tenant admin access to Palette.
+- Follow the steps described in the [Set up Palette with AWS](./setup.md) guide to authenticate Palette for use with
+ your AWS cloud account and create a Palette API key.
+- [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) or [Podman](https://podman.io/docs/installation)
+ installed if you choose to follow along using the tutorial container.
+- If you choose to clone the repository instead of using the tutorial container, make sure you have the following
+ software installed:
+ - [Terraform](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/aws-get-started/install-cli) v1.9.0 or greater
+ - [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads)
+ - [Kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/)
+## Set Up Local Environment
+You can clone the [Tutorials](https://github.com/spectrocloud/tutorials) repository locally or follow along by
+downloading a container image that includes the tutorial code and all dependencies.
+Start Docker Desktop and ensure that the Docker daemon is available by issuing the following command.
+docker ps
+Next, download the tutorial image, start the container, and open a bash session into it.
+docker run --name tutorialContainer --interactive --tty ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.7 bash
+Navigate to the folder that contains the tutorial code.
+cd /terraform/getting-started-deployment-tf
+Do not exit the container until the tutorial is complete. Otherwise, you may lose your progress.
+If you are not using a Linux operating system, create and start the Podman Machine in your local environment. Otherwise,
+skip this step.
+podman machine init
+podman machine start
+Use the following command and ensure you receive an output displaying the installation information.
+podman info
+Next, download the tutorial image, start the container, and open a bash session into it.
+podman run --name tutorialContainer --interactive --tty ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.7 bash
+Navigate to the folder that contains the tutorial code.
+cd /terraform/getting-started-deployment-tf
+Do not exit the container until the tutorial is complete. Otherwise, you may lose your progress.
+Open a terminal window and download the tutorial code from GitHub.
+git clone https://github.com/spectrocloud/tutorials.git
+Change the directory to the tutorial folder.
+cd tutorials/
+Check out the following git tag.
+git checkout v1.1.7
+Navigate to the folder that contains the tutorial code.
+cd /terraform/getting-started-deployment-tf
+## Resources Review
+To help you get started with Terraform, the tutorial code is structured to support deploying a cluster to either AWS,
+Azure, GCP, or VMware vSphere. Before you deploy a host cluster to AWS, review the following files in the folder
+| **File** | **Description** |
+| ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| **provider.tf** | This file contains the Terraform providers that are used to support the deployment of the cluster. |
+| **inputs.tf** | This file contains all the Terraform variables required for the deployment logic. |
+| **data.tf** | This file contains all the query resources that perform read actions. |
+| **cluster_profiles.tf** | This file contains the cluster profile definitions for each cloud provider. |
+| **clusters.tf** | This file has the cluster configurations required to deploy a host cluster to one of the cloud providers. |
+| **terraform.tfvars** | Use this file to target a specific cloud provider and customize the deployment. This is the only file you must modify. |
+| **ippool.tf** | This file contains the configuration required for VMware deployments that use static IP placement. |
+| **ssh-key.tf** | This file has the SSH key resource definition required for Azure and VMware deployments. |
+| **outputs.tf** | This file contains the content that will be displayed in the terminal after a successful Terraform `apply` action. |
+The following section reviews the core Terraform resources more closely.
+#### Provider
+The **provider.tf** file contains the Terraform providers used in the tutorial and their respective versions. This
+tutorial uses four providers:
+- [Spectro Cloud](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs)
+- [TLS](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/tls/latest)
+- [vSphere](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vsphere/latest)
+- [Local](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/local/latest)
+Note how the project name is specified in the `provider "spectrocloud" {}` block. You can change the target project by
+modifying the value of the `palette-project` variable in the **terraform.tfvars** file.
+terraform {
+ required_providers {
+ spectrocloud = {
+ version = ">= 0.20.6"
+ source = "spectrocloud/spectrocloud"
+ }
+ tls = {
+ source = "hashicorp/tls"
+ version = "4.0.4"
+ }
+ vsphere = {
+ source = "hashicorp/vsphere"
+ version = ">= 2.6.1"
+ }
+ local = {
+ source = "hashicorp/local"
+ version = "2.4.1"
+ }
+ }
+ required_version = ">= 1.9"
+provider "spectrocloud" {
+ project_name = var.palette-project
+#### Cluster Profile
+The next file you should become familiar with is the **cluster_profiles.tf** file. The `spectrocloud_cluster_profile`
+resource allows you to create a cluster profile and customize its layers. You can specify the packs and versions to use
+or add a manifest or Helm chart.
+The cluster profile resource is declared eight times in the **cluster-profiles.tf** file, with each pair of resources
+being designated for a specific provider. In this tutorial, two versions of the AWS cluster profile are deployed:
+version `1.0.0` deploys the [Hello Universe](https://github.com/spectrocloud/hello-universe) pack, while version `1.1.0`
+deploys the [Kubecost](https://www.kubecost.com/) pack along with the
+[Hello Universe](https://github.com/spectrocloud/hello-universe) application.
+The cluster profiles include layers for the Operating System (OS), Kubernetes, container network interface, and
+container storage interface. The first `pack {}` block in the list equates to the bottom layer of the cluster profile.
+Ensure you define the bottom layer of the cluster profile - the OS layer - first in the list of `pack {}` blocks, as the
+order in which you arrange the contents of the `pack {}` blocks plays an important role in the cluster profile creation.
+The table below displays the packs deployed in each version of the cluster profile.
+| **Pack Type** | **Pack Name** | **Version** | **Cluster Profile v1.0.0** | **Cluster Profile v1.1.0** |
+| ------------- | --------------- | ----------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------- |
+| OS | `ubuntu-aws` | `22.04` | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
+| Kubernetes | `kubernetes` | `1.29.0` | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
+| Network | `cni-calico` | `3.27.0` | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
+| Storage | `csi-aws-ebs` | `1.26.1` | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
+| App Services | `hellouniverse` | `1.1.2` | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
+| App Services | `cost-analyzer` | `1.103.3` | :x: | :white_check_mark: |
+The Hello Universe pack has two configured [presets](../../glossary-all.md#presets). The first preset deploys a
+standalone frontend application, while the second one deploys a three-tier application with a frontend, API server, and
+Postgres database. This tutorial deploys the three-tier version of the
+[Hello Universe](https://github.com/spectrocloud/hello-universe) pack. The preset selection in the Terraform code is
+specified within the Hello Universe pack block with the `values` field and by using the **values-3tier.yaml** file.
+Below is an example of version `1.0.0` of the AWS cluster profile Terraform resource.
+resource "spectrocloud_cluster_profile" "aws-profile" {
+ count = var.deploy-aws ? 1 : 0
+ name = "tf-aws-profile"
+ description = "A basic cluster profile for AWS"
+ tags = concat(var.tags, ["env:aws"])
+ cloud = "aws"
+ type = "cluster"
+ version = "1.0.0"
+ pack {
+ name = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_ubuntu.name
+ tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_ubuntu.version
+ uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_ubuntu.id
+ values = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_ubuntu.values
+ }
+ pack {
+ name = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_k8s.name
+ tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_k8s.version
+ uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_k8s.id
+ values = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_k8s.values
+ }
+ pack {
+ name = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_cni.name
+ tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_cni.version
+ uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_cni.id
+ values = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_cni.values
+ }
+ pack {
+ name = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.name
+ tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.version
+ uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.id
+ values = data.spectrocloud_pack.aws_csi.values
+ }
+ pack {
+ name = data.spectrocloud_pack.hellouniverse.name
+ tag = data.spectrocloud_pack.hellouniverse.version
+ uid = data.spectrocloud_pack.hellouniverse.id
+ values = templatefile("manifests/values-3tier.yaml", {
+ namespace = var.app_namespace,
+ port = var.app_port,
+ replicas = var.replicas_number
+ db_password = base64encode(var.db_password),
+ auth_token = base64encode(var.auth_token)
+ })
+ }
+#### Data Resources
+Each `pack {}` block contains references to a data resource.
+[Data resources](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/data-sources) are used to perform read actions in
+Terraform. The Spectro Cloud Terraform provider exposes several data resources to help you make your Terraform code more
+dynamic. The data resource used in the cluster profile is `spectrocloud_pack`. This resource enables you to query
+Palette for information about a specific pack, such as its unique ID, registry ID, available versions, and YAML values.
+Below is the data resource used to query Palette for information about the Kubernetes pack for version `1.29.0`.
+data "spectrocloud_pack" "aws_k8s" {
+ name = "kubernetes"
+ version = "1.29.0"
+ registry_uid = data.spectrocloud_registry.public_registry.id
+Using the data resource helps you avoid manually entering the parameter values required by the cluster profile's
+`pack {}` block.
+#### Cluster
+The **clusters.tf** file contains the definitions required for deploying a host cluster to one of the infrastructure
+providers. To create an AWS host cluster, you must set the `deploy-aws` variable in the **terraform.tfvars** file to
+When deploying a cluster using Terraform, you must provide the same parameters as those available in the Palette UI for
+the cluster deployment step, such as the instance size and number of nodes. You can learn more about each parameter by
+reviewing the
+[AWS cluster resource](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest/docs/resources/cluster_aws)
+resource "spectrocloud_cluster_aws" "aws-cluster" {
+ count = var.deploy-aws ? 1 : 0
+ name = "aws-cluster"
+ tags = concat(var.tags, ["env:aws"])
+ cloud_account_id = data.spectrocloud_cloudaccount_aws.account[0].id
+ cloud_config {
+ region = var.aws-region
+ ssh_key_name = var.aws-key-pair-name
+ }
+ cluster_profile {
+ id = var.deploy-aws && var.deploy-aws-kubecost ? resource.spectrocloud_cluster_profile.aws-profile-kubecost[0].id : resource.spectrocloud_cluster_profile.aws-profile[0].id
+ }
+ machine_pool {
+ control_plane = true
+ control_plane_as_worker = true
+ name = "control-plane-pool"
+ count = var.aws_control_plane_nodes.count
+ instance_type = var.aws_control_plane_nodes.instance_type
+ disk_size_gb = var.aws_control_plane_nodes.disk_size_gb
+ azs = var.aws_control_plane_nodes.availability_zones
+ }
+ machine_pool {
+ name = "worker-pool"
+ count = var.aws_worker_nodes.count
+ instance_type = var.aws_worker_nodes.instance_type
+ disk_size_gb = var.aws_worker_nodes.disk_size_gb
+ azs = var.aws_worker_nodes.availability_zones
+ }
+ timeouts {
+ create = "30m"
+ delete = "15m"
+ }
+## Terraform Tests
+Before starting the cluster deployment, test the Terraform code to ensure the resources will be provisioned correctly.
+Issue the following command in your terminal.
+terraform test
+A successful test execution will output the following.
+```text hideClipboard
+Success! 16 passed, 0 failed.
+## Input Variables
+To deploy a cluster using Terraform, you must first modify the **terraform.tfvars** file. Open it in the editor of your
+choice. The tutorial container includes the editor [Nano](https://www.nano-editor.org).
+The file is structured with different sections. Each provider has a section with variables that need to be filled in,
+identified by the placeholder `REPLACE_ME`. Additionally, there is a toggle variable named `deploy-`
+available for each provider, which you can use to select the deployment environment.
+In the **Palette Settings** section, modify the name of the `palette-project` variable if you wish to deploy to a
+Palette project different from the default one.
+```hcl {4}
+# Palette Settings
+palette-project = "Default" # The name of your project in Palette.
+Next, in the **Hello Universe Configuration** section, provide values for the database password and authentication token
+for the Hello Universe pack. For example, you can use the value `password` for the database password and the default
+token provided in the
+[Hello Universe](https://github.com/spectrocloud/hello-universe/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#reverse-proxy-with-kubernetes)
+repository for the authentication token.
+```hcl {7-8}
+# Hello Universe Configuration
+app_namespace = "hello-universe" # The namespace in which the application will be deployed.
+app_port = 8080 # The cluster port number on which the service will listen for incoming traffic.
+replicas_number = 1 # The number of pods to be created.
+db_password = "REPLACE ME" # The database password to connect to the API database.
+auth_token = "REPLACE ME" # The auth token for the API connection.
+Locate the AWS provider section and change `deploy-aws = false` to `deploy-aws = true`. Additionally, replace all
+occurrences of `REPLACE_ME` with their corresponding values, such as those for the `aws-cloud-account-name`,
+`aws-region`, `aws-key-pair-name`, and `availability_zones` variables. You can also update the values for the nodes in
+the control plane or worker node pools as needed.
+Ensure that the SSH key pair specified in `aws-key-pair-name` is available in the same region specified by `aws-region`.
+For example, if `aws-region` is set to `us-east-1`, use the name of a key pair that exists in the `us-east-1` region.
+```hcl {4,7-9,16,24}
+# AWS Deployment Settings
+deploy-aws = false # Set to true to deploy to AWS.
+deploy-aws-kubecost = false # Set to true to deploy to AWS and include Kubecost to your cluster profile.
+aws-cloud-account-name = "REPLACE ME"
+aws-region = "REPLACE ME"
+aws-key-pair-name = "REPLACE ME"
+aws_control_plane_nodes = {
+ count = "1"
+ control_plane = true
+ instance_type = "m4.xlarge"
+ disk_size_gb = "60"
+ availability_zones = ["REPLACE ME"] # If you want to deploy to multiple AZs, add them here. Example: ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"].
+aws_worker_nodes = {
+ count = "1"
+ control_plane = false
+ instance_type = "m4.xlarge"
+ disk_size_gb = "60"
+ availability_zones = ["REPLACE ME"] # If you want to deploy to multiple AZs, add them here. Example: ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"].
+When you are done making the required changes, save the file.
+## Deploy the Cluster
+Before starting the cluster provisioning, export your [Palette API key](./setup.md#create-a-palette-api-key) as an
+environment variable. This step allows the Terraform code to authenticate with the Palette API.
+Next, issue the following command to initialize Terraform. The `init` command initializes the working directory that
+contains the Terraform files.
+terraform init
+```text hideClipboard
+Terraform has been successfully initialized!
+Issue the `plan` command to preview the resources that Terraform will create.
+terraform plan
+The output indicates that three new resources will be created: two versions of the AWS cluster profile and the host
+cluster. The host cluster will use version `1.0.0` of the cluster profile.
+Plan: 3 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
+To deploy the resources, use the `apply` command.
+terraform apply -auto-approve
+To check that the cluster profile was created correctly, log in to [Palette](https://console.spectrocloud.com), and
+click **Profiles** from the left **Main Menu**. Locate the cluster profile named `tf-aws-profile`. Click on the cluster
+profile to review its layers and versions.
+![A view of the cluster profile](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_profile_review.webp)
+You can also check the cluster creation process by selecting **Clusters** from the left **Main Menu**.
+![Update the cluster](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_create_cluster.webp)
+Select your cluster to review its details page, which contains the status, cluster profile, event logs, and more.
+The cluster deployment may take 15 to 30 minutes depending on the cloud provider, cluster profile, cluster size, and the
+node pool configurations provided. You can learn more about the deployment progress by reviewing the event log. Click on
+the **Events** tab to check the log.
+![Update the cluster](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_event_log.webp)
+### Verify the Application
+In Palette, navigate to the left **Main Menu** and select **Clusters**.
+Select your cluster to view its **Overview** tab. When the application is deployed and ready for network traffic,
+indicated in the **Services** field, Palette exposes the service URL. Click on the URL for port **:8080** to access the
+Hello Universe application.
+It can take up to three minutes for DNS to properly resolve the public load balancer URL. We recommend waiting a few
+moments before clicking on the service URL to prevent the browser from caching an unresolved DNS request.
+![Deployed application](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_hello-universe-w-api.webp)
+Welcome to Hello Universe, a demo application developed to help you learn more about Palette and its features. Feel free
+to click on the logo to increase the counter and for a fun image change.
+## Version Cluster Profiles
+As previously mentioned, Palette supports the creation of multiple cluster profile versions using the same profile name.
+This provides you with better change visibility and control over the layers in your host clusters. Profile versions are
+commonly used for adding or removing layers and pack configuration updates.
+The version number of a given profile must be unique and use the semantic versioning format `major.minor.patch`. In this
+tutorial, you used Terraform to deploy two versions of an AWS cluster profile. The snippet below displays a segment of
+the Terraform cluster profile resource version `1.0.0` that was deployed.
+```hcl {4,9}
+resource "spectrocloud_cluster_profile" "aws-profile" {
+ count = var.deploy-aws ? 1 : 0
+ name = "tf-aws-profile"
+ description = "A basic cluster profile for AWS"
+ tags = concat(var.tags, ["env:aws"])
+ cloud = "aws"
+ type = "cluster"
+ version = "1.0.0"
+Open the **terraform.tfvars** file, set the `deploy-aws-kubecost` variable to true, and save the file. Once applied, the
+host cluster will use version `1.1.0` of the cluster profile with the Kubecost pack.
+The snippet below displays the segment of the Terraform resource that creates the cluster profile version `1.1.0`. Note
+how the name `tf-aws-profile` is the same as in the first cluster profile resource, but the version is different.
+```hcl {4,9}
+resource "spectrocloud_cluster_profile" "aws-profile-kubecost" {
+ count = var.deploy-aws-kubecost ? 1 : 0
+ name = "tf-aws-profile"
+ description = "A basic cluster profile for AWS with Kubecost"
+ tags = concat(var.tags, ["env:aws"])
+ cloud = "aws"
+ type = "cluster"
+ version = "1.1.0"
+In the terminal window, issue the following command to plan the changes.
+terraform plan
+The output states that one resource will be modified. The deployed cluster will now use version `1.1.0` of the cluster
+```text hideClipboard
+Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
+Issue the `apply` command to deploy the changes.
+terraform apply -auto-approve
+Palette will now reconcile the current state of your workloads with the desired state specified by the new cluster
+profile version.
+To visualize the reconciliation behavior, log in to [Palette](https://console.spectrocloud.com), and click **Clusters**
+from the left **Main Menu**.
+Select the cluster named `aws-cluster`. Click on the **Events** tab. Note how a cluster reconciliation action was
+triggered due to cluster profile changes.
+![Image that shows the cluster profile reconciliation behavior](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_reconciliation.webp)
+Next, click on the **Profile** tab. Observe that the cluster is now using version `1.1.0` of the `tf-aws-profile`
+cluster profile.
+![Image that shows the new cluster profile version with Kubecost](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-with-cluster.webp)
+Once the changes have been completed, Palette marks the cluster layers with a green status indicator. Click the
+**Overview** tab to verify that the Kubecost pack was successfully deployed.
+![Image that shows the cluster with Kubecost](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-with-kubecost.webp)
+Next, download the
+[kubeconfig](https://deploy-preview-3173--docs-spectrocloud.netlify.app/clusters/cluster-management/kubeconfig/) file
+for your cluster from the Palette UI. This file enables you and other users to issue `kubectl` commands against the host
+![Image that shows the cluster's kubeconfig file location](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_kubeconfig.webp)
+Open a new terminal window and set the environment variable `KUBECONFIG` to point to the kubeconfig file you downloaded.
+export KUBECONFIG=~/Downloads/admin.aws-cluster.kubeconfig
+Forward the Kubecost UI to your local network. The Kubecost dashboard is not exposed externally by default, so the
+command below will allow you to access it locally on port **9090**. If port 9090 is already taken, you can choose a
+different one.
+kubectl port-forward --namespace kubecost deployment/cost-analyzer-cost-analyzer 9090
+Open your browser window and navigate to `http://localhost:9090`. The Kubecost UI provides you with a variety of cost
+information about your cluster. Read more about
+[Navigating the Kubecost UI](https://docs.kubecost.com/using-kubecost/navigating-the-kubecost-ui) to make the most of
+the cost analyzer pack.
+![Image that shows the Kubecost UI](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_kubecost.webp)
+Once you are done exploring the Kubecost dashboard, stop the `kubectl port-forward` command by closing the terminal
+window it is executing from.
+## Roll Back Cluster Profiles
+One of the key advantages of using cluster profile versions is that they make it possible to maintain a copy of
+previously known working states. The ability to roll back to a previously working cluster profile in one action shortens
+the time to recovery in the event of an incident.
+The process of rolling back to a previous version using Terraform is similar to the process of applying a new version.
+Open the **terraform.tfvars** file, set the `deploy-aws-kubecost` variable to false, and save the file. Once applied,
+this action will make the active cluster use version **1.0.0** of the cluster profile again.
+In the terminal window, issue the following command to plan the changes.
+terraform plan
+The output states that the deployed cluster will now use version `1.0.0` of the cluster profile.
+```text hideClipboard
+Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
+Issue the `apply` command to deploy the changes.
+terraform apply -auto-approve
+Palette now makes the changes required for the cluster to return to the state specified in version `1.0.0` of your
+cluster profile. Once your changes have completed, Palette marks your layers with the green status indicator.
+![Image that shows the cluster using version 1.0.0 of the cluster profile](/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-without-kubecost.webp)
+## Cleanup
+Use the following steps to clean up the resources you created for the tutorial. Use the `destroy` command to remove all
+the resources you created through Terraform.
+terraform destroy --auto-approve
+Destroy complete! Resources: 3 destroyed.
+If a cluster remains in the delete phase for over 15 minutes, it becomes eligible for force delete. To trigger a force
+delete action, navigate to the cluster’s details page and click on **Settings**. Click on **Force Delete Cluster** to
+delete the cluster. Palette automatically removes clusters stuck in the cluster deletion phase for over 24 hours.
+If you are using the tutorial container, type `exit` in your terminal session and press the **Enter** key. Next, issue
+the following command to stop and remove the container.
+docker stop tutorialContainer && \
+docker rmi --force ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.7
+podman stop tutorialContainer && \
+podman rmi --force ghcr.io/spectrocloud/tutorials:1.1.7
+## Wrap-Up
+In this tutorial, you learned how to create different versions of a cluster profile using Terraform. You deployed a host
+AWS cluster and then updated it to use a different version of a cluster profile. Finally, you learned how to perform
+cluster profile roll backs.
+We encourage you to check out the
+[Spectro Cloud Terraform](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/spectrocloud/spectrocloud/latest) provider page to
+learn more about the Palette resources you can deploy using Terraform.
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/setup.md b/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/setup.md
index de937ac2aa..b543404b23 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/setup.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/setup.md
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ The prerequisite steps to getting started with Palette on AWS are as follows.
- Sign up to a public cloud account from
-- Access to a terminal window.
-- The utility `ssh-keygen` or similar SSH key generator software.
+- An SSH key pair available in the region where you want to deploy the cluster. Check out the
+ [Create EC2 SSH Key Pair](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ground-station/latest/ug/create-ec2-ssh-key-pair.html) for
+ guidance.
## Enablement
@@ -36,9 +36,12 @@ Palette needs access to your AWS cloud account in order to create and manage AWS
-### Create and Upload an SSH Key
+### Create a Palette API Key
+Follow the steps below to create a Palette API key. This is required for the
+[Cluster Management with Terraform](./deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf.md) tutorial.
## Validate
diff --git a/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/update-k8s-cluster.md b/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/update-k8s-cluster.md
index a41a4ef06b..1e886c019e 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/update-k8s-cluster.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/getting-started/aws/update-k8s-cluster.md
@@ -284,5 +284,5 @@ Cluster profiles provide consistency during the cluster creation process, as wel
They can be versioned to keep a record of previously working cluster states, giving you visibility when updating or
rolling back workloads across your environments.
-We recommend that you continue to the [Deploy a Cluster with Terraform](./deploy-k8s-cluster-tf.md) page to learn about
-how you can use Palette with Terraform.
+We recommend that you continue to the [Deploy a Cluster with Terraform](./deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf.md) page to learn
+about how you can use Palette with Terraform.
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_create_cluster.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_create_cluster.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e8171dfd0
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_create_cluster.webp differ
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_event_log.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_event_log.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca7af5ac9d
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_event_log.webp differ
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_profile_review.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_profile_review.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d3dc96807
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf_profile_review.webp differ
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_hello-universe-w-api.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_hello-universe-w-api.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76381ca2f7
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_hello-universe-w-api.webp differ
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_kubeconfig.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_kubeconfig.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac25f7dac6
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_kubeconfig.webp differ
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_kubecost.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_kubecost.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..717013585a
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_kubecost.webp differ
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-with-cluster.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-with-cluster.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2771563d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-with-cluster.webp differ
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-with-kubecost.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-with-kubecost.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0892f05f7
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-with-kubecost.webp differ
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-without-kubecost.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-without-kubecost.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99b3f6fb44
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_profile-without-kubecost.webp differ
diff --git a/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_reconciliation.webp b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_reconciliation.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ea3a72e53
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/docs/images/getting-started/aws/getting-started_deploy-manage-k8s-cluster_reconciliation.webp differ