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LLM-powered tools for instructional product generation


ClassFactory is a modular toolkit designed to automate various aspects of lesson and course material generation using language models (LLMs). It offers functionality to create interactive learning resources, including LaTeX Beamer slides, concept maps, and quizzes, all structured around a specified syllabus or lesson plan.

The key modules include:

  • BeamerBot for automated LaTeX Beamer slide generation.
  • ConceptWeb for building concept maps based on lesson readings. This is best used as a tool to compare how concepts from prior lessons relate to later lessons.
  • QuizMaker for quiz creation using both lesson content and prior quiz data for comparison. The path to the prior quiz (an Excel doc of structure: ['type', 'question', 'A)', 'B)', 'C)', 'D)', 'correct_answer']) can be passed in during module creation.

Project Organization

├── LICENSE            <- Open-source license if one is chosen
├──          <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── data               <- Data from various sources (external, raw, processed, etc.).
├── docs               <- Documentation for the project.
├── notebooks          <- Jupyter notebooks. Includes example implementations.
├── pyproject.toml     <- Project configuration file with package metadata and dependencies.
├── reports            <- Generated reports (concept maps, figures, etc.).
└── src                <- Source code for this project.
    ├── beamer_bot     <- Source code for BeamerBot slide generation.
    ├── class_factory  <- Core class for creating modules (BeamerBot, ConceptWeb, QuizMaker).
    ├── concept_web    <- Source code for concept map generation.
    ├── quiz_maker     <- Source code for quiz generation.
    └── utils          <- Utility functions for OCR, loading documents, etc.

How to Use ClassFactory

To get started with ClassFactory, ensure that you have configured your environment correctly (e.g., API keys for LLMs) and set the paths for your project directories.

Example Implementation (using

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from import here
from pathlib import Path
from src.class_factory.ClassFactory import ClassFactory

# Load environment variables
OPENAI_KEY = os.getenv('openai_key')
OPENAI_ORG = os.getenv('openai_org')

# Define paths
readingDir = Path(os.getenv('readingsDir'))
slideDir = Path(os.getenv('slideDir'))
syllabus_path = Path(os.getenv('syllabus_path'))

# Initialize the language model (LLM)
llm = ChatOpenAI(

# Create ClassFactory instance
factory = ClassFactory(
    lesson_range=range(17, 21),
    course_name="American Government"

# Generate Beamer slides
beamerbot = factory.create_module("BeamerBot", verbose=False)
slides = beamerbot.generate_slides()

# Build concept map
builder = factory.create_module("ConceptWeb", lesson_range=range(19, 21))

# Create a quiz
quizmaker = factory.create_module("QuizMaker", lesson_range=range(19, 21), prior_quiz_path = Path(path/to/quiz))
quiz = quizmaker.make_a_quiz()

Key Modules


This module automatically generates LaTeX Beamer slides based on lesson objectives, readings, and prior lessons. It uses an LLM to fill in the slides according to user-specified prompts or default guidance.

beamerbot = factory.create_module("BeamerBot", verbose=True)
slides = beamerbot.generate_slides(specific_guidance="Focus on campaigns and voter behavior.")


ConceptWeb builds a visual concept map from lesson materials and readings. It extracts relationships between concepts using LLM-driven text summarization and relationship extraction.

concept_map = factory.create_module("ConceptWeb", course_name="Political Science")


QuizMaker generates quiz questions from the readings and objectives. It ensures diversity in questions by comparing newly generated questions with prior quizzes using embedding similarity checks.

quizmaker = factory.create_module("QuizMaker", lesson_range=range(19, 21),  prior_quiz_path = Path(path/to/quiz))
quiz = quizmaker.make_a_quiz(flag_threshold=0.6)

Environment Setup

Make sure to set the following environment variables in your .env file:


You can install the necessary dependencies using the pyproject.toml:

pip install -e .

Folder Structure

ClassFactory assumes a specific folder structure for input and output data:

  • Reading Directory: depending on the recursive setting, either one directory of all the readings to upload, or a directory of directories, each with readings for a specific lesson
    • eg
          readingsDir              <- Directory of Directories
                ├── L1             <- All readings for Lesson 1
                └── L2             <- All readings for Lesson 2
    • If recursive = True, ClassFactory assumes you provide a directory of directories, and will search one directory deep for the designated lesson number
    • If recursive = False, ClassFactory will only search the provided directory
  • Slide directory: Directory containing slides from a prior lesson that BeamerBot will use as context to structure its currently generated lesson
  • Syllabus path: Path to the course syllabus. BeamerBot and ContextWeb will use the current lesson objectives as context to help build either the lesson slides, or the concept map, respectively.

Customization and Extensibility

ClassFactory is designed to be modular. You can create new modules by extending the base class and integrating additional functionalities (e.g., interactive simulations or new quiz formats). Each module supports custom input and output directories, so outputs can be flexibly stored or processed further. Most development was accomplished using gpt-4o-mini but the module supports any user-provided LLM. If the user desires to run a locally-based LLM, this module has had success using LLaMA3.1 via Ollama, although quiz questions produced were a slightly lower quality. Some prompt engineering may be required for other models to ensure the model returns the requested JSON-structured output.

Logging and Debugging

The modules have built-in logging capabilities, with verbosity controlled during initialization. "Verbose=False" sets the logging level to logging.WARNING, otherwise INFO.


We welcome contributions! If you'd like to contribute, please fork this repository and submit a pull request. Make sure to include tests for any new functionality and to adhere to the established code structure.