Plastic API is a boilerplate for building API mockups with ruby, using grape and OpenAPI Specification (aka swagger specs).
The easiest way to host an API mockup based on this, is on heroku.
Tested with ruby-2.3
bundle install
open http://localhost:9292
I frequently discuss required modifications to APIs with various teams. Often the easiest way to agree on the requirements for an API, is to write a mockup that defines request and response formats. The mockup data returned by such an API can be as realistic as you need it to be.
It took a while to get this stack (below) to work, as there are various compatibility issues. As I did not want to run into this problem every time I create a mock, I created this boilerplate repo.
That being said, be careful when you upgrade either of the components of the stack!
See a sample deployment at
Deploying to heroku is explained at
Create the app
heroku create
Then deploy new version with
git push heroku master
This projects is a working example of a combination of
- grape (0.19.2) - DSL for API generation
- grape-swagger (0.27.0) - generating Swagger Spec for a grape API (generates Swagger Spec v2.0)
- swagger-ui (2.1.5) - turns swagger.json specs into a nice interactive API console that runs in the browser has the same Stack but doesn't not include the swagger-ui. Also contains some good examples of how to build APIs with grape.
- upgrade to latest swagger-ui / at time of writing 2.2.10
- remove gems that are not needed
- provide some better sample APIs
- explain what can be done with rake (i.e. Show all API paths in the console)
- add localization for 'de' to swagger-ui (what is this good for?)