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Rental Property Website

This is the back-end for a Rental Property Web App using Node.js, Express, Mongoose and some other packages.


For development, you will need you will Node.js, NPM and all the packages in package.json to be installed.


A 'superadmin' type user is seeded from a .env file like so:


The GET '/seedSuperAdmin' endpoint will provide a randomly generated password for this user when first run.


To install all the required packages, run the command below in the terminal after installing Node.js and NPM.

$ npm install


If the OS is linux, you must install redis-server on your system first. Please see for installing redis-server on your system.

To start the server run the command below in the terminal.

If Linux:

$ npm start

If Windows:

$ npm run start-win

Install an API Development Environment like Postman to make API requests. You need to set Header of content type 'application/json' and use JSON to pass in the values/fields to make a request.

Server end-points

endpoints for 'Issues'

Create an issue

POST '/createIssue'
  'raisedBy': {
        'userId': ObjectId(),
        'userType': {
            'type': 'String',
            'enum': ['Landlord', 'Tenant']
        'userName': 'String'
    'submittedTo': {
        'userId': ObjectId(),
        'userName': 'String'
        'userId': ObjectId(),
        'userName': 'String'
    'workStatus': {
        'type': 'String',
        'enum': ['Raised', 'Booked', 'Done']
        'userId': ObjectId(),
        'userName': 'String'
        'type': 'String',
    'status': {
        'type': 'String',
        'enum': ['Active', 'Deleted'],
        'default': 'Active'

Get an Issue by ID

GET '/getIssue/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Update an issue by ID

PUT '/updateIssue/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Delete an issue by ID

DELETE '/deleteIssue/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

endpoints for 'Properties'

Get all of the properties

GET '/getPropertyList'

This endpoint has also optional filters (propertyType,rentStatus,Country, State, City)

GET '/getPropertyList?propertyType=house&rentStatus=rent&Country=USA&State=NY&City=Utica'
query parameters: 
  'Country': String,
  'State': String,
  'City' : String,
  'propertyType' : String,
  'rentStatus' : String

Create a property

POST '/createProperty'
  status: {
    type: String,
    enum: ['Active', 'Deleted'],
    default: 'Active'
  propertyType: {
    type: String,
    enum: ['house', 'flat', 'maisonette', 'bungalow', 'room only', 'garage'],
    default: 'house'
  propertySubType: String,
  State: String,
  PostalCode: Number,
  State: String,
  HouseNumber: Number,
  Position: {
    Latitude: Number,
    Longitude: Number,
  rentStatus: {
    type: String,
    enum: ['for sale', 'rent'],
    default: 'for sale'
  availability: {
    type: String,
    enum: ['taken', 'let agreed', 'available'],
    default: 'available'
  condition: {
    type: String,
    enum: ['furnished', 'part-furnished', 'unfurnished'],
    default: 'unfurnished'
  cooling: String,
  IsLet: Boolean,
  Heating: String,
  NumberOfRoom: Number,
  EnSuite: Number,
  duration: Date,
  propertyPrice: Number,
  propertyCurrency: Number,
  propertyPhotos: Array,
  propertVideos: Array,
  sponsored: Boolean

Get a property by ID

GET '/getProperty/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Update a property by ID

PUT '/updateProperty/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Delete a property by ID

DELETE '/deleteProperty/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Toggle sponspored attribute of a property using ID

PUT '/toggleSponsorProperty/:id'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

endpoints for 'Ratings'

Create a rating

POST '/createRating'
  'userId': ObjectId(),
  'propertyId': ObjectId(),
    'userName': 'String',
    'picture': 'String',
    'rating': 'Number',
        'type': 'String',
    'status': {
        'type': 'String',
        'enum': ['Active', 'Deleted'],
        'default': 'Active'

Get Ratings by Property ID

GET '/getAllRating/{replace with the property id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Get rating by ID

GET '/getRating/{replace with id}
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Update a rating by ID

PUT '/updateRating/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Delete a rating by ID

DELETE '/deleteRating/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

endpoints for 'Templates'

Create a template

POST '/createTemplate'
  'templateDetail': 'String',
  'status': {
    'type': 'String',
    'enum': ['Active', 'Deleted'],
    'default': 'Active'

Get a template by ID

GET '/getTemplate/{replace with id}
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Update a template by ID

PUT '/updateTemplate/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Delete a template by ID

DELETE '/deletTemplate/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

endpoints for 'Users'

Seed super-admin

GET '/seedSuperAdmin'

Login a user

POST '/login'
  'email': 'String',
  'password': 'String'

Logout a user

POST '/logout'

Create a user

POST '/createUser'
    email: { type: String, unique: true },
    password: String,
    passwordResetToken: String,
    passwordResetExpires: Date,
    userType: {
      type: String,
      enum: ["Landlord", "Tenant", "Contractor", "Admin", "SuperAdmin"]
    status: {
      type: String,
      enum: ["Active", "Deleted"],
      default: "Active"
    region: String, // Will update it
    profile: {
      name: String,
      gender: String,
      location: String,
      picture: {
        imageURL: String,
        imageID: String
    provider: {
      type: String,
      default: "local"

Get a user by ID

GET '/getUser/{replace with id}
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Update a user by ID

PUT '/updateUser/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Delete a user by ID

DELETE '/deleteUser/{replace with id}'
query parameter:
  '_id': ObjectId()

Login as admin

POST '/adminLogin'
query parameter:
admin: process.env.USER,
password: process.env.PWD

Logout for admin

GET '/adminLogout'

endpoints for 'Admin API'

Admin create property and validate address

Admin create property is an endpoint that helps create accurate properties by checking the giving address and make sure of its accuracy.

The address format is: houseNumber, street, city, state postalcode, country

POST '/adminapi/property/&houseNumber={housenumber}&street={street}&city={city}&state={state}&postalCode={postalCode}&country={country}'


Admin delete property

DELETE '/deleteProperty/{replace with id}'

endpoints for 'Social Login'

Login with facebook

Login with facebook and create a user with data fetched from facebook. You can see detail in 'config/passport.js' about login and register.

You have to change 'facebook.clientID' and 'facebook.clientSecret' in 'config/development.js' to yours with below page. (

GET '/auth/facebook'
    'email': { 'type': 'String', 'unique': 'true' },
    'profile': {
      'name': 'String',
      'gender': 'String',
      'location': 'String',
      'picture': {
        'imageURL': 'String',
        'imageID': 'String'
    'provider': 'facebook'

Login with google

Login with google and create a user with data fetched from google. You can see detail in 'config/passport.js' about login and register.

You have to change 'google.clientID' and 'google.clientSecret' in 'config/development.js' to yours with below page. (

GET '/auth/google'
    'email': { 'type': 'String', 'unique': 'true' },
    'profile': {
      'name': 'String',
      'gender': 'String',
      'location': 'String',
      'picture': {
        'imageURL': 'String',
        'imageID': 'String'
    'provider': 'google'

Login with linkedin

Login with linkedin and create a user with data fetched from linkedin. You can see detail in 'config/passport.js' about login and register.

You have to change 'linkedin.clientID' and 'linkedin.clientSecret' in 'config/development.js' to yours with below page. (

GET '/auth/linkedin'
    'email': { 'type': 'String', 'unique': 'true' },
    'profile': {
      'name': 'String',
      'gender': 'String',
      'picture': {
        'imageURL': 'String',
        'imageID': 'String'
    'provider': 'linkedin'

message endpoints

join chatting room api

Join chatting: '/message/chat/:userid/:roomid/:propertyId'
Admin Chatting: 'admin/message/'

if propertyId is 0, get rooms from rooms collection else if propertyId is not 0, create new room with propertyId and get rooms.

if roomid is 0, currentRoom is set to first room in rooms getting from rooms collection. if roomid is not 0, currentRoom is set to the room with roomid

socketio endpoint

join room: io('/chatroom')

In client side, when socket get connect signal, emit join signal

join room: io.connect('/join', roomid, username) // join the room with roomid and username

when server socket is receiving 'join', if user is admin, send all messages to client. if user is normal user, find message with roomid and username and send them to client.

In server side, when socket get join signal, emit updateUserList, updateMessageList signal

update message signal: io.on('/updateMessageList', messages)

In client side, when socket get updateMessageList signal, update message history with received datas.

update user signal: io.on('/updateUserList', messages)

In client side, when socket get User signal, update user list with received datas.

new message: io.on('/newMessage', username, roomid, message)

In server side, when get newMessage signal, insert message to messages collection and send it to peer and admin.
