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spookyGh0st edited this page Sep 1, 2019 · 19 revisions

Beatwalls Wiki

What this Program does

This is a program, to make working with cool walls easier.

A WallStructure

A WallStructure is a collection of Walls. Bundling them together allows one to scale, repeat and edit them all at once to fit the Song, without having to manually edit each Wall. Combine multiple Wallstructures, to create amazing scenery for your Map.

A Wall

To make working with Walls easier, I introduce to you a new standard of Values, which define a wall. It defines 1 = one line Index and the center = 0. Everything else scales accordingly.

Something like this

An example floor Wall:

{ "duration": 1.0, "height": 0.1, "startHeight": 0.0, "startRow": -2.0, "width": 4.0, "startTime": 0.0 }

creates this Wall:


If you want to finetune the walls you can do so by adjusting the Parameters of the Pattern. Each Value will get added to every wall in the pattern. This is done before Scale and Repeat cound are added. The Parameters are as follows:

  • duration: The duration of each Wall in beats. 1 = 1 beat long wall. Most Default

  • wallHeight: height of each wall.

  • startHeight: StartHeight of each wall

  • startRow: How many blocks a wall will be shifted. IMPORTANT: 0 is the Center (so original 0 would be -2)

  • width: The width of each wall

  • startTime: The Time the block begins in Beats - should usually be 0

The Units

Each Obstacle consist of the Parameters above.

The BeatwallAsset File

The Asset File is the File, where most of the CustomWallStructures are saved! You are invited to look into it, change it and add new structures.

If you create Some cool new structures, please send me, so I can add them to the default asset file!

special WallStructures

some Special WallStructures have can have options that are not covered by the default Parameters. to use them put them in

/bw $name -- specialOptions -- $scale $repeatCount ...

note that You need to have them at the beginning. They can enable more advanced WallStructures like RandomLines and soon text.

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