diff --git a/luigi/contrib/salesforce.py b/luigi/contrib/salesforce.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b151f7cd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/luigi/contrib/salesforce.py
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2012-2015 Spotify AB
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import time
+import abc
+import logging
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import re
+import csv
+import luigi
+from luigi import Task
+logger = logging.getLogger('luigi-interface')
+ import requests
+except ImportError:
+ logger.warning("This module requires the python package 'requests'.")
+ from urlparse import urlsplit
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib.parse import urlsplit
+def get_soql_fields(soql):
+ soql_fields = re.search('(?<=select)(?s)(.*)(?=from)', soql) # get fields
+ soql_fields = re.sub(' ', '', soql_fields.group()) # remove extra spaces
+ fields = re.split(',|\n|\r', soql_fields) # split on commas and newlines
+ fields = [field for field in fields if field != ''] # remove empty strings
+ return fields
+class salesforce(luigi.Config):
+ """
+ Config system to get config vars from 'salesforce' section in configuration file.
+ Did not include sandbox_name here, as the user may have multiple sandboxes.
+ """
+ username = luigi.Parameter(default='')
+ password = luigi.Parameter(default='')
+ security_token = luigi.Parameter(default='')
+ # sandbox token
+ sb_security_token = luigi.Parameter(default='')
+class QuerySalesforce(Task):
+ @abc.abstractproperty
+ def object_name(self):
+ """
+ Override to return the SF object we are querying.
+ Must have the SF "__c" suffix if it is a customer object.
+ """
+ return None
+ @property
+ def use_sandbox(self):
+ """
+ Override to specify use of SF sandbox.
+ True iff we should be uploading to a sandbox environment instead of the production organization.
+ """
+ return False
+ @property
+ def sandbox_name(self):
+ """Override to specify the sandbox name if it is intended to be used."""
+ return None
+ @abc.abstractproperty
+ def soql(self):
+ """Override to return the raw string SOQL or the path to it."""
+ return None
+ @property
+ def is_soql_file(self):
+ """Override to True if soql property is a file path."""
+ return False
+ def parse_output(self, data):
+ """
+ Traverses ordered dictionary, calls _traverse_output to recursively read into the dictionary depth of data
+ """
+ fields = get_soql_fields(self.soql)
+ header = fields
+ master = [header]
+ for record in data['records']: # for each 'record' in response
+ row = []
+ for obj, value in record.iteritems(): # for each obj in record
+ while len(row) < len(fields):
+ row.append('')
+ if isinstance(value, basestring): # if query base object has desired fields
+ if obj in fields:
+ row[fields.index(value)] = value
+ elif isinstance(value, dict) and obj != 'attributes': # traverse down into object
+ path = obj
+ row.append(self._traverse_output(value, fields, row, path))
+ master.append(row)
+ return master
+ def _traverse_output(self, value, fields, row, path):
+ """
+ Helper method for parse_output().
+ Traverses through ordered dict and recursively calls itself when encountering a dictionary
+ """
+ for f, v in value.iteritems(): # for each item in obj
+ field_name = '{path}.{name}'.format(path=path, name=f) if path else f
+ if not isinstance(v, (dict, list, tuple)): # if not data structure
+ if field_name in fields:
+ row[fields.index(field_name)] = v
+ elif isinstance(v, dict) and f != 'attributes': # it is a dict
+ self._traverse_output(v, fields, row, field_name)
+ def run(self):
+ if self.use_sandbox and not self.sandbox_name:
+ raise Exception("Parameter sf_sandbox_name must be provided when uploading to a Salesforce Sandbox")
+ sf = SalesforceAPI(salesforce().username,
+ salesforce().password,
+ salesforce().security_token,
+ salesforce().sb_security_token,
+ self.sandbox_name)
+ job_id = sf.create_operation_job('query', self.object_name)
+ logger.info("Started query job %s in salesforce for object %s" % (job_id, self.object_name))
+ batch_id = ''
+ msg = ''
+ try:
+ if self.is_soql_file:
+ with open(self.soql, 'r') as infile:
+ self.soql = infile.read()
+ batch_id = sf.create_batch(job_id, self.soql)
+ logger.info("Creating new batch %s to query: %s for job: %s." % (batch_id, self.object_name, job_id))
+ status = sf.block_on_batch(job_id, batch_id)
+ if status['state'].lower() == 'failed':
+ msg = "Batch failed with message: %s" % status['state_message']
+ logger.error(msg)
+ # don't raise exception if it's b/c of an included relationship
+ # normal query will execute (with relationship) after bulk job is closed
+ if 'foreign key relationships not supported' not in status['state_message'].lower():
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ else:
+ result_id = sf.get_batch_results(job_id, batch_id)
+ data = sf.get_batch_result(job_id, batch_id, result_id)
+ with open(self.output().fn, 'w') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(data)
+ finally:
+ logger.info("Closing job %s" % job_id)
+ sf.close_job(job_id)
+ if 'state_message' in status and 'foreign key relationships not supported' in status['state_message'].lower():
+ logger.info("Retrying with REST API query")
+ data = sf.query_all(self.soql)
+ data_csv = self.parse_output(data)
+ with open(self.output().fn, 'w') as outfile:
+ writer = csv.writer(outfile)
+ writer.writerows(data_csv)
+class SalesforceAPI(object):
+ """
+ Class used to interact with the SalesforceAPI. Currently provides only the
+ methods necessary for performing a bulk upload operation.
+ """
+ API_VERSION = 34.0
+ SOAP_NS = "{urn:partner.soap.sforce.com}"
+ API_NS = "{http://www.force.com/2009/06/asyncapi/dataload}"
+ def __init__(self, username, password, security_token, sb_token=None, sandbox_name=None):
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ self.security_token = security_token
+ self.sb_security_token = sb_token
+ self.sandbox_name = sandbox_name
+ if self.sandbox_name:
+ self.username += ".%s" % self.sandbox_name
+ self.session_id = None
+ self.server_url = None
+ self.hostname = None
+ def start_session(self):
+ """
+ Starts a Salesforce session and determines which SF instance to use for future requests.
+ """
+ if self.has_active_session():
+ raise Exception("Session already in progress.")
+ response = requests.post(self._get_login_url(),
+ headers=self._get_login_headers(),
+ data=self._get_login_xml())
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ root = ET.fromstring(response.text)
+ for e in root.iter("%ssessionId" % self.SOAP_NS):
+ if self.session_id:
+ raise Exception("Invalid login attempt. Multiple session ids found.")
+ self.session_id = e.text
+ for e in root.iter("%sserverUrl" % self.SOAP_NS):
+ if self.server_url:
+ raise Exception("Invalid login attempt. Multiple server urls found.")
+ self.server_url = e.text
+ if not self.has_active_session():
+ raise Exception("Invalid login attempt resulted in null sessionId [%s] and/or serverUrl [%s]." %
+ (self.session_id, self.server_url))
+ self.hostname = urlsplit(self.server_url).hostname
+ def has_active_session(self):
+ return self.session_id and self.server_url
+ def query(self, query, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Return the result of a Salesforce SOQL query as a dict decoded from the Salesforce response JSON payload.
+ :param query: the SOQL query to send to Salesforce, e.g. "SELECT id from Lead WHERE email = 'a@b.com'"
+ """
+ params = {'q': query}
+ response = requests.get(self._get_norm_query_url(),
+ headers=self._get_rest_headers(),
+ params=params,
+ **kwargs)
+ if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ raise Exception(response.content)
+ return response.json(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
+ def query_more(self, next_records_identifier, identifier_is_url=False, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Retrieves more results from a query that returned more results
+ than the batch maximum. Returns a dict decoded from the Salesforce
+ response JSON payload.
+ :param next_records_identifier: either the Id of the next Salesforce
+ object in the result, or a URL to the
+ next record in the result.
+ :param identifier_is_url: True if `next_records_identifier` should be
+ treated as a URL, False if
+ `next_records_identifer` should be treated as
+ an Id.
+ """
+ if identifier_is_url:
+ # Don't use `self.base_url` here because the full URI is provided
+ url = (u'https://{instance}{next_record_url}'
+ .format(instance=self.hostname,
+ next_record_url=next_records_identifier))
+ else:
+ url = self._get_norm_query_url() + '{next_record_id}'
+ url = url.format(next_record_id=next_records_identifier)
+ response = requests.get(url, headers=self._get_rest_headers(), **kwargs)
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ return response.json(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
+ def query_all(self, query, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Returns the full set of results for the `query`. This is a
+ convenience wrapper around `query(...)` and `query_more(...)`.
+ The returned dict is the decoded JSON payload from the final call to
+ Salesforce, but with the `totalSize` field representing the full
+ number of results retrieved and the `records` list representing the
+ full list of records retrieved.
+ :param query: the SOQL query to send to Salesforce, e.g.
+ `SELECT Id FROM Lead WHERE Email = "waldo@somewhere.com"`
+ """
+ def get_all_responses(previous_response, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Inner function for recursing until there are no more results.
+ Returns the full set of results that will be the return value for
+ `query_all(...)`
+ :param previous_response: the modified result of previous calls to
+ Salesforce for this query
+ """
+ if previous_response['done']:
+ return previous_response
+ else:
+ response = self.query_more(previous_response['nextRecordsUrl'],
+ identifier_is_url=True, **kwargs)
+ response['totalSize'] += previous_response['totalSize']
+ # Include the new list of records with the previous list
+ previous_response['records'].extend(response['records'])
+ response['records'] = previous_response['records']
+ if not len(response['records']) % 10000:
+ logger.info('Requested {0} lines...'.format(len(response['records'])))
+ # Continue the recursion
+ return get_all_responses(response, **kwargs)
+ # Make the initial query to Salesforce
+ response = self.query(query, **kwargs)
+ # The number of results might have exceeded the Salesforce batch limit
+ # so check whether there are more results and retrieve them if so.
+ return get_all_responses(response, **kwargs)
+ # Generic Rest Function
+ def restful(self, path, params):
+ """
+ Allows you to make a direct REST call if you know the path
+ Arguments:
+ :param path: The path of the request. Example: sobjects/User/ABC123/password'
+ :param params: dict of parameters to pass to the path
+ """
+ url = self._get_norm_base_url() + path
+ response = requests.get(url, headers=self._get_rest_headers(), params=params)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ raise Exception(response)
+ json_result = response.json(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
+ if len(json_result) == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return json_result
+ def create_operation_job(self, operation, obj, external_id_field_name=None, content_type='CSV'):
+ """
+ Creates a new SF job that for doing any operation (insert, upsert, update, delete, query)
+ :param operation: delete, insert, query, upsert, update, hardDelete. Must be lowercase.
+ :param obj: Parent SF object
+ :param external_id_field_name: Optional.
+ :param content_type: XML, CSV, ZIP_CSV, or ZIP_XML. Defaults to CSV
+ """
+ if not self.has_active_session():
+ self.start_session()
+ response = requests.post(self._get_create_job_url(),
+ headers=self._get_create_job_headers(),
+ data=self._get_create_job_xml(operation, obj, external_id_field_name, content_type))
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ root = ET.fromstring(response.text)
+ job_id = root.find('%sid' % self.API_NS).text
+ return job_id
+ def get_job_details(self, job_id):
+ """
+ Gets all details for existing job
+ :param job_id: job_id as returned by 'create_operation_job(...)'
+ :return: job info as xml
+ """
+ response = requests.get(self._get_job_details_url(job_id))
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ return response
+ def abort_job(self, job_id):
+ """
+ Abort an existing job. When a job is aborted, no more records are processed.
+ Changes to data may already have been committed and aren't rolled back.
+ :param job_id: job_id as returned by 'create_operation_job(...)'
+ :return: abort response as xml
+ """
+ response = requests.post(self._get_abort_job_url(job_id),
+ headers=self._get_abort_job_headers(),
+ data=self._get_abort_job_xml())
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ return response
+ def close_job(self, job_id):
+ """
+ Closes job
+ :param job_id: job_id as returned by 'create_operation_job(...)'
+ :return: close response as xml
+ """
+ if not job_id or not self.has_active_session():
+ raise Exception("Can not close job without valid job_id and an active session.")
+ response = requests.post(self._get_close_job_url(job_id),
+ headers=self._get_close_job_headers(),
+ data=self._get_close_job_xml())
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ return response
+ def create_batch(self, job_id, data, file_type='csv'):
+ """
+ Creates a batch with either a string of data or a file containing data.
+ If a file is provided, this will pull the contents of the file_target into memory when running.
+ That shouldn't be a problem for any files that meet the Salesforce single batch upload
+ size limit (10MB) and is done to ensure compressed files can be uploaded properly.
+ :param job_id: job_id as returned by 'create_operation_job(...)'
+ :param data:
+ :param file_type:
+ :return: Returns batch_id
+ """
+ if not job_id or not self.has_active_session():
+ raise Exception("Can not create a batch without a valid job_id and an active session.")
+ headers = self._get_create_batch_content_headers(file_type)
+ headers['Content-Length'] = len(data)
+ response = requests.post(self._get_create_batch_url(job_id),
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ root = ET.fromstring(response.text)
+ batch_id = root.find('%sid' % self.API_NS).text
+ return batch_id
+ def block_on_batch(self, job_id, batch_id, sleep_time_seconds=5, max_wait_time_seconds=-1):
+ """
+ Blocks until @batch_id is completed or failed.
+ :param job_id:
+ :param batch_id:
+ :param sleep_time_seconds:
+ :param max_wait_time_seconds:
+ """
+ if not job_id or not batch_id or not self.has_active_session():
+ raise Exception("Can not block on a batch without a valid batch_id, job_id and an active session.")
+ start_time = time.time()
+ status = {}
+ while max_wait_time_seconds < 0 or time.time() - start_time < max_wait_time_seconds:
+ status = self._get_batch_info(job_id, batch_id)
+ logger.info("Batch %s Job %s in state %s. %s records processed. %s records failed." %
+ (batch_id, job_id, status['state'], status['num_processed'], status['num_failed']))
+ if status['state'].lower() in ["completed", "failed"]:
+ return status
+ time.sleep(sleep_time_seconds)
+ raise Exception("Batch did not complete in %s seconds. Final status was: %s" % (sleep_time_seconds, status))
+ def get_batch_results(self, job_id, batch_id):
+ """
+ Get results of a batch that has completed processing.
+ If the batch is a CSV file, the response is in CSV format.
+ If the batch is an XML file, the response is in XML format.
+ :param job_id: job_id as returned by 'create_operation_job(...)'
+ :param batch_id: batch_id as returned by 'create_batch(...)'
+ :return: batch result response as either CSV or XML, dependent on the batch
+ """
+ response = requests.get(self._get_batch_results_url(job_id, batch_id),
+ headers=self._get_batch_info_headers())
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ root = ET.fromstring(response.text)
+ result = root.find('%sresult' % self.API_NS).text
+ return result
+ def get_batch_result(self, job_id, batch_id, result_id):
+ """
+ Gets result back from Salesforce as whatever type was originally sent in create_batch (xml, or csv).
+ :param job_id:
+ :param batch_id:
+ :param result_id:
+ """
+ response = requests.get(self._get_batch_result_url(job_id, batch_id, result_id),
+ headers=self._get_session_headers())
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ return response.content
+ def _get_batch_info(self, job_id, batch_id):
+ response = requests.get(self._get_batch_info_url(job_id, batch_id),
+ headers=self._get_batch_info_headers())
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ root = ET.fromstring(response.text)
+ result = {
+ "state": root.find('%sstate' % self.API_NS).text,
+ "num_processed": root.find('%snumberRecordsProcessed' % self.API_NS).text,
+ "num_failed": root.find('%snumberRecordsFailed' % self.API_NS).text,
+ }
+ if root.find('%sstateMessage' % self.API_NS) is not None:
+ result['state_message'] = root.find('%sstateMessage' % self.API_NS).text
+ return result
+ def _get_login_url(self):
+ server = "login" if not self.sandbox_name else "test"
+ return "https://%s.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/%s" % (server, self.API_VERSION)
+ def _get_base_url(self):
+ return "https://%s/services" % self.hostname
+ def _get_bulk_base_url(self):
+ # Expands on Base Url for Bulk
+ return "%s/async/%s" % (self._get_base_url(), self.API_VERSION)
+ def _get_norm_base_url(self):
+ # Expands on Base Url for Norm
+ return "%s/data/v%s" % (self._get_base_url(), self.API_VERSION)
+ def _get_norm_query_url(self):
+ # Expands on Norm Base Url
+ return "%s/query" % self._get_norm_base_url()
+ def _get_create_job_url(self):
+ # Expands on Bulk url
+ return "%s/job" % (self._get_bulk_base_url())
+ def _get_job_id_url(self, job_id):
+ # Expands on Job Creation url
+ return "%s/%s" % (self._get_create_job_url(), job_id)
+ def _get_job_details_url(self, job_id):
+ # Expands on basic Job Id url
+ return self._get_job_id_url(job_id)
+ def _get_abort_job_url(self, job_id):
+ # Expands on basic Job Id url
+ return self._get_job_id_url(job_id)
+ def _get_close_job_url(self, job_id):
+ # Expands on basic Job Id url
+ return self._get_job_id_url(job_id)
+ def _get_create_batch_url(self, job_id):
+ # Expands on basic Job Id url
+ return "%s/batch" % (self._get_job_id_url(job_id))
+ def _get_batch_info_url(self, job_id, batch_id):
+ # Expands on Batch Creation url
+ return "%s/%s" % (self._get_create_batch_url(job_id), batch_id)
+ def _get_batch_results_url(self, job_id, batch_id):
+ # Expands on Batch Info url
+ return "%s/result" % (self._get_batch_info_url(job_id, batch_id))
+ def _get_batch_result_url(self, job_id, batch_id, result_id):
+ # Expands on Batch Results url
+ return "%s/%s" % (self._get_batch_results_url(job_id, batch_id), result_id)
+ def _get_login_headers(self):
+ headers = {
+ 'Content-Type': "text/xml; charset=UTF-8",
+ 'SOAPAction': 'login'
+ }
+ return headers
+ def _get_session_headers(self):
+ headers = {
+ 'X-SFDC-Session': self.session_id
+ }
+ return headers
+ def _get_norm_session_headers(self):
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.session_id
+ }
+ return headers
+ def _get_rest_headers(self):
+ headers = self._get_norm_session_headers()
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ return headers
+ def _get_job_headers(self):
+ headers = self._get_session_headers()
+ headers['Content-Type'] = "application/xml; charset=UTF-8"
+ return headers
+ def _get_create_job_headers(self):
+ return self._get_job_headers()
+ def _get_abort_job_headers(self):
+ return self._get_job_headers()
+ def _get_close_job_headers(self):
+ return self._get_job_headers()
+ def _get_create_batch_content_headers(self, content_type):
+ headers = self._get_session_headers()
+ content_type = 'text/csv' if content_type.lower() == 'csv' else 'application/xml'
+ headers['Content-Type'] = "%s; charset=UTF-8" % content_type
+ return headers
+ def _get_batch_info_headers(self):
+ return self._get_session_headers()
+ def _get_login_xml(self):
+ return """
+ %s
+ %s%s
+ """ % (self.username, self.password, self.security_token if self.sandbox_name is None else self.sb_security_token)
+ def _get_create_job_xml(self, operation, obj, external_id_field_name, content_type):
+ external_id_field_name_element = "" if not external_id_field_name else \
+ "\n%s" % external_id_field_name
+ # Note: "Unable to parse job" error may be caused by reordering fields.
+ # ExternalIdFieldName element must be before contentType element.
+ return """
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ """ % (operation, obj, external_id_field_name_element, content_type)
+ def _get_abort_job_xml(self):
+ return """
+ Aborted
+ """
+ def _get_close_job_xml(self):
+ return """
+ Closed
+ """