Releases: spreadshirt/backstage-plugin-s3
Releases · spreadshirt/backstage-plugin-s3
Minor Changes
- caaac67: Add permissions to plugin
Minor Changes
aa8f726: BREAKING: The s3-viewer-backend
now requires that theidentityApi
are passed to the router.These changes are required to
This change makes the requests to the s3 endpoint to be sent by a logged in user.
import { S3Builder } from '@spreadshirt/backstage-plugin-s3-viewer-backend'; import { Router } from 'express'; import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types'; export default async function createPlugin( env: PluginEnvironment, ): Promise<Router> { const { router } = S3Builder.createBuilder({ config: env.config, logger: env.logger, scheduler: env.scheduler, discovery: env.discovery, + identity: env.identity, + permissions: env.permissions, + tokenManager: env.tokenManager, }).build(); return router; }
Also possible to attach a middleware, which will be required to use the permissions in the plugin. For that, use the async function
. A custom middleware can also be used if that is needed.
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [caaac67]
- @spreadshirt/backstage-plugin-s3-viewer-common@0.2.0
Patch Changes
- 74fef18: Update dependencies to backstage 1.8.2
Patch Changes
- 91c40a8: Update dependencies to backstage 1.7.0