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Running booking portlet samples

philwebb edited this page Jun 7, 2012 · 1 revision

The booking-portlet sample applications can be tested using Apache Pluto inside STS by following these steps:

  1. Download and unzip Pluto from (these instructions used version 2.0.3).
  2. In STS add a "Tomcat 7.0" server, set the "Tomcat Installation Server" to the unpacked pluto distribution.
  3. Without yet deploying any applications, double-click the server, check "Use Tomcat Installation" and set "Deploy path" to "webapps".
  4. Click "Add and Remove ..." for the server and deploy the sample application
  5. Open http://localhost:8080/pluto/portal in a browser.
  6. Login as pluto/pluto and go to the Pluto Admin page.
  7. Under "Portal Pages" select the "Pluto Admin" page
  8. Add a new portal page called "webflow"
  9. Select "webflow" from the Portal Pages drop-down list and the appropriate sample from the portlet applications before clicking "Add".

Note: if you don't see the deployed PortletWebApp listed try the following steps:

  • restart Pluto once after deploying for the first time
  • undeploy, refresh, clean, deploy, start Pluto and then restart it once more
  • check web.xml and portlet.xml configuration

Running With Pluto:

The steps are the same as in Running With Pluto in Eclipse. Just deploy by copying the war to the webapps directory.

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