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File metadata and controls

197 lines (158 loc) · 7.63 KB


A developer oriented, headless ecommerce framework based on Spring + GraphQL + Angular.

Headless means GeekStore only focus on the backend, it does not care which frontend stack you use. GeekStore is built for developers, it only exposes a group of ecommerce admin&shop APIs(in GraphQL), by calling these APIs, developers can query data(such as query product data), or mutate data(such as add item with id '123' to the current order). So, if you want to develop ecommerce application based on GeekStore, you just need to implement the shopping frontend based on your specific business needs. For example, you can leverage Angular/React/Vue, whatever frontend stack you like to build your shopping UI. There is no need to re-build the backend, since GeekStore is an ecommerce backend without a 'head'.

GeekStore is licensed with MIT license, you can change/extend as you need.

Note, GeekStore is only for POC & learning purpose now..


  • Products & Variants
  • Stock management
  • Product facets & faceted search
  • Product categories / collections
  • Product Search
  • Payment provider integrations
  • Shipping provider integrations
  • Discounts and promotions
  • Multiple administrators with fine-grained permissions
  • Built-in admin interface(Angular based)
  • Guest checkouts
  • Multiple Authentication Methods

Tech Stack

  1. Backend framework:Spring Boot 2.x
  2. Frontend(Admin interface) framework:Angular 10.x
  3. GraphQL framework:graphql-java-kickstart
  4. Persistence layer framework:Mybatis-Plus
  5. Async Task:Guava EventBus
  6. Security framework:customized,centralized token validation + AOP
  7. DB:H2(local test) & MySQL(prod)

How To Run

1. How To Run Test

Run unit + component tests via maven:

mvn clean test

527 test cases have been written, cover most framework & biz logic, all test cases pass when run locally. Use embedded H2 DB by default in local test mode.

[INFO] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.42 s - in io.geekstore.e2e.StockControlTest
[INFO] Running io.geekstore.common.utils.TimeSpanUtilTest
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 s - in io.geekstore.common.utils.TimeSpanUtilTest
[INFO] Running io.geekstore.data_import.ImportParserTest
[INFO] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.024 s - in io.geekstore.data_import.ImportParserTest
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 527, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  02:22 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-01-11T18:08:32+08:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. How To Run The Application

Run app via maven:

mvn spring-boot:run

Or run it in Intellij IDE, the main driver class is GeekStoreApplication. It will use embedded H2 DB by default.

Then you can play the Store Admin & Shop API via the GraphQL Playground

Or you can access the GraphQL endpoint via Postman(latest version supporting GraphQL)

To access GraphQL Voyager for interactive graph:



  • Replace graphql-java-kickstart with Netflix DGS framework
  • Support admin interface(based on Angular)
  • Support shopping Web App(based on Angular) for store frontend showcase
  • Support MySQL, now only H2 tested
  • Enhance image processing
  • Docker deployment
  • Docs for developer
  • Performance test scripts and tests
  • MicroService version + GraphQL Federation
  • ElasticSearch for product search, now only support simple DB search(use like)
  • Cloud based image storage/processing, now only stores images locally with very simple processing
  • Payment provider integrations(like paypal/alipay etc), now only support mock provider
  • Shipping provider integrations, now only support mock provider

Source Code Directory

Java Source

├── java
│   └── io
│       └── geekstore
│           ├── # Spring Boot main entry
│           ├── common # Common classes
│           ├── config # Spring Configuration Beans
│           ├── custom # Security/GraphQL/Mybatis customization
│           ├── data_import # Product data import
│           ├── email # Email handling
│           ├── entity # Entity beans
│           ├── eventbus # Asyn event handling
│           ├── exception # Exception classes
│           ├── mapper # MyBatis-Plus Mapper
│           ├── options # App configs
│           ├── resolver # GraphQL API resolvers(a litter like controllers)
│           ├── service # Service layer(biz logic)
│           └── types # Java types(or DTOs) mapping to GraphQL schemas

Resources source

└── resources
    ├── application-mysql.yml # Spring configuration file to support MySQL
    ├── application.yml # Default spring configration file,support h2 db by default
    ├── banner.txt # banner
    ├── db
    │   ├── h2 # H2 db schema
    │   └── mysql # MySql db schema
    ├── graphql
    │   ├── admin-api # Admin side GraphQL API schemas
    │   ├── common # Common type schemas
    │   ├── shop-api # Shop side GraphQL API schemas
    │   └── type # Admin&Shop type schemas
    └── templates
        └── email # email templates

Java Source for Test:

├── java
│   └── io
│       └── geekstore
│           ├── # GraphQL API client for test, has switch to support admin or shop mode.
│           ├── # API call exception
│           ├── # Annotation for GraphQL test(base on SpringBootTest)
│           ├── # A service for creating mock data via the GraphQL API
│           ├── # Configuration options used to initialize a test server environment
│           ├── common # Tests for common classes
│           ├── config # Spring Configuration Beans for test
│           ├── data_import # Tests for product importing function
│           ├── e2e # Tests for GraphQL resolvers,mosts tests for GeekStore reside in this directory!
│           ├── event # Event handler for test
│           ├── service # A few tests for helpers in service layer
│           └── utils # A few test helpers

Resources Source for Test:

├── application.yml # Spring configuration file for test
├── fixtures # Product mock data for test
├── graphql # GraphQL files(query/mutation/fragments) for test,used by tests in e2e folder.
└── test_fixtures # A few mock data for testing prodct importing function


The project is a partial clone of the vendure headless ecommerce framework. The original project is based on TypeScript/Nestjs/Angular tech stack. Thanks to the author🙏


Copyright © 2021-present GeekStore. All rights reserved.