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Releases: squidfunk/mkdocs-material


14 Jan 19:27
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  • Fixed massive repaints happening when scrolling
  • Fixed footer back reference positions in case of overflow
  • Fixed header logo from showing when the menu icon is rendered
  • Changed scrollbar behavior to only show when content overflows


13 Jan 09:04
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  • Introduced Webpack for more sophisticated JavaScript bundling
  • Introduced ESLint and Stylelint for code style checks
  • Introduced more accurate Material Design colors and shadows
  • Introduced modular scales for harmonic font sizing
  • Introduced git-hooks for better development workflow
  • Rewrite of CSS using the BEM methodology and SassDoc guidelines
  • Rewrite of JavaScript using ES6 and Babel as a transpiler
  • Rewrite of Admonition, Permalinks and CodeHilite integration
  • Rewrite of the complete typographical system
  • Rewrite of Gulp asset pipeline in ES6 and separation of tasks
  • Removed Bower as a dependency in favor of NPM
  • Removed custom icon build in favor of the Material Design iconset
  • Removed _blank targets on links due to vulnerability:
  • Removed unversioned assets from build directory
  • Restructured templates into base templates and partials
  • Added build and watch scripts in package.json
  • Added support for Metadata and Footnotes Markdown extensions
  • Added support for pymdownx.* Markdown extensions
  • Added support for collapsible sections in navigation
  • Added support for separate table of contents
  • Added support for better accessibility through REM-based layout
  • Added icons for GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integrations
  • Added more detailed documentation on specimen, extensions etc.
  • Added a 404.html error page for deployment on GitHub Pages
  • Fixed live reload chain in watch mode when saving a template
  • Fixed variable references to work with MkDocs 0.16


08 Jan 17:45
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  • Simplified table formatting and correct text alignment
  • Fixed overflow of long links in admonition
  • Fixed broken selectors in JavaScript for anchors starting with numbers
  • Fixed overlapping text in mobile navigation
  • Fixed build to fail when MkDocs build failes
  • Fixed background color in Chrome for print media
  • Fixed search bar offset when there's no repository
  • Fixed build errors after new Jinja2 release
  • Added styles for abbr
  • Added I18N integration and localizations and documentation
  • Added titles to links in footers
  • Adjusted width for large screens to contain 80 characters for code
  • Removed hard line breaks in copyright footer for better styling
  • Refactored social links integration
  • Updated contribution guidelines
  • Updated inline documentation


02 Jan 20:57
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  • Fixed wrong sizing of logo in drawer
  • Fixed footnotes pseudo elements for offsets
  • Fixed rendering of empty pane in mobile navigation when no headlines are given
  • Fixed deprecation warning
  • Ensure non-conflicting cache/cookie entries for loading data from GitHub
  • Added further documentation
  • Replaced SASS Lint with Stylelint
  • Make theme installable again


29 Dec 13:31
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This is the final release candidate for 1.0.0. Changelog since beta.2:

  • Make logo configurable again
  • Improved contrast for footer credits
  • Refactored drawer header and source display
  • Refactored source icon SVG integration
  • Fixed initialization logic of table of contents and sidebar
  • Fixed output of HTML minifier (duplicate body closing tag)
  • Fixed IE/FF compatibility issues
  • Added -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch for iOS dynamically
  • Added edit-link again (for mkdocs 0.16)
  • Added key handler to search modal to handle ESC
  • Added listener to close search modal on anchor follow
  • Added scroll shadow to drawer/navigation
  • Added scrollfix for iOS


26 Dec 18:17
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Second beta preview release of 1.0.0 which fixes the following issues:

  • Fix offset of search when there is no repository information (#70)
  • Remove user-scalable=no from viewport meta (#71)
  • Add a template block called header for easier overriding (#72)
  • Set max-width for images in typesetted content
  • Fix height when main content is shorter than sidebar
  • Refactored wrapper structure to allow variable-sized sticky footer
  • Integrated social icons and moved copyright banner below footer navigation
  • Correct horizontal spacing in footer so that it matches header


18 Dec 18:43
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Beta preview release of 1.0.0


26 Jun 12:29
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  • Fixed improperly set default favicon
  • Fixed #33: Protocol relative URL for web fonts doesn't work with file://
  • Fixed #34: IE11 on Windows 7 doesn't honor max-width on main tag
  • Fixed #35: Add styling for blockquotes


16 May 14:51
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  • Fixed #25: Highlight inline fenced blocks
  • Fixed #26: Better highlighting for keystrokes
  • Fixed #30: Suboptimal syntax highlighting for PHP


20 Mar 19:01
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  • Fixed #15: Document pygments dependency for codehilite
  • Fixed #16: Favicon could not be set through mkdocs.yml
  • Fixed #17: Put version into own container for styling
  • Fixed #20: Fix rounded borders for tables