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Navigating Vishva

ssatguru edited this page Apr 13, 2016 · 18 revisions

You can start Vishva with an empty world or an existing world.

To start up with an empty world you will use "world=empty" query parm. Example


In an empty world, you get a avatar, a flat terrain, sky and sun. You can then commence to flesh out that world.

The zip file which you downloaded contains a demo world. You can start that by specifying "world=demo" but you do not have to because the "webapp/config.js" specifies this "demo" as the default world. So just specifying "index.html" will start that up


Moving around

You move around in the world using your avatar. You use the standard "wasd" or arrow keys to move your avatar

key to
w or left arrow turn left
d or right arrow turn right
w or up arrow move forward
s or down arrow move back
q strafe left
e strafe right