We use Codalab to evaluate models and display their scores on the leaderboard. We show you how to run DrQA+PGNet pretrained model but you could use a similar set up for your model.
Before you run on Codalab, first you have to make sure you have a docker environment that can run your code. In the DrQA+PGNet case, we require torch=0.4.0, pycorenlp, torchtext==0.2.1, gensim. You can create your own docker that satisifies your requirements, or you can use existing ones on https://hub.docker.com/. We recommend https://hub.docker.com/r/floydhub which contains dockers for almost every deep-learning framework. We will use https://hub.docker.com/r/floydhub/pytorch/tags/, particularly, 0.4.0-gpu.cuda9cudnn7-py3.33. However this docker does not contain pycorenlp, torchtext==0.2.1 gensim, so we install them later using pip. Follow these steps one by one to run our model on Codalab.
See https://github.com/codalab/codalab-worksheets/wiki/CLI-Basics#installation
Go to https://worksheets.codalab.org and create a worksheet. Say you call this username-coqa-baseline
Run the following command from your terminal to switch to that worksheet first.
cl work main::username-coqa-baseline
Download data to your local system and upload it to that worksheet. You can also use the web-interface to upload data if the data is in tar/zip format and then untar/unzip. If you use web-interface, you can skip steps 1 and 2.
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:stanfordnlp/coqa-baselines.git
cl upload coqa-baselines
Add dev-file to your worksheet.
cl add bundle 0xe25482 .
run_on_codalab.sh installs the requirements and runs the code. On the codalab worksheet's web terminal, run the following command which specifies the docker, number of gpus, cpu memory, etc.
cl run :coqa-dev-v1.0.json :coqa-baselines 'sh coqa-baselines/run_on_codalab.sh' --request-docker-image floydhub/pytorch:0.4.0-gpu.cuda9cudnn7-py3.33 --request-network --request-gpus 1 --request-memory 6g
The resulting worksheet looks like this https://worksheets.codalab.org/worksheets/0xa8916802a3144c00a5cd6cd9f59768e4/
You can access the final predictions in baseline_combined_model/predictions.combined.json
Email coqa.submission@gmail.com
when you can run your model successfully.
Please email these details:
- link to your worksheet
- cl run command
- path to output predictions file
- System name in this sample format:
BERT + MMFT + ADA (single model) Microsoft Research Asia