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Data Structures

Data structures might not be the sexiest topic but they're a crucial part of programming in general and have some deep insights into Python's language design.

Lists, tuples, and sets all store collections of objects and dictionaries store mappings (with key-value pairs).


We've already seen lists in Python! They are finite, ordered, mutable, collections of elements.

  • Finite – lists have a non-infinite size.
  • Ordered – every element in a list has an index and the elements have an order (there is a first element, second element, third element, etc.).
  • Mutable – after a list is created, you can modify it.

Lists are delimited with square brackets ([]) and commas separate elements. So, simple_as = ['do', 're', 'mi'] defines a list that contains three elements.

Lists can contain any type of object. One list can also have elements of different types. For example,

mixed = [4, 5, 'seconds']
inception = [['a', 'dream'], ['within', 'a'], 'dream']

As we mentioned in Python Basics, list indexing and slicing behaves similarly to strings.

To get the number of elements in a list, use the len function. For example,

len(inception) # => 3

You can also check if an element is in a list with the in keyword. For example,

'within' in inception        # => False
['within', 'a'] in inception # => True

You can convert other collections into lists using the list function. For example, a string is a collection of characters; we can produce a list of characters from a string like so:

list("unicorn") # => ['u', 'n', 'i', 'c', 'o', 'r', 'n']

Next, we'll cover some operations that you can perform on lists which are divided into three categories – those that are very important to know, those that are good to know, and those that are less important.

Very Important Good to Know Less Important
.append .extend .reverse
.sort .count .insert

Very Important

.append allows you to add an element to the end of a list. For example,

numbers = [2, 3, 5, 5]

numbers # => [2, 3, 5, 5, 4]

.sort allows you to sort a list in place (the function returns None, but the value of the list will change). Continuing the previous example,

numbers # => [2, 3, 4, 5, 5]

Finally, .remove allows you to remove the first instance of an element by value. For example,

numbers # => [2, 3, 4, 5]

If you try to remove an element that doesn't exist in the list, the program will raise a ValueError.

Good to Know

If you want to append a series of numbers that are stored in another list (more precisely, any ordered collection), you can use the .extend function. For example,

letters = ['u', 'n', 'i', 'c', 'o', 'r', 'n']

numbers # => [2, 3, 4, 5, 'u', 'n', 'i', 'c', 'o', 'r', 'n']

The .count function returns the number of occurrences of an element in a list. For example,

letters.count('n')             # => 2
letters.count(['u', 'n', 'i']) # => 0

Less Important

The .reverse function will reverse the order of a list in place (the function will return None but the value of the list will change). For example,

letters # => ['n', 'r', 'o', 'c', 'i', 'n', 'u']

Finally, the .insert function will add an element into a list at a location other than the end of the list. You provide two arguments to the .insert function: an index and the element to insert. For example,

letters.insert(1, True)
letters # => ['n', True, 'r', 'o', 'c', 'i', 'n', 'u']


Tuples are virtually identical to lists except for the fact that tuples are immutable. This means that after a tuple is created, it cannot be modified.

This feature has a plethora of benefits. For one, Python has decided that because of this, tuples can be hashable which allows them to serve as keys in a dictionary. More broadly, tuples should be used to represent data which has a fixed number of entries.

A tuple is declared with parenthesis and commas separating elements. Warning: To create a tuple with one element, you have to add a comma after the element. For example,

t = (4)
type(t) # => int

t = (4,)
type(t) # => tuple

One good use of tuples is to represent an addresses. For example,

sherlock = ('221B Baker St', 'London', 'UK')

In the above representation, we've decided that an address will be represented by (street, city, country). It doesn't make sense to "append" or "delete" an element from an address so it's better to use a tuple rather than a list.

If you try to edit an element of a tuple, Python will raise a TypeError. For example,

sherlock[0] = '221C Barker Ln' # TypeError

But you can use the len function, the in keyword, and slicing/indexing just like lists. For example,

len(sherlock)    # => 3
'UK' in sherlock # => True
sherlock[::-1]   # => ('UK', 'London', '221B Baker St')

Tuple Packing

Tuple packing and unpacking are two of the most innocuous-looking but powerful features of Python.

If you type a series of objects separated by commas, Python will automatically bundle them together into a tuple. This is called tuple packing. For example,

christopher_robin = 'Pooh', 'Tigger', 'Piglet'
print(christopher_robin) # ('Pooh', 'Tigger', 'Piglet')
type(christopher_robin)  # tuple

If you type a series of variable names and set them equal to a tuple, Python will assign values to the variables element by element. This is called tuple unpacking. For example,

x, y, z = christopher_robin

x # => 'Pooh'
y # => 'Tigger'
z # => 'Piglet'

These two can be used in tandem if you'd like to assign values to multiple variables at the same time. For example,

first, last, age = 'Unicornelius', None, 1001

You can also swap the values of two variables really succinctly:

first, last = last, first

first # => None
last  # => 'Unicornelius'

For example, we can use tuple unpacking to succinctly compute the fibonacci series:

def fibbi(n):
    Print out the first n Fibonacci numbers
    a, b = 0, 1
    for i in range(n):
        a, b = b, a + b

Immutable References

One quirk of tuples is that you can put a mutable object into a tuple! For example,

org = ("Dumbledore's Army", ['harry', 'hermione', 'ron'])

Tuples contain immutable references to underlying objects, even if those objects are mutable. For example, we could do:


org # => ("Dumbledore's Army", ['harry', 'hermione', 'ron', 'cho'])

But, it's invalid to replace the list entirely:

org[1] = ['draco', 'goyle'] # TypeError


Sets are finite, distinct, mutable collections of objects but they are unordered – this is because sets can only contain hashable objects. A set in Python is roughly equivalent to a HashSet in Java.

Sets are distinct, meaning that they can't contain multiple copies of the same element (unlike lists and tuples).

Sets are delimited with squiggly brackets ({}) and elements of a set are separated with commas. For example,

students = {'Guido', 'Parth', 'Unicornelius'}

Sets are useful for three main reasons:

  1. Membership testing is fast – it's very quick ($O(1)$) to test if an element is in a set.
  2. Eliminating duplicates is easy – if you'd like to remove duplicate elements from a collection of hashable objects, you can put them into a set to quickly and easily remove duplicate entries.
  3. Mathematical set operations – it's really easy to perform mathematical operations on Python sets (like taking the intersection of two sets).

You can create an empty set with the set function like so:

empty_set = set()

You cannot set empty_set = {} because that would create an empty dictionary (next section). The set function is also used to convert other collections to sets like so:

set_from_list = set([1, 2, 1, 4, 3])
set_from_list # => {1, 2, 3, 4}

Many of the previous operations on collections apply to sets as well. You can return the number of elements in a set with len, check if an element is in a set with the in keyword, and iterate over a set with for.

For example,

basket = {'orange', 'banana', 'pear', 'apple'}

len(basket)           # => 4

'orange' in basket    # => True
'crabgrass' in basket # => False

for fruit in basket:

# apple
# banana
# pear
# orange 

Set Methods

To add an element to a set, use the .add method. For example,

letters = set('mississippi')
letters # => {'i', 'm', 'p', 's'}

letters # => {'i', 'm', 'p', 's', 'unicorn'}

To remove an element, use the .remove method. This method will raise a KeyError if you ask it to remove something that's not in the set. For example,

letters # => {'i', 'p', 's', 'unicorn'}

You can also remove all the elements from a set with the .clear method (like st.clear()) but this isn't frequently used.

Mathematical Set Operations

You can perform a lot of mathematical operations on sets which integrate with Python operators. First, let's define:

a = set('abracadabra') 
b = set('alacazam')

a # => {'a', 'r', 'b', 'c', 'd'}
b # => {'a', 'm', 'c', 'l', 'z'}

To take the difference between two sets use the minus (-) operator. For example, a - b will return the elements that are in a but not in b:

a - b # => {'b', 'd', 'r'}

You can take the union of two sets using the pipe (|) operator. a | b will return a set containing elements that are in a or in b. In particular,

a | b # => {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'l', 'm', 'r', 'z'}

And, you can take the intersection of two sets using the ampersand (&) operator. a & b returns a set with elements that are in a and b. In particular,

a & b # => {'a', 'c'}

You can also combine any of these operations with = to update the value of a. For example, a |= b is roughly equivalent to a = a | b.

Mathematical Set Comparisons

The mathematical comparison operators (<, <=, >, >=) make sense in the context of sets as well. They test set containment.

That is, a < b is True if a is a subset of b. a <= b is True if a is a subset of or equal to b. The meanings of > and >= are reversed.


A dictionary is a mutable mapping from keys to values. The keys must be hashable and the values can be arbitrary objects. A Python dictionary is equivalent to a Java HashTable.

Dictionaries are declared using squiggly brackets ({}) and keys are separated from values using a colon (:). For example,

empty_dict = {}
phrases_to_num = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}

You can access the value associated with a specific key using square brackets. If the key doesn't exist in the dictionary, Python will raise a KeyError. For example,

phrases_to_num['one'] # => 1
phrases_to_num['six'] # KeyError

To avoid the KeyError for values that don't exist, you can use the .get(key) method. For example,

courses = {"CS": [41, 106, 107], "LAW": [4093, 7007]}
courses.get("CS")   # => [41, 106, 107]
courses.get("PHIL") # => None

In the context of your dictionary, None might not be a reasonable default value, so you can provide a default as the second parameter. For example,

courses.get("ENGLISH", []) # => []

You can update or add a key to a dictionary using similar notation, except you use the equals sign to add the right hand value into the dictionary.

phrases_to_num['two'] = 22
phrases_to_num['six'] = 6

phrases_to_num # => {'one': 1, 'two': 22, 'three': 3, 'six': 6}

You can remove a value from a dictionary using the del statement or the pop command – the latter will return the value that you just removed. For example,

del phrases_to_num['six']
phrases_to_num # => # => {'one': 1, 'two': 22, 'three': 3}

phrases_to_num.pop('three') # => 3
phrases_to_num              # => {'one': 1, 'two': 22}

If d is a dictionary, d.keys() is a collection of the dicitonary's keys, d.values() is a collection of its values and d.items() is a collection of its key, value pairs as tuples. That is,

d = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
d.keys()   # => <"one", "two", "three">
d.values() # => <1, 2, 3>
d.items()  # => <('one', 1), ('two', 2), ('three', 3)>

It's really common to loop over a dictionary's items and simultaneously use tuple unpacking for very clean syntax:

for key, value in d.items():
   print(key, value)

# one 1
# two 2
# three 3

Finally, len(d) returns the number of keys in d.


Comprehensions can "flatten" a for loop in Python. A common programming paradigm is to loop over some collection, modify each element, and store the results in another collection. For example, to compute the first ten square numbers, one might:

squares = []

for x in range(10):
    squares.append(x * x)

squares # => [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

A list comprehension looks has the following syntax:

[fn(elem) for elem in collection]

The square brackets indicate that we are creating a list, and this list will apply fn to elem, where elem is a loop variable that goes through collection. Let's rewrite the above code using this syntax:

squares = [x * x for x in range(10)]

You can also create set comprehensions and dict comprehensions! Set comprehensions look identical but are delimited by squiggly braces. Dict comprehensions have a key and value in place of fn(elem). For example, we can reverse a dictionary using a dictionary comprehension:

fav_animals = {
   'parth': 'unicorn',
   'michael': 'elephant',
   'zheng': 'tree',
   'sam': 'ox',
   'nick': 'Daisy'
fav_humans = {val:key for key, val in fav_animals.items()}

fav_humans # => {'unicorn': 'parth', 'elephant': 'michael', 'tree': 'zheng', 'ox': 'sam', 'Daisy': 'nick'}

Advanced Looping


If you'd like to keep track of the index and the value while looping through a collection, you can use the enumerate function and tuple unpacking. To see how this works, let's try to enumerate a collection:

enumerate(['Parth', 'Michael', 'Unicorn']) # => <(0, 'Parth'), (1, 'Michael'), (2, 'Unicorn')>

Much like dict.items(), we can unpack each of the tuples while looping:

for i, name in enumerate(['Parth', 'Michael', 'Unicorn']):
   print(i, name)

# 0 Parth
# 1 Michael
# 2 Unicorn


Often, we have two collections which are related to each other by index (i.e., the first elements of the two collections are connected, the second elements are connected, etc.). In these situations, it can be useful to zip the two collections together. The zip function generates pairs of entries from its arguments.

For example,

questions = ['name', 'quest', 'favorite color']
answers = ['lancelot', 'the holy grail', 'blue']

for q, a in zip(questions, answers):
   print('What is your {}? It is {}.'.format(q, a))

# What is your name? It is lancelot.
# What is your quest? It is the holy grail.
# What is your favorite color? It is blue.


Any collection that you can iterate through can also be sorted! The sorted function will sort the elements of its argument and return a new list that contains those elements in sorted order.

For example, suppose we have a list of fruits. We'd like to eliminate the duplicate elements and hten print them out in alphabetical order. This can be done by converting the list to a set and then calling the sorted function like so:

basket = ['apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']

for fruit in sorted(set(basket)):

# apple
# banana
# orange
# pear

With love, 🦄s, and 🐘s by the CS41 Staff