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Functional Programming

What is Functional Programming?

Functional Programming is a programming paradigm, much like the Object-Oriented Programming with which many of you are familiar from CS 106B. The Functional paradigm is based on the philosophy of expressing program control flow through a series of (often nested) function calls, rather than through loops, variables, or classes.

Functional Programming is one of many programming paradigms: other paradigms include,

  • Declarative Programming: in Declarative Programming, the programmer specifies the desired result and leaves it up to the computer to figure out how to obtain it.
  • Object-Oriented Programming: under the Object-Oriented paradigm, the programmer defines a series of objects, and control flow is defined as a series of operations on these objects.
  • Structured Programming: under the Structured paradigm, the programmer defines control flow through a series of if/else conditions and while/for loops.

The Functional programming paradigm revolves around defining control flow as a series of function calls. Functional programming, in general, avoids the idea of "state" (defined variables that change over the course of program execution), and prefers the use of "expressions" (pieces of code which may be evaluated to return a value) over "statements" (operations like for/while, if/else, etc.).

Let's quickly walk through an example of Functional programming to get a feel for the type of code which this paradigm produces. Below, we have written a Python function which takes in a list of numbers. It then finds the elements of the list which, when squared, are divisible by both 2 and 9, and returns a list consisting of those elements, each cubed.

We first write this code using the Declarative and Structured paradigms with which we are familiar:

def squared_divisible_by_2_9(lst):
    ret_lst = []
    for elem in lst:
        if elem**2 % 2 == 0 and elem**2 % 9 == 0:
    return ret_lst

Observe in the above function how we rely on state (we've set this variable ret_list at the start of our function, which we then build up over the course of function execution), and on statements (we use both a for loop and an if block). Below, we've rewritten the Python function to align more closely with the Functional programming paradigm:

def squared_divisible_by_2_9(lst):
    return list(map(
        lambda x: x**3, 
            lambda x: x**2 % 2 == 0 and x**2 % 9 == 0, 

Don't panic if the code above looks unfamiliar to you - by the end of this section, writing this second version of this function should feel (almost) as natural as writing the first version. Take a moment, though, to observe the architecture of the second function: it does not use any stored function state, nor any for or if statements.

Before we dive in to discuss Python's Functional programming features, let's step back and conclude our discussion of programming paradigms. If you're interested in learning more about programming paradigms, there's a fantastic guide here which provides a high-level overview of many of the most common paradigms.

It is likely the case that, in your daily programming life, you will use many different paradigms: some problems you may choose to approach with an Object-Oriented minset, while you find that other problems lend themselves more easily to a Declarative paradigm. It is also the case that programming languages tend to incline themselves more toward some paradigms than others. Query languages like SQL were designed with the Declarative paradigm in mind: specifying a SQL query is indicating to the computer the desired result (such as which data to select from a database), and the language determines how to make the appropriate data selection. As another example, C would be a poor choice of programming language for Object-Oriented programming, since it does not natively support classes: a programmer seeking to do Object-Oriented programming would be better served by a language such as Python or C++.

Python is what is called a "multi-paradigm language," meaning that it natively supports several different programming paradigms. In our discussion of Object-Oriented programming in Python, we have already seen Python's class objects supporting Object-Oriented programming. Similarly, Python's if/else and while/for operators support the structured programming paradigm. In this set of notes, we will explore Python's map/filter/reduce functions, among others, to showcase the support that Python provides for the Functonal paradigm.

First-Class Functions - Functions are Objects!

The term "First-Class Function" refers to a function which is given the same privileges as any other object in a programming language. In Python, all functions objects, which means that all functions are first-class. Python functions, therefore, possess a type, identity, and value. In the below example, we create a sample function, then explore some of its properties.

def f(x):
    return 5

id(f)      # => 4405959984
type(f)    # => <class 'function'>
print(f)   # => <function f at 0x1069d9d30>

isinstance(f, object) # => True

This raises some exciting questions, namely, if functions are objects, what can be done with these objects?

Can they be operated on? Passed into other functions as arguments? Returned from functions? In Python, the answer to all of these questions is yes, which has beautiful implications for the way in which Python supports the Functional paradigm.

Lambda - Inline, Anonymous Functions

We will start by presenting the concept of the lambda. In Python, a lambda is an anonymous, inline function. In Python, a lambda is defined using the following syntax:

lambda params : expression

Recall that an "expression" refers to a piece of code which is evaluated to return a value: the result of this expression is the return value of the lambda. Below, we give a simple example of defining a lambda function which accepts two arguments and returns the sum of their squares.

lambda x, y : x**2 + y**2

If we wanted to write a lambda function and immediately call it, we can do so using the standard Python syntax in which arguments are placed in parentheses after the lambda definition. You'll observe, however, that an extra set of parentheses are required to contain the lambda definition; without them, it would be ambiguous whether the (3, 5) were arguments to the lambda, or were a part of the lambda return expression.

(lambda x, y : x**2 + y**2)(3, 5)      # => 34

Iterators and Generators - Representing Infinity

One of the strengths of the Functional programming paradigm is that it allows for concrete representations of infinite-length objects. Functional programming is uniquely capable of representing infinite-length objects (in comparison with the other paradigms we have briefly discussed) due to its lack of reliance on state: in the Functional paradigm, we do not need to store every element of an infinite-dimentional list over the course of our program.

This is rather profound, so let's take a step back to evaluate what this looks like.

Iterables - More than Just Lists!

In Python, we have seen collections of objects. Among them, we have seen lists, tuples, and dictionaries:

lst = ["Parth", "Unicorns", "❤️"]
tup = ("CS41", "🦄", "🐘")
dctnry = {1 : 1, 2 : 2, 3 : "why did I think this was a useful dictionary?"}

All of these objects fall under the category of "iterables", which, as the name implies, are objects over which we can iterate. In its simplest form, an iterable is defined by its capability to return its elements one at a time. This means that we can apply a for or while loop over elements of these objects, and we will obtain something useful.

At a higher level of sophistication, an object of a given type is an iterable if either:

  • The __iter__() method is defined for the type. (By "method", I am referring to a function bound to an instance of a class - for a refresher on classes and object oriented programming, check out our notes on OOP). We will discuss the behaviour of the __iter__() method in the following segment.
  • The __getitem__() method and __len__() method are defined for the type. The __getitem__() method takes an integer and returns the item at that index, while the __len__() method returns the length of the object. For example,
      lst.__getitem__(1) # => "Unicorns"
      tup.__getitem__(0) # => "CS41"
      lst.__len__()      # => 3

Iterators - One Step Further

An iterator generalizes the concept of an iterable that we have seen in the previous section. Rather than representing a discrete collection of objects, such as the iterables with which we are familiar, an "iterator" represents a continuous stream of data which may be finite or infinite.

As a starting example, let's examine the __iter__() method which we introduced in the previous section. Let's see what happens when we call the __iter__() method on the lst we saw earlier:

lst.__iter__() # => <list_iterator object at 0x104807d00>

Here, we see that we've created a new object of type list_iterator. We can create other types of iterator objects by calling the __iter__() method on other iterables:

tup.__iter__()    # => <tuple_iterator object at 0x104807d00>
dctnry.__iter__() # => <dict_keyiterator object at 0x104887360>

To specifiy our earlier definition, then, an iterator enables iteration through the __next__() method, which must be defined for every type of iterable. The __next__() method, as the name implies, yields the subsequent object as we progress through our iteration. As a brief example, below, we create an iterator object, and call __next__() to iterate through its data stream:

lst_iter = lst.__iter__()
lst_iter.__next__()       # => "Parth"
lst_iter.__next__()       # => "Unicorn"
lst_iter.__next__()       # => "❤️"
lst_iter.__next__()       # => StopIteration

Once we reach the end of the data from the iterator, Python raises a StopIteration exception to indicate that there is no more data available in the stream.

Python's builtin next() function is a wrapper function for the __next__() method: the next function takes in an object, so calling next(obj) is equivalent to obj.__next__(). Either is a perfectly acceptable way to progress through elements from an iterator's data stream.

The behaviour of an iterator is similar to that which we observe had we constructed a for loop over our lst object. In fact, we can write our own version of a for loop using iterators, as follows. This for loop,

for elem in iterable:

Is functionally equivalent to the following:

it = iterable.__iter__()
while True:
    except StopIteration:

As a subtlety, and an aside, the reader will recall that earlier, when we called __iter__() on a dictionary, we obtained a dict_keyiterator. We can then make the connectin between this name, dict_keyiterator, and the behaviour of a for loop when called on a dictionary; namely, looping over a dictionary iterates over only the keys (hence the name dict_keyiterator), and not the values. This is a direct result of the way in which dict_keyiterator is defined differently from its list_iterator and tuple_iterator counterparts.


Until this point, we have seen iterators constructed from iterables of finite size: iterables over lists, dictionaries, and tuples. The problem with these iterables is that they require a data structure to be defined, and stored in memory, beforehand: a list is required for a list_iterator, for example. This poses a problem shoudl we wish to represent an unbounded stream of data.

In Python, a "generator" is a function which behaves like an iterator. Rather than a standard function, which returns a single value (or multiple values) once it is called, a generator is constructed so that, when called, it yields the next term in the sequence defined by the generator.

In the abstract, this can be somewhat confusing, so let's walk through a brief example. Below, we present a generator function to produce the Fibonacci sequence:

def generate_fib():
    a = 0
    b = 1
    while True:
        yield a
        a = b
        b = a + b

Here, we've introduced a new keyword: yield. We will define the yield keyword in the context of how a generator function is called and evaluated.

When a generator is called for the first time, say, generate_fib(), it returns a generator object.

generator = generate_fib()
print(generator)           # => <generator object generate_fib at 0x10487e350>

At this point, we can treat the generator object just as we would treat any other iterator object: crucially, this generator object is defined with a __next__() method. When the __next__() method of the generator object is called, execution of the generate_fib() function will commence, until a yield statement is reached, at which point the value referenced by the yield will be returned to the caller, and execution of the generate_fib() function will pause. The next time that the __next__() method is called, execution of the generate_fib() function will resume, until a yield statement is reached - at that point, again, execution will pause and the value referenced by the yield will be returned to the caller. Reaching a return statement during execution of a generator function will raise a StopIteration exception.

This also answers the question of why our generator function contains a while True loop: given that the Fibonacci sequence is infinite, we would like this generator function to never return, instead preferring that it continuously yield values to the caller each time the __next__() method is called.

Note that the term "pause execution" genuinely does imply a pause: local variables relevant to this generator object are saved for the subsequent call. And as with any other type of object, we can have multiple generator objects based on the same generator function, and since they are separate instances of the same object, they will not interfere with one another.

Let us observe the behaviour of our generator in action:

generator.__next__() # => 0
generator.__next__() # => 1
generator.__next__() # => 1
generator.__next__() # => 2
generator.__next__() # => 3
generator.__next__() # => 5

As we can see, this generator function produces the Fibonacci sequence, ad infinitum, resuming execution and generating the subsequent element with each call to the __next__() method.

We can loop through generators using the loop statements with which we are familiar. Using a while loop, we can loop through a generator in a similar manner to looping through an iterator (as in our earlier example):

while True:
    except StopIteration:

Using a for loop, we can simplify this looping somewhat, as a for loop will automatically break when it encounters a StopIteration exception:

for elem in generator:

We can convert generator objects to other data structures, by calling a constructor function such as list() or tuple() on a generator object. Calling the list() constructor (this is without loss of generality - we could equivalently be discussing the tuple() constructor) on a generator object abides by something akin to the following procedure:

def list(generator_object):
    lst = []
    for value in generator_object:
    return lst

This works great when generator_object generates a sequence of finite size; if not, your computer's in for a bit of a bad day. (It will infinitely loop until the operating system ends the program since your program will have eaten all the available RAM).

map and filter - Functional Programming Foundations

Three concepts which are fundamental to functional programming are map and filter: these functions support the transformation of arrays without relying on state.

The map Function

In Python, the map function takes in two parameters, a function and an iterable, and it applies each the function to each element of that iterable. The basic syntax is:

map(fn, iterable)

As an introductory example, let's suppose that we wish to square every element in a list. We could do so using the map function (and a lambda!) as follows:

lst = [1, 2, 3]
map(lambda x : x**2, lst) # => <map object at 0x104885310>

Oops! What's this weird map object we've got going on? Where did it come from?

It turns out that map accepts either a finite data structure as an interable (list, tuple, etc.), or a generator object. And since Python cannot guarantee the generator object to produce a stream of data that is finite in size, the map function is similarly unable to guarantee return of a data structure of finite size. Instead, the map function circumvents this issue by returning a "map object," a generator, which yields elements of the mapped data structure through a call to the __next__() method. Therefore,

map_obj = map(lambda x : x**2, lst)
map_obj.__next__()                  # => 1
map_obj.__next__()                  # => 4
map_obj.__next__()                  # => 9
map_obj.__next__()                  # => StopIteration

Of course, we can also apply the list() constructor (or another similar constructor) so that the output of our call to the map function is the same type as our input iterable, as follows:

map_obj = map(lambda x : x**2, lst)
list(map_obj)                       # => [1, 4, 9]

The filter Function

The filter function behaves similarly to the map function: it takes in two arguments, a predicate, and an iterable, and it returns only the elements of the iterable for which the predicate is True. The syntax is as follows:

filter(predicate, iterable)

Here, the term "predicate" refers to an function which evaluates to either True or False.

As an introductory example, let's call the filter function on a list which returns only the elements of the list which are perfect squares. (As a caveat for those familiar with the CS107 material about floating point arithmetic - here, we're assuming that the floating point arithmetic works out, such that math.sqrt(49) always evaluates to 7.0 and not 6.9999999999. Due to the stability of Python's math library, this is a pretty safe assumption, but isn't something we should always take for granted).

import math
lst = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
filter(lambda x : math.sqrt(x) % 1 == 0, lst) # => <filter object at 0x1048853d0>

Above, observe that the expression math.sqrt(x) % 1 == 0 simply checks whether the square root of the input to the lambda is a whole number. If so, the lambda will return True; if not, it will return False. The lambda we have defined, therefore, is a valid predicate.

Just like the map function, the filter function returns a filter object. As above, we can either read out the elements one-by-one, or we can cast it to a list, as below.

    filter(lambda x : math.sqrt(x) % 1 == 0, lst)
)                                                 # => [1, 9]

Observe that the elements in the list have been filtered from our prior input: the only elements remaining within this new list are those which are perfect squares, as desired.


So far, we've done some pretty fancy things with functions! We've learned that functions are objects, and therefore, that they have identity, type, and value. Since functions are objects, we've also passed them as parameters into other functions, as we saw when we used lambdas (which are just smaller, cuter functions) to call the map and filter functions.

Now, we're going to explore one of Python's fanciest topics: decorators. A "decorator," in brief, is when we pass a function into a function to return a function.

No, the above was not a typo. But fear not - though decorators sound complicated (and they are - they're often the most difficult topic for students of CS41), this section will build up to them slowly, providing examples at each step of the way, to clearly illustrate what decorators are, how they work, and the situations in which they can be useful.

Functions as Arguments

Let's take a quick step back, for a moment, and recall that functions can be passed as parameters to other functions. It's here that we wish to explicitly blur the line between lambdas and functions, if it was not already sufficiently blurred: lambdas are functions. Any place in which we can use a lambda in Python is a place in which we can use a function defined with the standard def notation.

To illustrate this, below, we implement a toy version of map: we call it a toy version since it, unlike the standard map function, assumes that the input to the function is a list, and returns a list (instead of a map object).

def cs41_map(fn, lst):
    return [fn(x) for x in lst]

Below, we define our own function operation (called fun_polynomial), and we call our cs41_map function using the function that we've just defined as an argument:

def fun_polynomial(x):
    return x**2 - 3*x + 12 

cs41_map(fun_polynomial, [1, 2, 3, 4]) # => [10, 10, 12, 16]

So Python functions, by virtue of being objects, can be passed into functions just as if they were any other type of object. Though this shouldn't come as much of a surprise (we've been doing it with lambdas for most of this notes section), it's a core foundation on which decorators a built.

Functions as Return Values


By this point, there should be two core takeaways about what it means to say the Python functions are objects:

  1. Python functions can be passed into other functions as arguments.
  2. Python functions can return other functions.

It shouldn't be too much of a stretch, at least conceptually, to say that in Python, we can define a function which (1) takes in another function as an argument, and which (2) returns a function. This is the essence of the Python decorator.

A "decorator" in Python is defined as any function which is used to modify a function or a class. For the purposes of these notes, we will stick to modifying functions, but it may be useful to understand that these same principles can be applied to decorate classes as well.

Let's take a look at our first decorator. This decorator is going to take in a function (denoted fn), and will return a function (denoted fn_prime). The function fn_prime will be identical to fn, with the exception that it will print out all the arguments passed into it whenever it is called. Below is the decorator for this scenario:

def print_arguments(fn):
    def fn_prime(*args, **kwargs):
        print("Arguments: {}, {}".format(args, kwargs))
        fn(*args, **kwargs)
    return fn_prime

Let us walk through the above function step by step. We start by defining a function, print_arguments, which takes an arbitrary function, fn, as input. Within this function, we then use the standard def notation to construct another function, fn_prime. The arguments of fn_prime are specified by *args and **kwargs here, since we do not make any assumptions about the types of arguments that fn accepts. Our function fn_prime then does two things: first, it prints out args and kwargs, the inputs to our function fn_prime, then it calls fn with those same arguments (recall that calling fn(*args, **kwargs) just unpacks the args and kwargs into our call of fn).

Finally, having constructed this new function with the desired behaviour we return it to the caller.

Feel free to re-read the above section another time: it's admittedly dense, and it combines several different concepts from the class (functions, positional arguments, keyword arguments, variadic arcuments...) in a novel, unique way.

Let's walk through a brief example of our decorator in action. Below, we define the function foo, decorate it with our decorator, and call it.

def foo(a, b, c=1):
   return (a + b) * c

foo = print_arguments(foo)
foo(2, 1, c=3)

# Arguments: (2, 3) {'c': 1}
# 9

Here, the line foo = print_arguments(foo) redefines foo as the function returned from our print_arguments decorator. Then, calling our decorated version of foo both prints out the arguments passed into it, and returns the correct value.

Rather than using the line foo = print_arguments(foo), we can write some Python shorthand to automatically decorate a function once it is created. To do so, we use the syntax @decorator_name, the line immediately before the function signature in our definition. For example, we might write,

def foo(a, b, c=1):
   return (a + b) * c

Which would have the same effect as the line assigning foo to its decorated version in our code above.

Memoization - Decorators in Action!

Let's walk through one more example of decorators in action. Until this point, the example of decorators we have seen has been somewhat contrived: though printing the arguments of a function as it is called is certainly useful for debugging purposes, there are more common uses of decorators which also warrant our attention. One such example is memoization.

Let us start by defining a recursive function which, when passed in an integer n, returns the nth element of the Fibonacci sequence. Our function may be defined as follows:

def recursive_fib(n):
    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return n
    return recursive_fib(n-1) + recursive_fib(n-2)

Calling recursive_fib(5) is fine: any modern computer can easily resolve the stackframes required to compute such a function. Calling recursive_fib(50)? That's a different story - my computer eventually got there, but it needed to take its time and do some serious thinking to resolve all the stackframes demanded by this function call.

The solution, as you may recall from CS106B, is to memoize the function: to store any result we have seen previously in a dictionary, and, if recursive_fib(n) is called on an n which exists as a key in our dictionary, to return its corresponding value rather than diving into the recursive function calls.

It turns out that Python decorators can be used to memoize a recursive function. Below, we present a Python decorator which takes in a function and returns a memoized version of that function (an aside: here, we assume there are no keyword arguments passed into fn).

def memoize(fn):
    cache = {}
    def fn_prime(*args):
        if args not in cache:
            cache[args] = fn(*args)
        return cache[args]
    return fn_prime

This decorator starts by defining a cache in which to store inputs as keys, and outputs as values, for the function fn. We then define a new function, fn_prime, which performs memoization on the fn function: it first checks to see if the input argument is in the cache, and if so, returns it from the cache, avoiding the expensive computation which comes with evaluating many stackframes. Our decorator then returns fn_prime, and in so doing, our decorator returns a function which behaves akin to fn, except that it memoizes its output.

We can test our memoized decorator: previously, the below computations would have taken an unthinkably long time to run, but with our decorator, they can be computed in a matter of seconds.

recursive_fib = memoize(recursive_fib)
recursive_fib(100)                      # => 354224848179261915075
recursive_fib(500)                      # => 139423224561697880139...
recursive_fib(1000)                     # => 434665576869374564356...


The Loyola Marymount University notes on programming paradigms, and (as always) the Python Language Reference.

With love, 🦄s, and 🐘s by the CS41 Staff