Welcome to the StarkNet puzzle of Remix game day!
Your goal is to mint NFT on StarkNet to unlock a clue to the next puzzle.
You have to deploy a specific smart contract that does the following:
- Has a function
which answersPong
(string, encoded as a felt) when called. You can use this file to do the required conversions - Stores the address of the NFT contract
- Stores your address, to send the NFT to you after minting
- Calls the function
to mint an NFT, using both parameters set at 2. and 3.
The NFTs are in contract 0x03e4d98d62f785c00529785c0b0d76cdc3e16129a39b5b54df49880c6b48a40f, deploy on StarkNet Goerli testnet.
Open Remix
Click on the plugin button and search for the StarkNet plugin
Copy / paste the code of this contract
Read the contract, and modify it so that it achieves the desired goal
Compile the file
- Deploy the contract
- Create a new wallet (Argent X or Braavos)
- Go check your contract on Voyager: https://goerli.voyager.online/contract/your-contract-address
- Use the "read contract" and "write contract" to interact with your contract if needed
- Check out your NFT on Oasis