This library has been move to common-controls This reposity would be not updated,only just for archiving purposes.
A way for JavaFx and based on Jfoenix to generate a diglog
I copy the code with TurekBot and make it become a jar which can easily to generate the dialog. @TurekBot
- this is generate a diglog to show user the tips of login success
//tfOutPath is a controller of current fxml file
new DialogBuilder(tfOutPath).setTitle("tips").setMessage("login success").setNegativeBtn("ok").create();
- this is generate a diglog with two button
new DialogBuilder(tfOutPath).setNegativeBtn("cancel", new DialogBuilder.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick() {
//action when user clicks the cancel button
}).setPositiveBtn("ok", new DialogBuilder.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick() {
//action when user clicks the confirm button
}).setTitle("tips").setMessage("hello world").create();
- also you can change the text color of cancel button and confirm button
new DialogBuilder(startBtn).setTitle("提示").setMessage("hello world").setPositiveBtn("确定", "#ff3333").setNegativeBtn("取消", "#00ff00").create();
package wan.Utils;
import com.jfoenix.controls.JFXAlert;
import com.jfoenix.controls.JFXButton;
import com.jfoenix.controls.JFXDialogLayout;
import com.sun.istack.internal.Nullable;
import javafx.scene.control.Control;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.scene.paint.Paint;
import javafx.stage.Modality;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.stage.Window;
* @author StarsOne
* @date Create in 2019/6/2 0002 20:51
* @description
public class DialogBuilder {
private String title, message;
private JFXButton negativeBtn = null;
private JFXButton positiveBtn = null;
private Window window;
private JFXDialogLayout jfxDialogLayout = new JFXDialogLayout();
private Paint negativeBtnPaint = Paint.valueOf("#747474");//否定按钮文字颜色,默认灰色
private Paint positiveBtnPaint = Paint.valueOf("#0099ff");
private JFXAlert<String> alert;
* 构造方法
* @param control any a control
public DialogBuilder(Control control) {
window = control.getScene().getWindow();
public DialogBuilder setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
return this;
public DialogBuilder setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
return this;
public DialogBuilder setNegativeBtn(String negativeBtnText) {
return setNegativeBtn(negativeBtnText, null, null);
* set text and color of button
* @param negativeBtnText text
* @param color colorvalue like #fafafa
* @return
public DialogBuilder setNegativeBtn(String negativeBtnText, String color) {
return setNegativeBtn(negativeBtnText, null, color);
* set text,onclicklistener and color of cancel button
* @param negativeBtnText
* @param negativeBtnOnclickListener
* @param color 文字颜色 十六进制 #fafafa
* @return
public DialogBuilder setNegativeBtn(String negativeBtnText, @Nullable OnClickListener negativeBtnOnclickListener, String color) {
if (color != null) {
this.negativeBtnPaint = Paint.valueOf(color);
return setNegativeBtn(negativeBtnText, negativeBtnOnclickListener);
* set text and listener of cancel button
* @param negativeBtnText text
* @param negativeBtnOnclickListener listener
* @return
public DialogBuilder setNegativeBtn(String negativeBtnText, @Nullable OnClickListener negativeBtnOnclickListener) {
negativeBtn = new JFXButton(negativeBtnText);
negativeBtn.setOnAction(addEvent -> {
if (negativeBtnOnclickListener != null) {
return this;
* set text and color of ok button
* @param positiveBtnText text
* @param color color like #fafafa
* @return
public DialogBuilder setPositiveBtn(String positiveBtnText, String color) {
return setPositiveBtn(positiveBtnText, null, color);
* 设置按钮文字,颜色和点击监听器
* @param positiveBtnText 文字
* @param positiveBtnOnclickListener 点击监听器
* @param color 颜色 十六进制 #fafafa
* @return
public DialogBuilder setPositiveBtn(String positiveBtnText, @Nullable OnClickListener positiveBtnOnclickListener, String color) {
this.positiveBtnPaint = Paint.valueOf(color);
return setPositiveBtn(positiveBtnText, positiveBtnOnclickListener);
* 设置按钮文字和监听器
* @param positiveBtnText 文字
* @param positiveBtnOnclickListener 点击监听器
* @return
public DialogBuilder setPositiveBtn(String positiveBtnText, @Nullable OnClickListener positiveBtnOnclickListener) {
positiveBtn = new JFXButton(positiveBtnText);
positiveBtn.setOnAction(closeEvent -> {
if (positiveBtnOnclickListener != null) {
return this;
* 创建对话框并显示
* @return JFXAlert<String>
public JFXAlert<String> create() {
alert = new JFXAlert<>((Stage) (window));
JFXDialogLayout layout = new JFXDialogLayout();
layout.setHeading(new Label(title));
layout.setBody(new VBox(new Label(this.message)));
if (negativeBtn != null && positiveBtn != null) {
}else {
if (negativeBtn != null) {
} else if (positiveBtn != null) {
return alert;
public interface OnClickListener {
void onClick();