Huff Language ♞
Huff Binary Search Dispatching template
Implementation of a faucet in Huff with differential fuzzing vs solidity
Optimised Uniswap V2 contracts written in Huff language
Implement insertion sorting algorithm in HUFF
Console.log utility for debugging huff contracts
An apples-to-oranges comparison of Solady's `FixedPointMathLib.mulDiv` function vs. an equivalent Huffidity version
Huff language implementation of popular (and unpopular) solidity libraries and contracts.
Huff compiler plugin for the eth-ape development framework
Python wrapper and version manager for the Huff compiler
These exercises were created for our Advanced Solidity Bootcamp and open sourced. Learn EVM bytecode with the Huff Language.
A simple tool to convert Yul arithmetic expressions to Huff
A visual studio code extension that automatically generate the stack comments for Huff.
Mine addresses for UniswapV4 Hooks
A mostly mostly reasonable approach to Huff styling.
Solidity By Example rewritten in Huff, the most based low-level EVM language.
Hack Night Ethereum Melbourne with Huff!
UniswapX SwapRouter02 Executor Filler Written in Huff Language
Create breakpoints for use with Foundry debugger -- https://book.getfoundry.sh/cheatcodes/breakpoint
Huffidity, but let's you jump back to Solidity runtime execution from Huff runtime execution.