- add sitemap
- add image to OpenGraph metadata
- environmentalize hero background image
- generateMetadata function
- site_name should be siteName in openGraph
- og:url for Pararayos and The Satellite
- add Read More button in front page announcement
- create slug pages for Pararayos and The Satellite
- add aside in announcements
- increase margin of thumbnail in content
- news card scrollbar
- announcement aside spacing
- add opengraph to announcement
- componentize aside and content
- move slug param to page
- remove services page
- set announcement metadata
- add front page announcement
- allow selection of front page announcement
- WIP: separate announcements from campus news
- separate links in footer into categories
- remove "ang" from Pararayos
- remove club links temporarily
- remove services from links temporarily
- collapse NewsCard when not in full size
- surround useSearchParams in Suspense
- fix payload.find type params
- PayloadCMS breaking change
- increase contrast between hero image and text
- increase nav collapse breakpoint to md
- move header links around
- rename Ang Pararayos to Pararayos
- footer contact icons sizes
- fix spelling of import
- add font subset
- remove Explore Services button from call to action
- use PT Sans as font
- replace FontAwesome icons with Lucide
- use react-query instead of swr in use-query
- add QueryClientProvider to layout
- remove swr
- add announcement cards
- card: add CardImage component
- allow setting of clubs per page
- dynamically add page numbers
- hide next and prev when no more pages
- add pagination based on query params
- add pagination component
- add new colors to brand color scheme
- use useActionState instead of useFormState
- move collection slug to options
- round CardImage corners
- add limit to query params in pagination
- make prev and next go to proper pages
- move pagination control to bottom
- make ClubsGrid the same height per row
- remove .ts file extension from imports
- add null check for user and cast to Club
- force not-null on environment variables
- allow admins to modify their information
- set same club ID as requirement for creation
- change header links
- rename component file names to PascalCase
- Announcement: move data null check to beginning
- update useQuery function to accept options object
- move QueryClientProvider to its own component
- remove unnecessary imports
- move pagination into its own component
- add null check for data
- use semantic tags
- place static image IDs into env
- refactor header component
- use react-query instead of swr in use-query
- add QueryClientProvider to layout
- remove swr
- add announcement cards
- card: add CardImage component
- allow setting of clubs per page
- dynamically add page numbers
- hide next and prev when no more pages
- add pagination based on query params
- add pagination component
- use useActionState instead of useFormState
- move collection slug to options
- round CardImage corners
- add limit to query params in pagination
- make prev and next go to proper pages
- move pagination control to bottom
- make ClubsGrid the same height per row
- remove .ts file extension from imports
- add null check for user and cast to Club
- force not-null on environment variables
- allow admins to modify their information
- set same club ID as requirement for creation
- Announcement: move data null check to beginning
- update useQuery function to accept options object
- move QueryClientProvider to its own component
- remove unnecessary imports
- move pagination into its own component
- add null check for data
- use semantic tags