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Terraform module for Statistics Canada's Cloud Native Environment Azure Cloud Infrastructure


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Statistics Canada: Azure Cloud Native Environment Infrastructure


This module deploys the Azure infrastructure required for a Cloud Native Environment within the Statistics Canada Azure Enterprise cloud environment.

Security Controls

This module meets the ITSG-33 controls required by Statistics Canada for the deployment of Kubernetes infrastructure in order to operate a Kubernetes cluster at PBMM, including inheriting from the Azure Fundamentals security assessment.


  • An Azure subscription
  • An Azure account with sufficient privileges to deploy:
    • Resource group
    • Role assignment


Nodes in the cluster must be attached to an existing subnet within an Azure Virtual Network. The subnet must have a Network Virtual Appliance at the default route (ie. See the Azure documentation on egress for more information. This can be an Azure Firewall or a virtual appliance performing firewall/routing functions.

Ensure your virtual network IP space does not overlap with the subnets defined in the Azure CNI prerequisites.

Optional (depending on options configured):

  • None


module "infrastructure" {
  source = "git::$REF"

  # ... your variable values

Variables Values

Name Type Required Value
prefix string yes Prefix for Azure resources created by the module
location string yes Azure region where to deploy the Azure resources
tags map(string) no Azure tags assigned to Azure resources
resource_owners list(string) no List of Principal IDs which will have "Owner" permissions on resources
infrastructure_pipeline_subnet_ids list(string) no Subnet ID(s) of instrastructure pipeline
infrastructure_pipeline_allowed_ip_ranges list(string) no Additional allowed IP ranges for infrastructure pipelines
cluster_private_cluster bool no Deploy a cluster with a private control plane
cluster_private_dns_zone_id string yes ID of the Private DNS zone to be used by the cluster
cluster_subnet_id string yes Subnet to attach cluster nodes to
cluster_docker_bridge_cidr string no IP range used by the docker bridge
cluster_dns_service_ip string no IP assigned to the cluster DNS service
cluster_sku_tier string no SKU Tier of Kubernetes cluster ("Paid" is preferred)
cluster_authorized_ip_ranges list(string) no Authorized IP ranges for connecting to the cluster control plane
cluster_ssh_key string yes SSH public key to access cluster nodes
availability_zones list(string) no List of availability zones used by the cluster
system_node_pool_kubernetes_version string no Kubernetes version for the system node pool
system_node_pool_vm_size string no VM size used by the system node pool
system_node_pool_node_count number no Number of nodes in the system node pool
system_node_pool_enable_auto_scaling bool no Enable auto scaling of the system node pool
system_node_pool_auto_scaling_min_nodes number no Minimum number of nodes in the system node pool, when auto scaling is enabled
system_node_pool_auto_scaling_max_nodes number no Maximum number of nodes in the system node pool, when auto scaling is enabled
system_node_pool_max_pods number no Maximum number of pods per node in the system node pool
general_node_pool_vm_size string no VM size used by the system node pool
general_node_pool_node_count number no Number of nodes in the system node pool
general_node_pool_enable_auto_scaling bool no Enable auto scaling of the general node pool
general_node_pool_auto_scaling_min_nodes number no Minimum number of nodes in the general node pool, when auto scaling is enabled
general_node_pool_auto_scaling_max_nodes number no Maximum number of nodes in the general node pool, when auto scaling is enabled
general_node_pool_max_pods number no Maximum number of pods per node in the general node pool
general_node_pool_labels map(string) no Labels applied to the nodes in the general node pool
general_node_pool_taints list(string) no Taints applied to nodes in the general node pool
network_policy string no Network policy provider (auzre or calico)
kuberenetes_version string no Version of Kubernetes to use
cluster_users list(string) no List of users/groups who can pull the kubeconfig
cluster_admins list(string) no List of users/groups who can pull the admin kubeconfig


Date Release Change
2021-07-06 1.0.0 Initial release
2023-02-02 1.0.1 Specify sensitive variables
2023-07-31 1.0.2 Leverage AKS managed blob-csi driver
2023-07-31 1.0.3 Fix load_balancer_sku case
2023-09-13 1.0.4 Implement tagging strategy for Azure resources


Terraform module for Statistics Canada's Cloud Native Environment Azure Cloud Infrastructure




Security policy



