Implements encoding of parameters according to the Ethereum Contract ABI Specification.
Use the Nimble package manager to add contractabi
to an existing project.
Add the following to its .nimble file:
requires "contractabi >= 0.7.1 & < 0.8.0"
import contractabi
# encode unsigned integers, booleans, enums
# encode uint256
import stint
# encode byte arrays and sequences
AbiEncoder.encode([1'u8, 2'u8, 3'u8])
AbiEncoder.encode(@[1'u8, 2'u8, 3'u8])
# encode tuples
AbiEncoder.encode( (42'u8, @[1'u8, 2'u8, 3'u8], true) )
# decode values of different types
AbiDecoder.decode(bytes, uint8)
AbiDecoder.decode(bytes, UInt256)
AbiDecoder.decode(bytes, array[3, uint8])
AbiDecoder.decode(bytes, seq[uint8])
# decode tuples
AbiDecoder.decode(bytes, (uint32, bool, seq[byte]) )
# add support for encoding of custom types
import questionable/results
type CustomType = object
a: uint16
b: string
func encode(encoder: var AbiEncoder, custom: CustomType) =
encoder.write( (custom.a, custom.b) )
func decode(decoder: var AbiDecoder, T: type CustomType): ?!T =
let (a, b) = ? (uint16, string) )
success CustomType(a: a, b: b)