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First Steps

std::gregwar edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 2 revisions

This tutorial explains manipulations while using ELVE for the first time.

1 Opening ELVE

First Screen

Elve window is composed of few components, on top are the Menu, on the left is the Store view, and at the bottom is the Shell. The light-gray rest of the window is the viewport where the graph is shown.

2 Opening the graph

By either clicking on File->Import->BLIF or writing the command yourself we can load a BLIF file. Sample BLIF files are provided in the elve/samples folder.

Second Screen

Notice that the loaded graph appears in the store view. We could also see the content of the store by issuing another command. Third Screen

3 Showing the graph

By either double-clicking on the graph in the store view or typing show -g the graph is shown in the viewport. Fourth Screen

Nodes can be grabbed around with left-click and drag.

4 Automatically reduce node count

By using the cluster command, a simple clustering algorithm can be applied to the whole graph.

Fifth Screen

5 Selecting nodes

Right clicking on a node will select it. Notice the selection is transformed into a command in the Shell.

Sixth Screen

6 Switching selection mask

By clicking on the [Mask 0] button in the viewport, one can change the selection mask currently worked on. This allows having multiple selection masks at once. Here we change current mask to [Mask 5]. Mask can be switched by using keys [1 to 9, 0] on top of the keyboard as shortcuts.

Seventh Screen

Notice the selection colour has changed, this is to better inform the user on which selection mask he's working.

Eighth Screen

7 Ungrouping nodes

By either pressing the [U] key or using the View->Ungroup menu or issuing the corresponding command, one can ungroup selected clusters.

Ninth Screen

We now went through the basics of graph manipulation, feel free to experiment and do further modification, manipulation of this sample graph.