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Stefan Andres edited this page Mar 25, 2015 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the optolink wiki!

What is optolink?

Optolink is a small adapter used as a bridge between the Viessmann optolink interface and openhab2.

The solution is not a competing solution to vcontrold. The reason was, it was more easy to develop a new adapter for the integration into openHAB2 as writing a code for adapt vcontrold in a openHAB binding directly.

This wiki will give you a overview about the solution and how you can use it.

This solution is a Alpha relase. It is tested on a Raspberry Pi with a Vitoligno 300-P. I have no open bugs/issues.

Please be carefull with this solution. It acts direct with the configuration of the Viessmann Vitotronic. There is no logic implemented what protect the consistency of the Data in Vitotronic. It is posible to change a lot of parameters into the Vitotronic. The logic (read or read/write), what can be changed, will controll by openHAB.

Here, the usual words: I give no warranty. The use of this solution at your own risk.

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