Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Monocular Video Using 3D Geometric Constraints
Reza Mahjourian, Martin Wicke, Anelia Angelova
CVPR 2018
Project website: https://sites.google.com/view/vid2depth
ArXiv: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.05522.pdf
mkvirtualenv venv # Optionally create a virtual environment.
pip install absl-py
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install tensorflow
- Bazel: https://bazel.build/
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/tensorflow/models.git
mkdir -p ~/vid2depth/kitti-raw-uncompressed
cd ~/vid2depth/kitti-raw-uncompressed
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrharicot/monodepth/master/utils/kitti_archives_to_download.txt
wget -i kitti_archives_to_download.txt
unzip "*.zip"
You will need to register in order to download the data. Download the following files:
- leftImg8bit_sequence_trainvaltest.zip
- camera_trainvaltest.zip
mkdir -p ~/vid2depth/bike-uncompressed
cd ~/vid2depth/bike-uncompressed
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/brain-robotics-data/bike/BikeVideoDataset.tar
tar xvf BikeVideoDataset.tar
mkdir -p ~/vid2depth/trained-model
cd ~/vid2depth/trained-model
wget https://storage.cloud.google.com/vid2depth/model/model-119496.zip
unzip model-119496.zip
cd tensorflow/models/research/vid2depth
python inference.py \
--kitti_dir ~/vid2depth/kitti-raw-uncompressed \
--output_dir ~/vid2depth/inference \
--kitti_video 2011_09_26/2011_09_26_drive_0009_sync \
--model_ckpt ~/vid2depth/trained-model/model-119496
# Prepare training sequences.
cd tensorflow/models/research/vid2depth
python dataset/gen_data.py \
--dataset_name kitti_raw_eigen \
--dataset_dir ~/vid2depth/kitti-raw-uncompressed \
--data_dir ~/vid2depth/data/kitti_raw_eigen \
--seq_length 3
# Prepare training sequences.
cd tensorflow/models/research/vid2depth
python dataset/gen_data.py \
--dataset_name cityscapes \
--dataset_dir ~/vid2depth/cityscapes-uncompressed \
--data_dir ~/vid2depth/data/cityscapes \
--seq_length 3
# Prepare training sequences.
cd tensorflow/models/research/vid2depth
python dataset/gen_data.py \
--dataset_name bike \
--dataset_dir ~/vid2depth/bike-uncompressed \
--data_dir ~/vid2depth/data/bike \
--seq_length 3
The ICP op depends on multiple software packages (TensorFlow, Point Cloud Library, FLANN, Boost, HDF5). The Bazel build system requires individual BUILD files for each of these packages. We have included a partial implementation of these BUILD files inside the third_party directory. But they are not ready for compiling the op. If you manage to build the op, please let us know so we can include your contribution.
cd tensorflow/models/research/vid2depth
bazel build ops:pcl_demo # Build test program using PCL only.
bazel build ops:icp_op.so
For the time being, it is possible to run inference on the pre-trained model and run training without the icp loss.
# Train
cd tensorflow/models/research/vid2depth
python train.py \
--data_dir ~/vid2depth/data/kitti_raw_eigen \
--seq_length 3 \
--reconstr_weight 0.85 \
--smooth_weight 0.05 \
--ssim_weight 0.15 \
--icp_weight 0 \
--checkpoint_dir ~/vid2depth/checkpoints
If you find our work useful in your research please consider citing our paper:
title={Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Monocular Video Using 3D Geometric Constraints},
author={Mahjourian, Reza and Wicke, Martin and Angelova, Anelia},
booktitle = {CVPR},
To ask questions or report issues please open an issue on the tensorflow/models issues tracker. Please assign issues to @rezama.
This implementation is derived from SfMLearner by Tinghui Zhou.