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Releases: steemit/steem

Steem 0.20.1

19 Sep 22:14
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Steem 0.20.2 contains an update to the RC code to support a better user experience at the time of HF 20. We recommend all nodes run 0.20.2. If you are not running the rc plugin or the witness plugin, you may continue running 0.20.1.

Steem 0.20.0

11 Sep 22:52
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Steem 0.20.0 contains a few bugs that have been fixed in 0.20.1. We recommend all nodes run 0.20.1 and will not support 0.20.0.

Steem 0.19.12

16 Aug 02:45
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Steem Equality 0.19.12 Release Notes

Witness nodes are strongly encouraged to upgrade to 0.19.12 if running 0.19.11.


0.19.12 should not need reindexing when upgrading from 0.19.11.


This is a soft fork bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

The previous authority membership soft fork was too restrictive, inadvertently limiting use of some accounts. The limits have been adjusted accordingly.

Steem 0.19.11

07 Aug 19:36
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Steem Equality 0.19.11 Release Notes

Witness nodes are strongly encouraged to upgrade to 0.19.11 if running 0.19.10.


0.19.11 may need reindexing when upgrading from 0.19.10 due to how a bug fix in 0.19.10 was implemented.


This is a soft fork bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

There was a bug in how witness nodes were heuristically calculating the block size when generating a block that could lead a node to produce a block that was too large. (#2632)

Authority membership size was not being enforced and is now checked.

Fixed a bug in the logging config that could inadvertently lead to the data dir being wiped. Also added a more generic log-appender option that can specify a either a file or a stream in the same option (#2614)

The write processing thread was started to early in the steemd startup process which lead to nodes being pegged at 200% CPU during reindex. Reindex was not parallelized and one core was busy waiting. This thread will now start at the correct time and reindex will only consume the needed 100% CPU. (#2613)

Steem 0.19.6

07 Aug 19:35
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Steem Equality 0.19.6 Release Notes

Witness nodes are strongly encouraged to upgrade to 0.19.6 if running 0.19.5.


0.19.6 may need reindexing when upgrading from 0.19.5 due to how a bug fix in 0.19.5 was implemented.


This is a soft fork bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

There was a bug in how witness nodes were heuristically calculating the block size when generating a block that could lead a node to produce a block that was too large. (#2632)

Authority membership size was not being enforced and is now checked.

Steem 0.19.10

10 Jul 17:42
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Steem Equality 0.19.10 (Appbase) Release Notes

0.19.10 is an optional release that includes significant architectural changes to steemd. These architecture changes lay the framework for future improvements and as of 0.19.10 allows for fully parallel API execution.


There were a number of optimizations to improve reindex performance. Because of this you will need to reindex from all previous versions to run 0.19.10.

API changes

We restructured our APIs to allow greater flexibility for future upgrading and maintaining. The APIs now take in a single object as an argument and return a single object as a return type. All the existing APIs have been updated to match this standard.

Because we no longer need to stick to C++ style parameter semantics, we can use more varied default argument types as well as variadic parameters. We can also extend the functionality of a call without impacting the existing apps by extending the returned object.

The database_api has undergone significant changes to allow the querying of all consensus objects with any ordering that steemd uses already. This will provide more flexibility for services to find the objects they need. database_api is still a work in progress and could be changed.

New condenser_api

To help with this transition, we created condenser_api, which contains all of the API methods that currently exist and uses the existing argument formatting. The easiest way to get your app to work with Appbase is to change the api to condenser_api.

APIs must be called by name

If you are used to calling an API using the API id, that method of invocation is no longer supported. All the APIs must now be called by name.

Removed login_api

The login_api was designed as a way to map the API names to numeric ids. Because the APIs are no longer called via id, there is now no need for the login_api, and so it has been removed.

API methods list

If you call jsonrpc.get_methods, a list of all available API methods will be returned.

Argument and return object prototypes

If you call jsonrpc.get_signature passing an API method name, it will return the argument and return the object prototypes.

For example,

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"jsonrpc.get_signature", "params":{"method":"database_api.get_active_witnessess"}, "id":1}


{} is the void type argument and it returns a list in the witnesses field.

Using condenser_api

All calls in condenser_api will return [] as the argument, as the array argument passing is opaque and implemented in the API calls themselves. They follow the current argument formatting. Existing apps should only need to skip using login_api and send all of their calls to condenser_api without any other changes required to use Appbase.

For example, calling get_dynamic_global_properties with condenser_api vs database_api:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"condenser_api.get_dynamic_global_properties", "params":[], "id":1}

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_dynamic_global_properties", "id":1}

Because the method has no arguments, the params field can be omitted when not using condenser_api. However, it can optionally be included as the void type (e.g. "params":{}) but it is not required.

Streamlined syntax

You might have noticed that the previous examples used a different format to call the API. Previously, there was an outdated call syntax that looked like this:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":0, "method":"call", "params":["api","function",[ARGS]]}.

However, we now support a more streamlined call syntax:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":0, "method":"api.function", "params":[ARGS]}

Both formats work, but with the new format being preferred for readability.

Enhanced JSON-RPC compliance

Some other changes were made to make steemdcompliant with the widely-used JSON-RPC specification.

Backward compatibility

Our reverse proxy service, jussi, handles the method translation. This means that even after deploying Appbase to our production environment, the old API calls should still work.

Future updates required

Note that the new APIs introduced in this release are still Work in Progress. There are a number of serialization changes that are still being made to them and hence they are in various states of completeness. We will post again in the near future explaining the nature of those changes. Feel free to play around with those APIs, but know that they will be changed. Once we finalize those APIs, we will deprecate condenser_api and begin migration to the new APIs. The good news here is that if there is some data that your app needs that you cannot get from a new API either through multiple calls or local calculations you can create an issue and we will consider adding it before the initial version of the API is finalized.

RocksDB Account History

There is a new account history plugin that is backed by RocksDB instead of Boost memory mapped files. If you want use this plugin instead you will need to reindex with the account-history-rocksdb plugin enabled. The account-history-api plugin requires one of the two plugins (account-history-rocksdb or account-history) be enabled and will expose the same interface regardless of the chosen backend plugin.

Config file changes

The logging config has always been a sore spot in the config file because of the number of options available. It was so complex that it required a different parser. We have changed to using a json format, which allows us to use only one parser. The default logging config is the following:

# Console appender definition json: {"appender", "stream"}
log-console-appender = {"appender":"stderr","stream":"std_error"}

# File appender definition json:  {"appender", "file"}
log-file-appender = {"appender":"p2p","file":"logs/p2p/p2p.log"}

# Logger definition json: {"name", "level", "appender"}
log-logger = {"name":"default","level":"debug","appender":"stderr"}
log-logger = {"name":"p2p","level":"debug","appender":"p2p"}

Most options are now namespaced with the plugin they belong to. For example, seed-node is now p2p-seed-node. Old config options still work and will print a warning on startup so that you can update your config before the old options are removed.


Plugins are enabled via the plugin option. There is no more public-api option and all the APIs are now enabled via plugin as well.

Most config options are now namespaced by the plugin they belong to. Config options that were not namespaced are still supported but will now log a deprecation warning when used. contrib/config-for-docker.ini and contrib/fullnode.config.ini are example configs that are used in the Docker images. You can use these as example config files. As usual, we strongly recommend using the Docker images to deploy your node.

Auto-Scaling State Files

New options exist to automatically increase the size of the memory mapped state file when it is full.

shared-file-full-threshold is a 2-precision percentage (0-10000) that defines the threshold for when to autoscale the shared memory file. Setting this to 0 disables autoscaling. The recommended value for consensus node is 9500 (95%). Full node is 9900 (99%).

shared-file-scale-rate is a 2-precision percentage (0-10000) that defines how quickly to scale the shared memory file. When autoscaling occurs, the file's size will be increased by this percentage. Setting this to 0 disables autoscaling. The recommended value is between 1000 and 2000 (10-20%).

New Data Directory

To conform to blockchain standards, the steemd data directory has moved from $PWD/witness_node_data_dir to $HOME/.steemd. If you want to continue using your old data directory you can continue to do so by specifying --data-dir at runtime. Otherwise, a warning will be printed on startup prompting you to move your existing data directory. All new data directories will be created at $HOME/.steemd.

Steem 0.19.5

03 Jul 07:36
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Steem Equality 0.19.5 Release Notes

All nodes need to upgrade to 0.19.5.


0.19.5 should not require reindexing when upgrading from 0.19.3


This is a consensus bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

A field in withdraw_vesting_operation was not properly checked. This invalid op could halt the blockchain when the vesting withdraw was processed well after the op was made irreversible. Included ops are now no-ops to prevent the halt and new ops have the proper check to prevent this behavior in the future.

Steem 0.19.3

26 Apr 20:15
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Steem Equality 0.19.3 Release Notes

We recommend all witnesses and seed nodes update to 0.19.3


0.19.3 does not require reindexing when upgrading from 0.19.2


This is a cumulative security release.

Security Fixes

Previously fixed, but not contained in a tagged release, is a fix for an I/O vulnerability that could lead to a denial of service attack on nodes.

Added mitigations regarding bandwidth for custom operations, exploitation of which could lead to minor network instability, resulting in high block latency and the missing of blocks by witnesses.

Steem 0.19.4 - Appbase - Release Candidate

14 Feb 22:26
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Steem Equality 0.19.4 (Appbase) Release Notes

0.19.4 is an optional release that includes significant architectural changes to steemd. These architecture changes lay the framework for future improvements and as of 0.19.4 allows for fully parallel API execution.


There were a number of optimizations to improve reindex performance. Because of this you will need to reindex to run 0.19.4.

API changes

We restructured our APIs to allow greater flexibility for future upgrading and maintaining. The APIs now take in a single object as an argument and return a single object as a return type. All the existing APIs have been updated to match this standard.

Because we no longer need to stick to C++ style parameter semantics, we can use more varied default argument types as well as variadic parameters. We can also extend the functionality of a call without impacting the existing apps by extending the returned object.

The database_api has undergone significant changes to allow the querying of all consensus objects with any ordering that steemd uses already. This will provide more flexibility for services to find the objects they need.

New condenser_api

To help with this transition, we created condenser_api, which contains all of the API methods that currently exist and uses the existing argument formatting. The easiest way to get your app to work with Appbase is to change the api to condenser_api.

APIs must be called by name

If you are used to calling an API using the API id, that method of invocation is no longer supported. All the APIs must now be called by name.

Removed login_api

The login_api was designed as a way to map the API names to numeric ids. Because the APIs are no longer called via id, there is now no need for the login_api, and so it has been removed.

API methods list

If you call jsonrpc.get_methods, a list of all available API methods will be returned.

Argument and return object prototypes

If you call jsonrpc.get_signature passing an API method name, it will return the argument and return the object prototypes.

For example,

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"jsonrpc.get_signature", "params":{"method":"database_api.get_active_witnessess"}, "id":1}


{} is the void type argument and it returns a list in the witnesses field.

Using condenser_api

All calls in condenser_api will return [] as the argument, as the array argument passing is opaque and implemented in the API calls themselves. They follow the current argument formatting. Existing apps should only need to skip using login_api and send all of their calls to condenser_api without any other changes required to use Appbase.

For example, calling get_dynamic_global_properties with condenser_api vs database_api:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"condenser_api.get_dynamic_global_properties", "params":[], "id":1}

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_dynamic_global_properties", "id":1}

Because the method has no arguments, the params field can be omitted when not using condenser_api. However, it can optionally be included as the void type (e.g. "params":{}) but it is not required.

Streamlined syntax

You might have noticed that the previous examples used a different format to call the API. Previously, there was an outdated call syntax that looked like this:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":0, "method":"call", "params":["api","function",[ARGS]]}.

However, we now support a more streamlined call syntax:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":0, "method":"api.function", "params":[ARGS]}

Both formats work, but with the new format being preferred for readability.

Enhanced JSON-RPC compliance

Some other changes were made to make steemd more compliant with the widely-used JSON-RPC specification. This is still new. Please help us test our json-rpc implementation to ensure that it is spec compliant.

Backward compatibility

Our reverse proxy service, jussi, handles the method translation. This means that even after deploying Appbase to our production environment, the old API calls should still work.

Future updates required

Note that the new APIs introduced in this release are still Work in Progress. There are a number of serialization changes that are still being made to them and hence they are in various states of completeness. We will post again in the near future explaining the nature of those changes. Feel free to play around with those APIs, but know that they will be changed. Once we finalize those APIs, we will deprecate condenser_api and begin migration to the new APIs.

Config file changes

The logging config has always been a sore spot in the config file because of the number of options available. It was so complex that it required a different parser. We have changed to using a json format, which allows us to use only one parser. The default logging config is the following:

# Console appender definition json: {"appender", "stream"}
log-console-appender = {"appender":"stderr","stream":"std_error"}

# File appender definition json:  {"appender", "file"}
log-file-appender = {"appender":"p2p","file":"logs/p2p/p2p.log"}

# Logger definition json: {"name", "level", "appender"}
log-logger = {"name":"default","level":"debug","appender":"stderr"}
log-logger = {"name":"p2p","level":"debug","appender":"p2p"}


Plugins are enabled via the plugin option. There is no more public-api option and all the APIs are now enabled via plugin as well.

Most config options are now namespaced by the plugin they belong to. Config options that were not namespaced are still supported but will now log a deprecation warning when used. contrib/config-for-docker.ini and contrib/fullnode.config.ini are example configs that are used in the Docker images. You can use these as example config files. As usual, we strongly recommend using the Docker images to deploy your node.

Steem 0.19.2

31 Aug 20:52
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Steem Equality 0.19.2 Release Notes

We recommend everybody update to 0.19.2 due to p2p network stability fixes.


0.19.2 requires reindexing from 0.19.0 but does not require reindexing from 0.19.1


This is a soft release with miscellaneous bug fixes and enhancements.

P2P Network Stability

We identified several issues in the p2p code and have addressed them to improve stability of the p2p network.

Docker Deployment Improvements

We updated our docker deployment and documentation to make deploying a new Steem node faster and easier. Please read the update quickstart guide for more details.