Welcome to the rhone-js tutorial. Everything's very new here and bound to change a lot in the near future. Still, I'll try and evolve this tutorial alongside the library and provide examples of increasing complexity, both as documentation and to extend my own skills in writing web applications in Idris2.
All posts in this tutorial are literate Idris2 files that
can be built and tried in your own browser. All you have to do
is install the necessary dependencies listed in the project
README, run make page
from the project's root directory and
load rhone.html
in your browser afterwards.
This is the example project's main module, and here is the code:
module Examples.Main
import Examples.Selector
import Rhone.JS
%default total
main : IO ()
main = runJS . ignore $ reactimateIni "reset" ui
This just imports and runs the user interface ui
defined in module
. We will have a closer
look at function reactimateIni
once we understand the general
structure of a rhone-js project. Function runJS
comes from
the idris2-dom
library: To properly deal with the uncertainties of the
JavaScript language, the core IO type we use most of the time
, which is an alias for EitherT JSErr IO
, where
is an error type defined also in idris2-dom.
Function runJS
breaks out of the Either
monad, by logging
all errors to the console. This might not be the best solution for a
real-world application, as the console logs in the browser
will not be inspected by the average user, but it will do
for these tutorials.
Jump to the examples selector implementation, to learn about the general structure of an interactive rhone-js web page.