If you have the ProjectConfigManager role assigned you can navigate to the Project config area on the homepage or using the navbar at the top. In this area you can configure values that are shared for different modules of the project. You can expand or collapse each config section by clicking on the title.
This area allows you to enter proposed animations for the play animation nodes. Each line in the textarea will be one proposed animation in the node. By entering animation names here you can prevent problems with typos or users entering animations that don't exist.
Please note: Users will still be able to enter animations that are not configured in this area. This way a user can enter a unique animation for a dialog and one does not have to flood the animation configuration.
This area allows you to enter proposed states for the change state nodes. Each line in the textarea will be one proposed state in the node. By entering state names here you can prevent problems with typos or users entering states that don't exist.
Please note: Users will still be able to enter states that are not configured in this area. This way a user can enter a unique state for a dialog or daily routine event and one does not have to flood the state configuration.
If your project is not set in a world that has 24 hours per day or 60 minutes per hour, you can configure the the time settings of your project here.
If there are daily routine events that are outside of the given time frame (for example a daily routine event occures at 20:00 and after a change the day only has 18 hours), you will find a warning here with a link to the affected npcs.
This area allows you to enter proposed roles for items inside of item inventories. Each line in the textarea will be one proposed role in the item inventory. By entering roles here you can prevent problems with typos or users entering roles that don't exist.
Please note: Users will still be able to enter roles that are not configured in this area. This way a user can enter a unique role for an item and one does not have to flood the item role configuration.