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Tunnelling SRT over QUIC Datagrams (Part 1)

(??) Candidates for proper title

ABSTRACT: TODO Borrow from

1. Introduction


  • QUIC supports both streams and datagrams
  • QUIC's benefits
  • datagrams can be used for real-time data transmission as ...
  • we made an experiment and implemented SRT over QUIC and compared it with the QUIC connection only
  • latency management, retransmission of packets, etc. is implemented by the SRT protocol as DATAGRAMs are unreliable.
  • a note regarding congestion control which wasn't disabled - a matter of separate study though

Some notes:

2. Mapping SRT to QUIC Datagrams

DATAGRAM frames are used to transmit application data in an unreliable manner and are structured as follows [TODO: RFC9221]:

   Type (i) = 0x30..0x31,
   [Length (i)],
   Datagram Data (..)

where _Length_ (if present) is the length of the _Datagram Data_ field in bytes, 
and _Datagram Data_ is the bytes of the datagram to be delivered. 

Fig. xx: DATAGRAM frame format

See Section 4 of the RFC 9221 for the detailed description of the DATAGRAM frame fields.

DATAGRAM frames (like all QUIC frames) must fit completely inside a QUIC packet. Since fragmentation is disabled in QUIC, QUIC packets must fit completely inside a UDP datagram. To tunnel SRT over QUIC datagrams, a single SRT packet should be encapsulated into a single DATAGRAM frame, in particular within the Datagram Data field of a QUIC datagram.

TODO: add picture

Fig. xx: Mapping SRT to QUIC datagrams

The schematic structure of an SRT packet is shown in Fig. xx. A more detailed verison can be found in Section 3 of the SRT protocol Internet Draft

SRT Packet {
   Payload (..)

Fig. xx: SRT packet structure

TODO: (??) How to make it right and reflect that header is 16 bytes? + improve the scheme in RFC

The path MTU ??? which determines the size of the UDP datagram plays an important role for UDP-based transmission. To determine the actual maximum size of the application data to be transmitted within the SRT packet payload, the overheads of the UDP datagram header, QUIC packet header, QUIC DATAGRAM frame header, and SRT packet header should be subtracted from the configured path MTU.

3. Proof of Concept Implementation

From the list of various QUIC transport implementations (TODO: link), the quicly library by Fastly was selected for the project as it supports both QUIC STREAM and DATAGRAM frames. It has been relatively easy to integrate the library into the srt-xtransmit test application as it is lightweight and has few external dependencies. Additional factors weighing in its favor are that quicly is written in C (making it more compatible with the main SRT protocol C++03 implementation), and is dependent on OpenSSL 1.1 (as is the SRT library).

srt-xtransmit is a testing utility that supports UDP, TCP, SRT, and QUIC transport protocols. As of the writing this article, only DATAGRAM frames are supported for QUIC (STREAM frames are being added). srt-xtransmit implements generate, receive, and route commands which allow you to simulate live media transmission at a constant or variable bitrate without the need for a separate encoder and decoder. This is done not only for the sake of simplicity and to enable faster reproducibility of tests, but also for the purpose of .... (isolation of the transport, to evaluate the performance at the transport level only, independent of codec combinations, calculating the metrics for transport level, etc.). (the same system can be used with a combination of a particular encoder, metrics can be calculated)

TODO: An approach is defined in the following draft written by my co-author and me:

  • This document defines an approach for objectively measuring transmission metrics like delay, jitter, and loss-related transmission metrics for a QUIC [RFC9000] connection using an artificially generated payload of a specific structure. The measurement is to be carried on an application level to be protocol-independent.

To be more precise, in the case of sending the data over QUIC datagrams (Fig. xx), the generate command is used on the client side to generate an artificial payload of a particular structure and send it over a QUIC connection. The packets are received and their payload is parsed at the server side by the receive command . At the same time, QUIC statistics are being collected on both sides and metrics such as transmission delay, jitter, and others, are being calculated on the server.

TODO: The details of the described approach of objectively measuring transmission delay, etc. can be found in draft ...

TODO: Picture with test setup for QUIC, see slide 10 from here Fig. xx: Test setup using srt-xtransmit

When tunnelling SRT over QUIC datagrams (Fig. xx), first a QUIC tunnel (connection???) is established (or created) between client and server machines with the help of the route command. SRT packets are then routed over the established QUIC connection.

TODO: As mentioned in the introduction, SRT serves as an application protocol on top of QUIC, is responsible for ..., while QUIC is providing transport, encryption, etc.

TODO: Picture with test setup for SRT over QUIC, see slide 11 from here

  +------------------------------+                                             +------------------------------+
  |                              |                                             |                              |
  |  +------------------------+  |                                             |  +------------------------+  |
  |  |                        |  |                                             |  |                        |  |
  |  |      QUIC Client       |  |                                             |  |       QUIC Server      |  |
  |  |  srt-xtransmit route   |  |                                             |  |  srt-xtransmit route   |  |
  |  |                        |  |                                             |  |                        |  |
  |  +------------------------+  |            +------------------+             |  +------------------------+  |
  |              ^ UDP           |            |                  |             |               | UDP          |
  |              | localhost     |    QUIC    |  Local switch 1  |             |               | localhost    |
  |              |               |------------|  Gbps + network  |-------------|               |              |
  |          SRT |               |            |    impairments   |     QUIC    |           SRT v              |
  |  +------------------------+  |            |                  |             |  +------------------------+  |
  |  |                        |  |            +------------------+             |  |                        |  |
  |  |   SRT Sender, Caller   |  |                                             |  |   SRT Sender, Caller   |  |
  |  | srt-xtransmit generate |  |                                             |  | srt-xtransmit receive  |  |
  |  |                        |  |                                             |  |                        |  |
  |  +------------------------+  |                                             |  +------------------------+  |
  |                              |                                             |                              |
  +------------------------------+                                             +------------------------------+
   CentOS 7                                                                     Ubuntu 18.04.05 WSL

Fig. xx: SRT over QUIC test setup

TODO: A note regarding CC and the issue in quicly - maybe?

4. Performance Evaluation

4.1. Test Setup

Datasets were collected using the test setups shown in figures xx and xx. The transmission was made from a MacBook Pro laptop located in Hamburg, Germany (client side), to a Raspberry Pi (? which model) computer based in Madrid, Spain (server side), over a Wi-Fi network. Detailed characteristics of the machines can be found here:

TODO: Table 2 in Appendix A

TODO: a little bit about the network charactrestics on a connection.

The srt-xtransmit application on the client generated an artificial payload and sent it over Wi-Fi to the server. We chose to limit the generated constant bitrate (CBR) stream to 3 Mbps for both (1) streaming with QUIC datagrams and (2) tunnelling SRT over QUIC datagrams (giving 6 Mbps in total) to ensure that link capacity would be enough for successful transmission of both streams.

It is important to note that streaming was done simultaneously for each experiment to equally capture an effect of possible network congestion or packet loss in both datasets. The SRT library version under evaluation was v1.5.0-rc.0. The SRT sender (client side) was configured to measure the input rate internally and the overhead was set to the default value of 25%. This could be achieved by the combination of maxbw=0&inputbw=0 options passed to the srt-xtransmit in a URI.

For additional details, see the following:

Default values of sender and receiver buffers were used on both client and server sides. The version of the quicly library was fixed at the 5b933b2 commit which introduced an important fix for QUIC DATAGRAM frames.

TODO: Thanks to Kazuho Oku TODO: CC wasn't disabled

Experiments listed in Table xx below were performed. The duration of the first three experiments was set to 15 minutes while the SRT latency was configured to be 400 ms, 600 ms, and 800 ms, respectively. The 4th experiment was simply a repetition of the 3rd one with data being collected for 1 hour. Note that the SRT latency setting (which defines ...) was applied for the tunnelling SRT over QUIC transmission only.

| Experiment | SRT Latency | Duration | | ------------ | ------------------------ | | Experiment 1 | 400 ms | 15 minutes | | Experiment 2 | 600 ms | 15 minutes | | Experiment 3 | 800 ms | 15 minutes | | Experiment 4 | 0 ms | 60 minutes |

Table xx: .Experimental results

4.2. Performance Metrics

The detailed description of the performance metrics and their calculation can be found in Section 4 "Performance Metrics" of the Internet Draft mentioned above.

In reviewing the results, the following metrics are of particular interest:

  • Time-Stamped Delay Factor (TS-DF), also referred as TS-DF jitter, or simply jitter. Unlike the algorithm defined in [RFC3550], TS-DF does not use a smoothing factor and therefore gives a very accurate instantaneous result. We preferred the use of the TS-DF metric over RFC3550 jitter in our analysis. However, the calculation of RFC3550 jitter has been made and the graphs are available.

  • The number of received, missing, and reordered payloads. Here is an example snapshot of the srt-xtransmit metrics file produced at the receiver side during one of the experiments:

metrics Fig. xx: srt-xtransmit .csv output with metrics

To calculate the percentage of unrecovered and reordered packets, the following formulas were used:

  • Unrecovered Packets (%) = pktLost / (pktReceived + pktLost) This metric shows the percentage of lost packets when streaming over QUIC datagrams and the percentage of packets that were unrecovered (or dropped) by the SRT protocol packets when tunnelling SRT over QUIC.

  • Reordered Packets (%) = pktReordered / (pktReceived + pktLost) As would be expected, the values of received (pktReceived), lost (pktLost), and reordered (pktReordered) packets were taken from one of the srt-xtransmit output files. The last row was used as the referenced statistics accumulated by srt-xtransmit during experiment. As some of the metrics are sensitive to clock drift, it is recommended to synchronize the clocks on both sender and receiver machines before an experiment.

TO BE CONTINUED ... ---- haven't touched yet -----


[RFC9000] Iyengar, J., Ed. and M. Thomson, Ed., "QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport", RFC 9000, DOI 10.17487/RFC9000, May 2021,

[RFC7323] Borman, D., Braden, B., Jacobson, V., and R. Scheffenegger, Ed., "TCP Extensions for High Performance", RFC 7323, DOI 10.17487/RFC7323, September 2014,

[QUIC-DATAGRAM] Pauly, T., Kinnear, E., and D. Schinazi, "An Unreliable Datagram Extension to QUIC", n.d.,

[SRTRFC] Sharabayko, M.P., Sharabayko, M.A., Dube, J., Kim, J., and J. Kim, "The SRT Protocol", December 2019, TODO: Don't forget about ack-s section.