Run Ookla's speedtest CLI to regularly test your local internet connection from a Docker ARMv7 compatible container. The results of the speed test are intended to be forwarded to an InfluxDB and visualized in a Chronograf dashboard.
This project is inspired and based on thinkonezero/docker-speedtest. Thank you very much for the work you put in, paving the way for this project.
- Docker
- ARMv7 based machine, i.e. RaspberryPi
git clone
docker-compose up -d
- Open Chronograf http://localhost:8888
- Import dashboard
- Now, you can access the dashboard under http://localhost:8888/sources/0/dashboards/1
Visualizes the stored data in a dashboard.
Variables | Default | Function |
INFLUXDB_URL | http://influxdb:8086 | URL to query InfluxDB. Port in URL must match the port of the InfluxDB container. |
For further information refer to the official image
Stores the speed test data:
- download speed (Mbit/s),
- upload speed (Mbit/s),
- latency (ms),
- jitter (ms),
- packet loss (%)
By default, the data is stored for 7 days. If you want to change it, you have to change the default retention policy through the Chronograf UI.
Variables | Default | Function |
INFLUXDB_DB | speedtest | Database table to store the speed test results in. MUST be the same table name provided to the SpeedTest container. |
Read the official docs for further environment variables available
Image is based on Alpine Linux and available via Docker Hub as sthuber90/speedtest
It gets built through GitHub Actions from this Dockerfile.
If, for whatever reason, the speed test fails or gets aborted - in case there has been no response received within 5 minutes - the script will classify that as "no internet connection is available". In this case, the script will store 0 Mbit/s for the download and upload speed and 100% packet loss in the InfluxDB. For latency and jitter no values get written to the InfluxDB in this case.
Variables | Default | Function |
INFLUXDB_DB | speedtest | Database table to store the speed test results in. MUST be the same table name provided to the InfluxDB container. |
TEST_INTERVAL | 900 | Time in seconds until the speed test script is run again. Default is 15 minutes. May not be smaller than 5 minutes. |
Contributions are welcome. Please follow these steps:
- Open an issue, detailing what is missing or now working.
- Fork this repository
- Create a branch: `git checkout -b <branch_name>.
- Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m '<commit_message>'
- Push to the original branch: `git push origin <project_name>/
- Create the pull request.`
The results of the speed test will vary, depending on what else is going on in your network. Such as other downloads, uploads, or streams taking place within your network during a test.
Take note, that running the speedtest container means, that you accept the Speedtest CLI's license and privacy regulations.