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Advanced example walk through with TLS & automatic user account

Andrew Stilliard edited this page Nov 15, 2018 · 3 revisions

Taken from our test which is run during all changes to the container.

Pull down the latest version

docker pull stilliard/pure-ftpd:hardened

Create a volume for your TLS certificate

docker volume create --name ftp_tls

Start it up

In here we're creating a demo certificate & a test user called "bob" with a password of "test"

docker run -d --name ftpd_server -p 21:21 -p 30000-30009:30000-30009 -e "PUBLICHOST=localhost" -e "ADDED_FLAGS=-d -d --tls 2" -e "TLS_CN=localhost" -e "TLS_ORG=Demo" -e "TLS_C=UK" -e"TLS_USE_DSAPRAM=true" -e FTP_USER_NAME=bob -e FTP_USER_PASS=test -e FTP_USER_HOME=/home/ftpusers/bob -v ftp_tls:/etc/ssl/private/ stilliard/pure-ftpd:hardened

Watch over the logs to see the progress, the last line should print the pure-ftpd command being used to run

When this line shows it should be all up and running and ready to use

docker logs -f ftpd_server

You may want to retrieve the certificate to allow in your ftp client

You can echo out the certificate path like so:

echo "$$(sudo docker volume inspect --format '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ftp_tls)/pure-ftpd.pem"

Now you should be ready to test FTPS access

You can connect with any FTPS client, such as Filezilla

Or connect locally with the lftp command:

certPath="$$(sudo docker volume inspect --format '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ftp_tls)/pure-ftpd.pem"
lftp -u bob,test -e "set ssl:ca-file '$certPath'" localhost 21
# now you're in!
# you can run commands list ls, get, put and rm to manage files this way and exit any time

If you have any issues, please check our Issues tab for help, check out our detailed README file or if this doesn't help please submit a new issue.

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