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Studio Hyperdrive: Angular Tools (ngx-tools)

ngx-tools is a mono-repo providing several of the Angular based packages created and maintained by the Studio Hyperdrive team.


To setup this project, clone the repo and run npm i to install the dependencies.


You can find the documentation for all of our packages on our Documentation Website.


The available command are:

command runs
build runs nx build
test runs nx test
lint runs nx lint --fix

Versioning and build information

This package will follow a semver-like format, major.minor.patch, in which:

  • major: Follows the Angular major version
  • minor: Introduces new features and (potential) breaking changes
  • patch: Introduces bugfixes and minor non-breaking changes

It is build with:

  • Angular CLI : 17.0.4
  • Nx: 18.3.1
  • Angular: 17.0.4
  • nodejs: 18.14.0
  • npm: 9.3.1

For a complete list of packages and version check out the package.json file.


This repo contains general usage libraries for shd Angular projects. Those libraries are:

  • utils (@studiohyperdrive/ngx-utils) :

    • This library provides several independent utilities to facilitate common use-cases for users and developers.
  • forms (@studiohyperdrive/ngx-forms):

    • This library provides multiple utilities for complex form use-cases.
  • store (@studiohyperdrive/ngx-store):

    • This library provides several utils and abstractions to improve the Redux workflow
  • table (@studiohyperdrive/ngx-table):

    • This library provides a quick and easy template based table builder using the Angular CDK Table.
  • i18n (@studiohyperdrive/ngx-i18n):

    • This library provides a lazy-loaded modular approach to translations.
  • cookies (@studiohyperdrive/ngx-cookies):

  • layout (@studiohyperdrive/ngx-layout):

    • This library is a collection of Angular components related to layout.
  • tour (@studiohyperdrive/ngx-tour):

    • This library provides the tools to build a guided walkthrough of one or more pages.

You can find detailed explanations in their respective README’s.


Add a new library

To add a new library, consult the Angular CLI documentation:

After adding your library, make sure to check the karma set-up is consistent with other projects.
Check the following files:

  • /angular.json: <your project>.architect.test
  • /projects/<your-lib>/tsconfig.spec.json
  • /projects/<your-lib>/karma.conf.js
  • /projects/<your-lib>/src/test.ts

When adding a playground for your lib, also make sure the project has at least one test or provide a placeholder.

Contributing features/bug-fixes

In order to contribute to this repository you must:

  1. Start a new branch from master named either fix/PACKAGE/FEATURE-NAME or feat/PACKAGE/FEATURE-NAME.
  2. Commit all code regarding the fix or feature to this branch, but do not include a version bump. Your commit message should start with either fix(PACKAGE) or feat(PACKAGE) for a fix or feature respectively.
  3. Open a PR and add the correct package label, an enhancement or bug tag, the project and milestone.

In order to publish your contribution you must:

  1. Start a new branch from master named release/PACKAGE/VERSION-OF-YOUR-PACKAGE.
  2. Bump the version to the corresponding version of your branch in the package.json.
  3. Commit the version change using the following format: build(PACKAGE):vVERSION-OF-YOUR-PACKAGE
  4. Open a PR and add the correct package label, the publish tag, the project and the milestone.


The libraries in this project can be published to the npm registry. To do so follow these steps:

  1. In the library that you want to publish, bump the version in package & package-lock files.
  2. Commit the changes using the following convention: build(images): v1.0.0.
  3. Add a tag using the following convention: @studiohyperdrive/ngx-images@v1.0.0.
  4. Make a new production build of your library using npm run build <library> (Ivy is disable in tsconfig by default for this project).
  5. Move to the dist folder of your library using cd dist/angular/<library>
  6. Publish the package using npm publish
    a. If this is the first time publishing the library make sure to add the --access public flag.
    b. Make sure you are logged into npm and that you have been added to the @studiohyperdrive organisation.


This bundle of tools has been created and is maintained by Studio Hyperdrive.
