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181 lines (141 loc) · 8.24 KB

Table of Contents

Paper Crawler for Top CS/AI/ML/NLP Conferences and Journals

This is a Scrapy-based crawler. The crawler scrapes accepted papers from top conferences and journals, including:

* Indicates that the abstract is not available since the query is done from DBLP. The official sites of these papers either do not have a consistent HTML structure or block spiders.

Supported Conferences

Conference Status Since
CVPR 2013
ECCV 2018
ICCV 2013
NeurIPS 1987
ICLR 2016
ICML 2015
AAAI* 1980
IJCAI 2017
ACM MM* 1993
KDD 2015
WWW* 1994
ACL 2013
EMNLP 2013
NAACL 2013
Interspeech 1987
ICASSP* 1976

Supported Journals

Journal Status Since
TPAMI* 1979
NMI* 2019
PNAS* 1997
IJCV* 1987
IF* 2014
TIP* 1992
TAFFC* 2010
TSP* 1991

Scraped Information

The following information is extracted from each paper:

Conference, matched keywords, title, citation count, categories, concepts, code URL, PDF URL, authors, abstract, doi


pip install scrapy pyparsing git+


First, navigate to the directory where is located. During crawling, a CSV file will be generated in the same directory by default unless -out is specified.

Example Commands

Get all papers from CVPR, ICCV, and ECCV (2021-2023) without querying and save output to all.csv

python -confs cvpr,iccv,eccv -years 2021,2022,2023 -queries "" -out "all.csv"

Query papers with titles containing emotion recognition, facial expression, or multimodal

python -confs cvpr,iccv,eccv -years 2021,2022,2023 -queries "(emotion recognition) or (facial expression) or multimodal"

Note: More examples for queries with AND, OR, (), wildcard can be found here.

Query papers with more advanced boolean expressions

python -confs cvpr,iccv,eccv -years 2021,2022,2023 -queries "emotion and (visual or audio or speech)" --nocrossref  

Note: Citation count is an important metric for evaluating a paper. Since the Crossref API does not have strict rate limits, it is recommended not to use --nocrossref unless necessary.

Adding a Custom Spider (Quick & Lazy Solution)

dblp provides consistent HTML structures, making it easy to add custom spiders for publishers. You can quickly create a spider for any conference or journal. However, abstracts are unavailable through DBLP. Nonetheless, useful details like citation count, categories, and concepts can still be extracted.

Adding a Journal Spider

In, add the following code:

class TpamiScrapySpider(DblpScrapySpider):
    name = "tpami"

    start_urls = [

    from_dblp = True

Adding a Conference Spider

class InterspeechScrapySpider(DblpConfScrapySpider):
    name = 'icassp'

    start_urls = [

    from_dblp = True


Simply inherit from DblpScrapySpider or DblpConfScrapySpider, set name=, set from_dblp = True, and provide start_urls pointing to the DBLP homepage of the conference/journal. The rest is handled automatically. Later, you can use the specified name to crawl paper information.

Supported Arguments

  • confs: A list of supported conferences and journals (must be lowercase, separated by commas).
  • years: A list of four-digit years (separated by commas).
  • queries: A case-insensitive query string supporting (), and, or, not, and wildcard *, based on pyparsing. See examples here.
  • out: Specifies the output file path.
  • nocrossref: Disables fetching citation count, concepts, and categories via CrossRef API.

Change Log

  • 7-FEB-2025
    • Found a bug in which when the paper title cannot be successfully fetched from the top-5 query results, the citation count / categories / concepts from the CrossRef would be false. Haven't figured out how to fix it without importing extra libraries for sophisticated matching. I will leave it for now since it only affect a very small percentage (~0.1%) of the results.
  • 17-JAN-2025
    • Add spiders for Interspeech, TSP, and ICASSP.
  • 15-JAN-2025
    • Add citation count, concepts, categories for a matched paper based on the Crossref API, with 1s cooldown for each request. For unmatched paper, the download cooldown won't be triggered.
    • Fixed multiple out-of-date crawlers.
    • Removed some arguments such as count_citations and query_from_abstract. Now it will call Crossref API for extra information by default, and will always query from title, not abstract.
  • 19-JAN-2024
    • Fixed an issue in which the years containing single volume and multiple volumes of a journal from dblp cannot be correctly parsed.
  • 05-JAN-2024
    • Greatly speeded up journal crawling, as by default only title and authors are captured directly from dblp. Specified -count_citations to get abstract, pdf_url, and citation_count.
  • 04-JAN-2024
    • Added support for ACL, EMNLP, and NAACL.
    • Added support for top journals, including TPAMI, NMI (Nature Machine Intelligence), PNAS, IJCV, IF, TIP, and TAAFC via dblp and sematic scholar AIP. Example is provided.
      • You may easily add your own spider in by inheriting class DblpScrapySpider for the conferences and journals as a shortcut. In this way you will only get the paper title and authors. As paper titles can already provide initial information, you may manually search for your interested papers later.
  • 03-JAN-2024
    • Added the -out argument to specify the output path and filename.
    • Fixed urls for NIPS2023.
  • 02-JAN-2024
    • Fixed urls that were not working due to target website updates.
    • Added support for ICLR, ICML, KDD, and WWW.
    • Added support for querying with pyparsing:
      • 'and', 'or' and implicit 'and' operators;
      • parentheses;
      • quoted strings;
      • wildcards at the end of a search term (help*);
      • wildcards at the beginning of a search term (*lp);
  • 28-OCT-2022
    • Added a feature in which the target conferences can be specified in See Example 4.
  • 27-OCT-2022
    • Added support for ACM Multimedia.
  • 20-OCT-2022
    • Fixed a bug that falsely locates the paper pdf url for NIPS.
  • 7-OCT-2022
    • Rewrote so that the crawler can run over all the conferences!
  • 6-OCT-2022
    • Removed the use of PorterStemmer() from nltk as it involves false negative when querying.