Repo for @sudo-bot
Using yarn
yarn add sudo-bot
npx sudo-bot
$ ./node_modules/.bin/sudo-bot --help
Usage: sudo-bot [options]
Create GitHub pull-requests as an app from the CLI
--jwt-file <jwtFile> The JWT file for the GitHub app
--gh-app-id <GitHubAppId> The App Id of the GitHub app
--installation-id <GitHubInstallationId> The Installation Id of the GitHub app
--repository-slug <repositorySlug> The slug for the repository ({orgname|username}/{repo})
--target-branch <targetBranch> The target branch for the PR (default: main)
--assign <usernamesAssigned> The GitHub usernames to assign (example: user1, user2)
--template <templateFile> The template to generate PR descriptions
--ignore-file <ignoreFile> The file to use as like a .gitignore file
--repository-dir <repositoryDir> The repository directory (default: /mnt/Dev/@sudo/sudo-bot)
--commit-author-email <commitAuthorEmail> The email of the committer
--commit-author-name <commitAuthorName> The name of the committer
--gpg-private-key-file <gpgPrivateKeyFile> The file path the to GPG key
--gpg-private-key-passphrase <gpgPrivateKeyPassphrase> The passphrase of the GPG key
--verbose Turn on logging
--version display version information and exit
--help display this help and exit