Since we are the first BECH32 user, so your issue is only about this address. Currently there is no pre-made pool software for this. You have to make your own.
- Minimum: 1 CPU / 1 GB RAM / 4 GB HDD (at least 2 GB swap)
- 10+ Miners: 2 CPU / 4 GB RAM / 8 GB HDD
- 100+ Miners: 4 CPU / 8 GB RAM / 32 GB SSD
you need at least 2 GB
swap or 2x of your RAM size.
sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile && \
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile && \
ls -lh /swapfile | grep -e "-rw-------" && \
sudo mkswap /swapfile && \
sudo swapon /swapfile && \
sudo swapon --show && \
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak && \
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
Check #dev branch
Yespower 1.0.1 -
#include "yespower-1.0.1/yespower.h"
void yespower_hash(const char *input, char *output, uint32_t len) {
static const yespower_params_t params = {
.version = YESPOWER_1_0,
.N = 2048,
.r = 32,
.pers = "Satoshi Nakamoto 31/Oct/2008 Proof-of-work is essentially one-CPU-one-vote",
.perslen = 74
yespower_tls( (yespower_binary_t*)input, len, ¶ms, (yespower_binary_t*)output );
- Stratum
YespowerSugar: {
multiplier: Math.pow(2, 16),
hash: function(coinConfig){
var nValue = coinConfig.nValue || 2048;
var rValue = coinConfig.rValue || 32;
return function(data){
return multiHashing.yespower(data,nValue,rValue);
case 'YespowerSugar':
return function (d) {
return util.reverseBuffer(util.sha256d(d));
"name": "sugarchain",
"symbol": "SUGAR",
"algorithm": "YespowerSugar",
"peerMagic": "9feb4b9d",
"peerMagicTestnet": "b0119070",
"mainnet": {
"bech32": "sugar",
"bip32": {
"public": "0488b21e"
"pubKeyHash": "3f",
"scriptHash": "7d"
"testnet": {
"bech32": "tugar",
"bip32": {
"public": "043587cf"
"pubKeyHash": "42",
"scriptHash": "80"
- Bech32 Patch for Website (Credit okoto-xyz)
Remove these lines onlibs/website.js
- buildKeyScriptPage();
- app.get('/key.html', function(req, res, next){
- res.end(keyScriptProcessed);
- });
- Payment Interval: at least 10 min. (upto 60++ min.)
- Minimum Amount: at least 50 SUGAR (upto 300++ SUGAR)
- P2P Block Notification is recommended
If you have an additional question, contact cryptozeny on Telegram.