- shortcut DMS
- usually for big companies
- paid
- some support OCR
- shared documents between devices, through internet conenction
Templafy | M-Files | Docuware | MasterControl Document Control | Xait | |
DMS-name | |||||
Paid | |||||
OCR-Variety of languages | |||||
DMSname | |||||
Mobile aaps | |||||
Cloud based | |||||
Document range | |||||
Integration |
- another https://www.pcmag.com/picks/the-best-document-management-software
- Box (for Business)
- Microsoft OneDrive for Bussiness
- Ademero Content Central
- Fluix
- PaperTracer
- OpenKM - https://www.openkm.com/
- oriented more for corporation use than single user use - makes logic
- eFileCabinet - https://www.efilecabinet.com/ocr-and-document-management-system/
- scanService - https://www.scanservice.cz/en/sluzba/complete-ecm-ocr-dms-solutions/
- mayan - https://www.mayan-edms.com/
OCR posibilities https://www.slant.co/topics/2579/~best-ocr-libraries
- Tesseract
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13974645/using-tesseract-from-java?answertab=votes#tab-top
- https://github.com/bytedeco/javacpp-presets/tree/master/tesseract
- https://docparser.com/blog/improve-ocr-accuracy/
- free
- oldest, first HP, latter Google
- need to use maven repository, which wraps it ... forerunner Tess4j
- using original complicated like a hell
- Preprocessing very important - in general
- gocr
- Copyfish
- OCR.Space
- ABBYY FineReader -- better
- Onyx {https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-open-source-OCR-libraries}
- Tess-two
- Asprise
- Cvisiontech OCR SDK Free
- relational
- graph
- no-relational
- using GDrive
- ask google to use email as place where can be installed server that will occasionaly do calculations
- search in stored text images
- Users and Admin + rights roles
- Statistic page - storage used, how often, etc.
- aimed for small group/ single person solution instead of corporation
- open-sourced
- free to use app, but no support
- use cloud for bigger use? Or just to save money?
- scan with phone?
- how to solve access?
- buying server, where it is deployed
- or does it make sense to have server deployed on your computer, but use IPv6 to get access?
- theoretically, if it's private network IPv4 is enough
- support in more than 1 language
- Ma to realne buducnost?
- Nevadi, ze existuju uz nejake riesenia, podobne mojemu?
- Podmienky pre uspesnost Diplomky:
- Musi to byt originalne?
- cielene na singleUser
- userFriendly?
- vyvoj, pre znameho?
Here are:
- latest Spring etc. libraries
- intended for single users/small group users as DMS for storage & searching ( see multiple tools ) - but many supported at PRO-level - payed one
- easy to set up
- very well documented
- ?? supports bar scanning
- mirror saving for secuiry/saving to cloud(gdrive) if required
- totally free
- search in scanned text?
- Supports Slovak version of APP
- Supports multiple languages in OCR in compare with OpenKM
- light-weight?
- Missing test cases?
- Community edition
- free
- open sourced - only the CE
- Use java
- App supports 35+- languages
- Many already implemented tools
- Support multiple relationalDBs - h2, hsqldb, mariadb, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlserver
- Awful documentation
- Very vague information about software
- Intended more for groups or corporation
- Only few tests
- OCR supports only 5 languages, even though it is using tesseract OCR
- Missing slovak app language
- CE - not supporting BarCodes reading
- using Relational DB - ???cannot read in fulltext scanned documments//slow?? - better MongoDB
- Though they have installer for CE, it's not working very well.. - not very friendly
- hardly specified what is supportedin CE edition, moreover it's written that it uses basic version ...
- not specified what file types are supported
- Better documentation for users
- Much more friendlier information about software
- Docker
- OpenSourced
- Free
- Paid only for servis Negatives:
- app language not finished for Czech language and not even started for Slovak
- Intended more for groups or corporation
- PostgreSQL ?
- using docker, but the OS has to support it, in case using win 10 home edition or older editions, it's not supported
- different language i.e. python in contrast of Java, so not possible to customize app
- https://teedy.io/#!/plans
- lightweight
- opensource
- paid
- https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless
- opensource
- similar to Mayan
- also python written
- use rather docker for my app, because it will make my time easier trying to deploy it/install for user.
- maybe separate documentation app & OCR tesseract
- there is already tesseract docker image, though not sure what it supports - Clear OS tesseract docker image
- Here is example how to create OCR docker image app - https://medium.com/gft-engineering/creating-an-ocr-microservice-using-tesseract-pdfbox-and-docker-155beb7f2623
- Best choice would be installing Document App container to call/create another container with corresponding tesseract language
- work further Analysis, requirements, etc ...
- looks through older works, find out how to correctly write it ...
- user
- login
- change password
- reset password through mail?
- password hashing?
- adding additional users, if admin
- documents
- importing documents
- immediate OCR scanning and saving
- lazy OCR scanning and saving
- searching imported documents
- pagination
- fulltext search
- tag search
- deleting documents from app
- exporting documents?
- importing documents
- changing working OCR mode
- input language
- processing document reliability
- faster & more unreliable
- slower & more accurate
- Reliability - it would be supported by usage of docker, cheking input values/data
- testable
- Scalability - enable possible scalling in high user requests demand
- Basic security - access to data should be somehow secured through frontend/backend
- Integration - software should be able to work with other applications through API, if they don't want ot use FE approach
- Extensibility
- Open-Source
- Free
- Reusability - ? for example OCR on separate docker image
- Documentation
- add more
Maybe later? Something simple:
- Login
- Search Documents component
- User component
- edit document
- view document
- Requirements
- Docker image
- different images with different OCR tesseract languages
- whats next - to start implementing?
- MondoDB vs normal relational Database
- check elastic search? vs mongoDB search ... better DB for searching in text with extended posibilities
- implement and prepare OCR docker image
- how it works with setting different analysing modes
- how it works with using different languages for input
- template/intro for my BackendApp
- JavaCPP Presets for Tesseract vs Tess4j
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFl2mCHdv24
- MongoDB loosing data on insert???
- docker image problem??
- reactive programming
- webflux react vs default servlet API
- cons
- pro
- my decision ...
- Maybe change MongoDB
- id generation ObjectId
- ACID troubles?
- Limit input file to avoid craziness
- API only async - sync is pointless ..
- Document OCR - Automatic or immeadiatly, but queued with automatic
- Trouble with queueing, multi-threaded approach may be not thread safe
- Very "simple" approach avoiding big technologies
- DB repo built on CrudRepo - easy to switch to different DB type, if supported
- Careful JPA vs CrudRepo vs Hibernate
- JPA not working well with MongoDB another reason to use different DB
- reason why this:
- my company father has a lot of documents
- I as "abroad" student have to take care of different documents
- Neccessity to store documents required by law
- In usefull for user to have them stored
- Trouble how to do Async with two choices
- immediately
- periodically
- How should exactly look API like ...
- all logic to service?
- API just converting and checking?
- Lazy load document file??
- Mention why springboot and not quark-whatever ... see reddit saved post test
- using Webflux for sending requrest cost resttemplate is depracated ..?/
- credRepo vs MongoRepo
- Virtual memory to manage already queued docs to OCR - avoid rescanning a document multiple times
- Users BE not yet implemented
- Troubles with TimeStamp JPA
- use timestamp of BackEndApp .. not very good idea in App with multiple BE machines...
Created "universal" REST api to get documents/paginated them
- supports finite amount of variables and they have to be manually added to repository function
Created DTO for Document
Document class renamed to Doc, because multiple usage of the nameing in spring and others libraries
REST api contains:
- Post - new docs
- Patch - updating few values in docs
- Get - one document
- GetAll - get multiple docs using pagination
HATEOS - self link
- other links have to be added later
Trouble to decide, how to filter/search
- Get
- better choice as it can be cached or bookmarked(useless in myy case :X)
- limit around 2000+ chars
- Post
- cannot be cached?
- woudl need to create virtual resource, just for search ...
- Get
- 3 Main cards:
- Home
- Docs
- Import
- Also includes:
- login
- logout
- Registration with mail
- Auth guard for authentication
- Using JWT token to remember user
- visual libraries:
- overall bootstrap
- angular-material - for table view datas
- 3 Main cards:
- Troubles with login and sign up
- dont forget to enable less - https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps
- maybe update configs via startUpFile?
Setting up docker images....
- FE - angular
- BE
- mongoDB - current - 28555 -> 27017
- OcrApi - current - 8888 -> 8086
docker run
– Runs a command in a new container. -
docker start
– Starts one or more stopped containers -
docker stop
– Stops one or more running containers -
docker build <path to docker file>
– Builds an image form a Docker file -
docker pull
– Pulls an image or a repository from a registry -
docker push <username/image name>
– Pushes an image or a repository to a registry -
docker export
– Exports a container’s filesystem as a tar archive -
docker exec
– Runs a command in a run-time container -
docker search
– Searches the Docker Hub for images -
docker attach
– Attaches to a running container -
docker commit <conatainer id> <username/imagename>
– Creates a new image from a container’s changes -
docker --version
- get current installed version of docker -
docker run -it -d <image name>
- used to create a container from an image -
docker ps
- list the running containers -
docker ps -a
- to show all the running and exited containers -
docker exec -it <container id> bash
- to access the running container -
docker kill <container id>
- kills the container by stopping its execution immediately. The difference between ‘docker kill’ and ‘docker stop’ is that ‘docker stop’ gives the container time to shutdown gracefully, in situations when it is taking too much time for getting the container to stop, one can opt to kill it. -
docker rm <container id>
-This command is used to delete a stopped container. -
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
- stop all cotnainers! -
- -
- -
docker run = docker create + docker start
docker network create database
docker network create ocr
docker network create backend
robo 3t to test connection
docker pull mongo
- to get latest image -
docker volume create mongodbdata
- to create volume/storage for DB - DVC (Data Volume Container) -
docker run --name mongo-db -p 27555:27111 -d mongo:4.4.1
- start server instance, where--name
- represents a name assigned to container-d mongo:tag
- is a version of mongo-p 27555:27107
- p is for port27555
- port visible from PC/Host27111
- container port
docker run --name mongo-db-2 -p 8087:27017 -v mongodbdata:/data/db -d mongo:4.4.1
- used my own
Connect to mongoDB from another Docker container
docker run -it --network some-network --rm mongo mongo --host some-mongo test
- is name of the original container--rm
- Automatically remove the container when it exitsa
- right now ocr api build on default port 8080
- need to be changed! 27666 is better? or 27556 one higher than mongoDB
docker pull madgyver/docs-archive-ocr-api:latest
docker run --name ocr-api -p 8086:8086 -d madgyver/docs-archive-ocr-api
- currently on 8086->8086
- 8085 -> 8085
docker run --name backend-api -p 8085:8085 -d madgyver/docs-archive-backend-api
- https://medium.com/better-programming/7-steps-to-dockerize-your-angular-9-app-with-nginx-915f0f5acac
- 4200 -> 4200
docker run --name front-end -p 4200:4200 -d madgyver/docs-archive-frontend --build-arg --tesseract.path=/usr/share/tessdata/
docker network create db-mongo-net
docker network create ocr-net
docker network create backend-net
docker volume create mongodbdata
# creating special volume, so it remembers data even when we restart container.docker run --name mongo-db -p 27017:27017 --network db-mongo-net -v mongodbdata:/data/db -d mongo:4.4.1
docker run --name ocr-api -p 8086:8086 --network ocr-net -d madgyver/docs-archive-ocr-api --tesseract.path=/usr/share/tessdata/
- Following:
docker create \
--name backend-api \
-p 8085:8085 \
--network db-mongo-net \
madgyver/docs-archive-backend-api \
--spring.data.mongodb.host=mongo-db \
e.g.: docker create --name backend-api -p 8085:8085 --network db-mongo-net madgyver/docs-archive-backend-api --spring.data.mongodb.host=mongo-db --ocr.address=ocr-api
docker network connect ocr-net backend-api
docker network connect backend-net backend-api
docker start backend-api
docker run --name front-end -p 4200:4200 --network backend-net -d madgyver/docs-archive-frontend
docker run blablalblabl -p hostP
- swagger url
path: /api-docs
path: /swagger-ui.html
operations-sorter: method```