1.1.0 Add output for Autoscaling Group name via container_instance_autoscaling_group_name. 1.0.0 Renames cloud_config to cloud_config_content. Adds cloud_config_content_type to supply the content type for the cloud-config content. 0.8.1 Use owners argument for aws_ami instead of owner-alias filter. 0.8.0 Add support for automatically using the latest ECS AMI in launch configuration. 0.7.0 Use title function to ensure that resource names are in CamelCase, even if var.environment is lowercase. 0.6.0 Output ARN for Container Instance service role. 0.5.0 Add name_prefix to launch configuration. Ensure that ASG has create_before_destory lifecycle block. 0.4.0 Create ECS Service and Autoscaling IAM roles. Output IAM Role names and ARNs. 0.3.0 Add support for customizing launch configuration root_block_device. 0.2.0 Add support for Terraform 0.9.3; update aws_iam_instance_profile attributes. 0.1.0 Initial release.