Support for the Salesforce Metadata API calls.
Using the Metadata API module:
Using the module to login to your salesforce account:
##Sample code:
import SalesforceMetadataModule as smm
sfdc = smm.SalesforceMetadataModule(
yourSalesforceUserName, yourSalesforcePassword, yourSalesforceSecurityToken)
print sfdc.getSessionId()
output: You should be able to see a session id generated
##Calling the metadata api methods using the object (sfdc) created above:
using the 'sfdc' object you can call methods like:
sfdc.listMetadata(SalesforceObject, soap_api_version) # this will return a list of dictionaries
listContent = sfdc.listMetadata('CustomField', '34.0')
for each in listContent:
for k, v in each.iteritems():
print k, "=>", v
sample output will look like this:
createdById => 00528000000OjSzAAK
createdByName => Sunil Singh
createdDate => 2015-06-23T08:41:46.000Z
fileName => objects/Account.object
fullName => Account.UpsellOpportunity__c
id => 00N28000003Z7lOEAS
lastModifiedById => 00528000000OjSzAAK
lastModifiedByName => Sunil Singh
lastModifiedDate => 2015-06-23T08:41:46.000Z
manageableState => unmanaged
type => CustomField
##To retrieve any package from the salesforce account use the below method:
sfdc.retrievePackage(members, name, api version, output zip file name)
"Report", "34.0", "")
A zipped file will be saved in your working directory.